Posts Tagged ‘thrash metal’

Sepultura – Kairos

I’ve had the same problem with the last few Sepultura records. They all struck me as pretty good albums straight out of the box, but after a few weeks I put them away, and most of them haven’t gotten any play since that initial listening period. This is the second record with guitarist Andreas Kisser […]

Switchtense – Switchtense

Have you ever heard an album that doesn’t suck nor does it rock the shit out of everything in its path… an album that’s just, uh oh, decent? Switchtense self-titled second full-length is that album. For its duration, it’s all entertainment and cupcakes, but after it ceases spinning, that’s it. It doesn’t leave a mark. […]

Hellmouth – Gravestone Skylines

Hellmouth is the music equivalent of their hometown Detroit: violent, grimy, pissed off and ugly. Their debut, Destroy Everything, Worship Nothing was a feral but ultimately forgetful  crossover assault of black metal, thrash and punk, but on their follow up, Gravestone Skylines, with the same musical influences,  the band has improved their sneering sonic violence, […] launches!

3…2…1…ignition! Welcome to It’s April 1st, but we’re no fools. We’re the real deal. We braved nearly a year at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan in order to make today a reality, and as much as we’d like to give props to the Russian government, who lease the space gangster-style, we’re really happy to […]