Posts Tagged ‘Slam’

Putrid Defecation – Tales from the Toilet

Finland is not the usual place where brutal slam death metal is released from.  Yet here we are with the debut album from Putrid Defecation.  The band has slung together some splits and ep’s over the last several years however Tales from the Toilet is their debut album.  The band lists this as a full-length […]

Xenotheory – Blissful Death

I love the Alien film franchise—yes, even Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection. I also love brutal slamming death metal/deathcore. Italy’s Hideous Divinity mixed the two on their LV426 EP back in 2021, but France’s Xenotheory has entered the fray with their second album does to the genre what Aliens did to the films. Their 2022 […]

PeelingFlesh – The G Code

I have reviewed Oklahoma’s PeelingFlesh last several EP’s and now they have dropped their debut album The G Code.  For anyone unfamiliar with this band, take brutal slam death metal and mix it with hardcore and hip-hop/urban stylized rap/samples.  I find this new style of brutal music quite exciting and furthering this genre which can […]

Cephalotripsy- Epigenetic Neurogenesis

California’s Cephalotripsy dropped one of the most disgusting, brutal slam-filled filthy debut albums in death metal history with Uterovaginal Insertion of Extirpated Anomalies in 2007.  The album cover alone was the price of admission!!  Outside of his other bands, some years later, such as Abominable Putridity, this is the album that put vocalist Angel Ochoa […]

Carrion Throne – The Feast of Human Vices EP

Formerly known as Epitasis, Chicago’s Carrion Throne is listed as a Doom/Death band on Metal-Archives, but after hearing this debut EP, I’m more inclined to list them as a more Brutal/Slam Death metal band more in line with Devourment and Wormed. The 6 songs here (4 new songs and 2 demo songs from 2022) are […]

PeelingFlesh – Slamaholics Vol​. ​2 EP

Oklahoma’s PeelingFlesh are starting to gain some major attention and at the start of this year, I reviewed their PF Radio EP, right here, on Teeth of the Divine.  If you snoozed, then go back and check it out. PeelingFlesh has yet to actually release a full-length album.  They release EP’s, compilations and splits.  I […]

Extermination Dismemberment – Dehumanization Protocol

Boy have I been waiting for this one. Ever since these Russians dropped the killer video for “Protonemesis” over a year ago. I’ve been salivating for this release, as it’s been 10 years since Serial Urbicide and the new song showed a bit of a direction shift into a more ambitious form of slam with […]

PeelingFlesh – PF Radio EP

Oklahoma’s PeelingFlesh was introduced to me relatively recent by our dear site owner Erik T.  Their 2022 Slampilation Mixtape compilation combined all their previous singles and EP’s and the band has been busy writing since they formed in 2021. The band has yet to release a full-length album because now they grace us with this […]

Invirulant – Indomitable Worldwide Slamdemic

Late last year,  I reviewed the new ep from resurrected brutal slam death metal band Necrambulant.  I mentioned how much I loved their 2013 debut album Infernal Infectious Necro-Ambulatory Pandemic and the new ep A Feast of Festering Flesh is good.  I did feel some of that putrid and filthy sludge that was on the […]

9 Dead – 9 Dead

I have not listened to a Comatose Music release in a while, so I thoughts I’d check in on the reliably predictable label and see what one of their latest releases was like- and boy the label’s shift to proggy power metal was a real surprise! I keeeeed. It’s brutal slamming death metal – what […]

Necrambulant – A Feast of Festering Flesh EP

I reviewed Phoenix’s Necrambulant debut album, Infernal Infectious Necro-Ambulatory Pandemic, on Lacerated Enemy Records in 2013. I reviewed that album for and went on how much I loved their brutal slam death metal style. They reminded me of Cephalotripsy and still do. Sludgy slam with clogged sewer pipe vocals. After the debut album, they […]

Cellblock Autopsy – Fertile Soil of Immorality

Thank you to the SBDC (Slamming Brutal Deathmetal Community) Instagram for this discovery.  Their label and promotion account is regularly posting the newest brutal death metal.  As much as I like the genre a ton of the stuff I see is rather indistinguishable from the next.  Maybe 1 in 50 has either a unique take […]

Kanine – Karnage

Now THAT is an album cover. T-shirt immediately purchased. But how is the music? Well, Lacerated Enemy has taken a break from symphonic/blackened deathcore and delivered us a fucking monster of a slam/brutal death metal record from France’s Kanine. And if you thought Organectomy (whose Nail Below Nail releases the same day as Karnage) or […]

