Posts Tagged ‘Prophecy Productions’

Alcest – Écailles de Lune

Has it really been 3 years since Neige released his debut Souvenirs d’Un Autre Monde and caused quite a stir with his mellow, shoe gaze tempered take on black metal? A form of metal I termed ‘green metal’. How time passes, and with Amesoeurs being disbanded, it appears Neige is using Alcest to channel even […]

Secrets of the Moon – Privilegivm

With 2007s Antithesis, Germany’s Secrets of the Moon flirted with the black metal elite, mixing blackened atmospherics, death metal and depressive ambience into long slithering tracks and memorable set pieces that hinted at greatness. However, with the 65 minute run time, and even longer songs that emphasize mood over intensity, Privilegivm, feels more drawn out […]

Les Discrets sign with Prophecy Productions

Les Discrets, the solo project founded by Fursy Teyssier (Alcest, Amesoeurs) in 2003, steps forth from its Myspace existence into the light of day. “‘Les Discrets’ (engl.: the discreet ones) are those creatures that live in nature and who bring nature to life, the ones who make the leaves move, who put dew on the […]

Prophecy Productions to re-release early Negura Bunget albums

egura Bunget’s first four releases will soon be re-issued in Digipaks with improved artwork. “From Transylvanian Forest” is the only demo recording from Wiccan Rede, the legendary precursors to Negura Bunget. This re-release with two bonus tracks lays bare the roots of Negura Bunget in an unique way. On their debut album “Zîrnindu-Sã”, the Romanians […]

Todesbonden – Sleep Now Quiet Forest

Female-fronted bands, especially the soprano-style, haven’t fared very well in my reviews recently. By and large, I’m a little tired of that style, but just as I’m ready to write it off completely, along will come a record that really connects with me. That’s the case with the latest from Todesbonden. This is how the […]

Dornenreich – In Luft geritzt

I’ve spent a lot of time listening to this album. I’ve started this review 2 different times, only to trash it. You see, this album has caused a plethora of different emotions. At first, it sounded creepy…the acoustic guitar/violin combo has a certain ominous air. After a while, it struck me as almost comical…like Black […]

Farsot – IIII

Being one of the most undeniably experimental genres running right now, Black Metal has taken quite a growth spurt in the past few years. It has become so empirical that it’s hard to like the sub-par bands. Mediocre or not, Farsot’s debut full-length IIII is solid and shows some potential for future releases. The band […]

Drautran – Throne of the Depths

I have a list of upcoming releases that I keep, constantly adding the names of albums of interest as I learn about them. Sometimes I add a band name followed by a question mark in anticipation of an as yet unannounced new album. Drautran is such a band, having been on my list for six […]

Helrunar – Baldr ok Iss

Helrunar has quickly jumped to the top of the heap of Norwegian wave black metal imitators. This German band has only a six year recording history but obviously a much longer history as a fan of real black metal. Baldr ok Iss is their third full length release, and second by Lupus Lounge. In terms […]

Vision Bleak, The – The Wolves Go Hunt Their Prey

This is a weird one. The Vision Bleak is an act consisting of two guys from Germany. Remember Empyrium and Nox Mortis? The Vision Bleaks two members, Allen B. Konstanz and Ulf Theodor Schwadorf hail from those bands and what we have here is a goth, horror, thrash metal band. Seem strange? It sounds strange. […]

Nucleus Torn – Nihil

On one hand, the debut full length album from Switzerland’s Nucleus Torn is a fitting addition to Prophecy’s legacy of artistically exquisite, female fronted, avant garde, folk, ambient music, but at times it also awkwardly tries to be something a bit more progressively ‘metal’ or rock, and ultimately fails. When Nihil is delivering delicate and […]

Tenhi – Maaäet

While it might seem that it couldn’t be further away from metal aesthetically, Tenhi remains as one of the heaviest bands around. The weight does not come from razor sharp riffing, bowel-depth vocals or blistering drums for that matter, although percussion does play a big role in the group’s spellbinding sonic witchery. No. The band […]

Dark Suns – Existence

So the label change from Voice of Life to the uber experimental Prophecy Productions looks to have made a slight impact on this German band that displayed huge promise on their Swanlike debut. The main change? The vocals. Vocalist/drummer Niko Knappe, despite saying otherwise in an interview I did with him, has now adopted the […]

Bethlehem – Schatten Aus Der Alexander Welt

Bethlehem is one of those bands that I’ve just ignored over the years for various reasons. I know they played a kind of black doom in the past, but they seem to have taken a giant misstep emotionally during their last stay in the mental hospital. My first impression was what the fuck? I’m glad […]

Canaan – Brand New Babylon

This Italian darkwave gothic rock band seems to have quite the following, but as soon as I heard that they play a combination of later Katatonia and Dead Can Dance I knew I was in for a tough review. I hate reviewing bands that play a style I can’t stand. While I can appreciate musicianship […]