Posts Tagged ‘Seek and Strike’

To Obey A Tyrant – Frigore Inferni EP

From the promotional email: FFO: Mental Cruelty, Worm Shepherd, Lorna Shore Yep, I’m in. How these Brits haven’t been on my radar before this EP is a mystery to me. They play my favorite genre of music right now and reside on one of the better independent labels doing said genre. But trust me after […]

Orbit Culture – Nija

Their new album, Nija, is my introduction to Orbit Culture. Before this, if I had been asked about them, I would have assumed they were a cult-like society dedicated to American astronaut John Glenn. They’re Swedish, so while that’s unlikely, I haven’t personally asked them. Not only am I (probably) incorrect regarding their origin story, […]

Nekrogoblikon – Welcome to Bonkers

Listen, if you clicked on this review, and as a result are angered by the band’s silly, tongue in cheek, self deprecating, metal mocking, style of metal, what were you really expecting? You see the moniker, you see the album name, you see the goblin. Take your ‘metal is serious’  and ‘no gimmicks’ comments elsewhere, […]