Vulvodynia – Praenuntius Infiniti

Vulvodynia from South Africa are one of the heavy hitters in the brutal death metal/deathcore scene and in their short 7 year existence, have garnered quite a nice following, as well as releasing 3 prior full lengths and ep’s.  Just like Korpse, Vulvodynia, were another free agent Unique Leader picked up and this year has […]

Laparotomy – Ascendancy through Hypnagogic Thought Process

Ascendancy through Hypnagogic Thought Process is simultaneously everything you expect and have heard from internet-ville brutal death metal projects, yet thoughtfully propelling the sound into a heightened realm of mind expanding slam mysticism.  Laparotomy is a studio project birthed by one Darryn Palmer, with drums and vocals provided by Justin McNeil.  Mr. Palmer is a […]

Traumatomy – Extirpation Paradigms

I have already reviewed 2 high-profile brutal slam death metal releases for 2021 – the new Korpse and Abominable Putridity albums.  When our site owner, Erik “My Beard is Fuller than Yours” Thomas, recommended the new Traumatomy for me to review I was like…oh boy here’s another Russian slam band that sounds like my alma […]

Insect Inside – The First Shining of New Genus

Do You like slam? Do you like Russian slam? Do you like bands like Disfigurement of Flesh and Morphogenetic Malformation? Do you like the killer artwork of Aghy Purakusuma (Gorgatron, Stillbirth), Do you like song titles like “Revival of Ungodly Deformity” or “Evisceration Through the Throat”?  Do you like other Gore House releases by Engutturalment Cephaloslamectomy  and […]

Sanguisugabogg – Tortured Whole

In 2019 I reviewed and raved about the Sanguisugabogg ep Pornographic Seizures. That was my favorite ep for that year and since then the band has seen quite a rise in their popularity.  An ep of a mere 11 minutes, saw the band go on a bunch of mini tours throughout the country with a […]

Abominable Putridity – Parasitic Metamorphosis Manifestation

In their 18 years of existence Russia’s Abominable Putridity has accumulated a rabid following and for a band that does not play live shows it’s been impressive.  Their 2007 debut In the End of Human Existence is one of my favorite debut albums in all of brutal slam death metal.  Beyond brutal knuckle-dragging heaving and […]

Korpse – Insufferable Violence

The Netherlands have quite a varying style of death metal genres and brutal slam death metal act Korpse were kind of a free-agent last year after releasing 2 prior albums.  Their 2013 self-titled debut and the sophomore Unethical in 2016.  Korpse had amassed, in their relatively short existence, quite a decent following and many of […]

Ingested – Where Only Gods May Tread

I own the Ingested albums, and I kinda liked 2018s Level Above Human, 2015s The Architect of Extinction, and 2009s Surpassing the Boundaries of Human Suffering. But I have never really loved the Brits output, preferring countrymates Infant Annihilator  or Dyscarnate when it comes to British slams and breakdowns and always reaching for the likes […]

Katalepsy – Terra Mortuus Est

I have been following Moscow’s Katalepsy since their Musick Brings Injuries ep.  Debut album Autopsychosis in 2013 became one of my favorite brutal slam death metal albums.  That high quality output continued a few years later with the sophomore album Gravenous Hour – another excellent example of the band putting out monstrously heavy music. And […]

Engutturalment Cephaloslamectomy – Glam Not Slam

Lets get one thing out of the way first, I’m not Engutturalment Cephaloslamectomy over and over in this review, from now on its EC, get over it. Second thing that  I should address is that Indiana’s EC, while a Slam band of the slammiest order, it’s immediate from opener “Worthless Intro You Will Skip”, that […]

Flesh Tomb – Torn From The Womb of The Sky EP

Born from the most treacherous and violent sewers in Delaware, Flesh Tomb unleash their debut ep-Torn From The Womb of The Sky.  Zach Wilson on vox, Ryan Giordano-guitar, Jack Mulvanerty on bass and Ladon Vance on drums this 6 song 14 minute ep will fly by you so fast, heads will be lopped off pathetic […]

Pathology – Reborn to Kill

I’m not sure what is more surprising- that this is Pathology’s 10th album since 2006, or that its released on Pavement Music/Entertainment, once a prolific extreme metal label, now home to the likes of Dishwalla, Puddle of Mud, Flaw and Tantric. Either way, album number 10 sticks to the tenets of the last few albums, […]