Posts Tagged ‘Slam’

Devourment – Obscene Majesty

Chug…chug… chug….blast…blast…blast…limbs are crushed…sinkholes erupt…lava explodes….ripped off heads…atomic blast…sky is torn…chest collapsing…atmosphere no more…planet dies……………….Yes, Devourment are back with their 5th album-Obscene Majesty, and their longest album yet at 47 minutes. They figured let us just bludgeon the listener more and more and if we do it longer than the beginning above part of this […]

No One Gets Out Alive – Die Like the Rest

There are things that should not go together but some how, despite all odds, work: Peanut Butter and Jelly, French Fries and Milkshake, Chicken and Waffles, Deep fried things that should not be deep fried (God bless America!) , the list goes on. But one element added to metal can that should not work but […]

Organectomy – Existential Disconnect

I have been looking forward to reviewing this since reviewing last year’s reissue of their 2017 album Domain of the Wretched.   I was highly impressed with the meticulousness of these sick slamming death weirdos from Christchurch New Zealand.   Existential Disconnect does not disappoint and the bar has really been risen with their 2019 effort Existential […]

Rendered Helpless – Suffer, Seraphim

There’s sure to be a lot of discussion at years end about what the ‘heaviest’  (a relative term of course) album of the year was. From what I’ve heard so far I and my exposure is limited due to the amount of stuff in all genres I review and what we are sent) in 2019 […]