Posts Tagged ‘Punk’

Raging Speedhorn – Nightwolf

So like, listen, I’m an American. I fucking LOVE a hot dog. I’m not gonna pretend like I’d prefer anything but a pissy American lager to wash that loaded glizzy down with (give me a ‘Gansett any day of the week). I like going outside and fucking around with an animal’s day. (Pictured: An American […]

Śmierć – Op​ó​r

Śmierć (‘Death’, ‘End of life’) is a long-running Swedish band paying to Polish hardcore with Polish titles and such. Op​ó​r (‘Resistance’) is their third effort and they were kind enough to reach out to the site directly and send me a copy of the LP, with its gorgeous artwork and all. The album is co-released […]

Black Knife – Baby Eater Witch

The back half of 2023 has provided me with a pretty hefty load of really heavy albums. I don’t mean, like, bone-crushing, headbanging heavy – I mean like, they’ve given me a lot to think about. Really full, robust listening experiences that take a lot of time and focus to really dissect, really understand. Some […]

Forcefed Horsehead – Monoceros

I mean… what a name, right?? Look, I know that these Norwegian Grind/D-Beat/Punk Rockers ain’t exactly new to the block – in fact they’ve been menacing their way around the world of extreme music for over a decade at this point, but that moniker – I don’t care how many times I see it. Every […]

Kvelertak – Splid

Sometimes it’s the dumbest things that cause you the most stress. When I was younger, dumber, and usually a whole lot drunker, choosing a playlist at a house party was so much easier. For one thing, college kids are usually more open to experiences and surroundings that they might not be all that familiar with, […]

Infidel Reich – Reichenstein

Infidel Reich burst on the scene in 2016 and a year later they unleashed their scorching self-titled ep and now they are back with their debut album Reichenstein which came out at the tail end of 2019 and is just a monstrous and full throttle pedal to the old school metal albums. The supergroup of […]

Toxic Holocaust – Primal Future: 2019

If you have ever been out to dinner with Toxic Holocaust, you know what to expect from the band’s sixth full-length album, Primal Future: 2019. While Toxic Holocaust releases have never been the Wolfgang Puck or Gordon Ramsay of thrash metal, they are far from being the local McDonald’s brand of drivel that barely satisfies, […]