Posts Tagged ‘Supernatural Cat Records’

Gotho – Gothron Vs Fartark

I’ve always loved soundtracks and instrumental albums in general. This has been a great year for instrumental Death Metal and Dark Wave and these Italian maniacs have crafted a second amaze-balls album aptly named Gothron Vs Fartark. Apparently, there’s a story going on between these alien forces… It’s mind blowing, indeed. From the press release: […]

Morkobot – Morbo

Reviewers tend to get caught up in clever descriptions, mostly because it’s sometimes hard to describe exceedingly typical things. You can’t say, for example, “It sounds like average goregrind” for every average goregrind album you review. That would either be incredibly lazy or the most honest thing a reviewer has ever done, I’m not quite […]

OvO – Cor Cordium

This is one unholy clusterfuck of an album. OvO create all manner of ruckus on Cor Cordium and cull influences from all over the map to create something as unique as it is difficult to describe.  Written as a tribute to English romanticist Percy Shelley, the duo merge droning noise, death metal, doom and noise […]

Incoming Cerebral Overdrive – Controverso

The newest addition to Italy’s Supernatural Cat/Malleus Art collective musical and graphic arts family are these five homeboys from Pistoia who join psychedelic sludgies Ufomammut and proggy instrumentalists Lento to represent some of the best of modern Italian innovative heaviness. The group has elicited some blips on the international underground radar, with Converge‘s Kurt Ballou […]

Ufomammut – Idolum

Taking cues from legendary acts such as Neurosis and Electric Wizard, Italian Sludge-merchants Ufomammut release Idolum, their fifth full-length album, upon an unsuspecting world. With the raw aggression of a rabid wooly mammoth coupled with the psychedelic shadings of early Pink Floyd, Ufomammut’s sound churns and swells like an ocean of Post Metal muck, lapping […]