Posts Tagged ‘Personal Records’

Onirophagus – Revelations from the Void

I have been a fan of Spain’s Onirophagus for quite some time.  I reviewed their 2013 debut album Prehuman and interviewed them for a different site, at that time.  The band blends doom and death metal perfectly and it’s been some time since their last album, their second one from 2019  – Endarkenment (Illumination Through […]

Bloodcross – Gravebound

What do you get when you cross mid-90s Black Metal ie: Dark Funeral, The Abyss, Necrophobic and Dissection with Helloween, and Metallica? The kind of vibe that Bloodcross is laying down on Gravebound. These unholy Finns are firing on all thrusters with this debut full-length. After releasing the Abysmal Blood Demo in 2021, they (presumably) […]

Ocean of Grief – Pale Existence

Ocean of Grief is a melodic doom death metal band hailing from Greece and I have sat on this release for a bit before reviewing it for a number of reasons.  I love doom-death metal and some bands embrace the sorrow, depression and lonely atmospheres more than others.  Sometimes when these types of emotions are […]

Carathis – Moonstone & Amethyst

Carathis is a one-man project helmed by one, Erech Leleth, who also serves in Grandeur as well as Ancient Mastery, Narzissus, and Golden Blood. He’s been pretty prolific since 2021 with a hand full of splits and EPs and Personal Records has taken two of his latest EPs, The Amethyst Fortress and The Moonstone Temple, […]