Posts Tagged ‘Melodic Death Metal’

Admire The Grim – Resist

Finland’s Admire The Grim, are a new melodic death metal band that leans heavily into their country’s fairly rich history of the genre. On their debut album, Resist they deliver a competent if by-the-numbers album of shredding, tightly played, melodeath that fans of Children of Bodom, Kalmah, and such should definitely appreciate. Fronted by Katri Snellman […]

Obscura – A Sonication

Germany’s Obscura needs no introduction. They have resided near or atop the tech death heap since 2009’s Cosmogenesis. For me, they peaked with 2016s Akroasis, but all of their albums have been excellent, including their last effort, 2021s A Valediction, which saw former members Christian Munzer (ex-Necrophagist, ex-Spawn of Possession) and fretless bassist Jeroen Paul Thessling return […]

Druparia – The River Above

Darkness Everywhere: “Hey guys! I think, we might have released the best Light This City/Darkest Hour-influenced melodic death metal of 2024 with To Conquer Eternal Damnation, I mean c’mon, we have current and ex-Light This City members in the band!!!!” Druparia: “Hold My Beer”. Seriously, first off, go check out Darkness Everywhere‘s debut album To Conquer […]

SuidAkrA – Darkanakrad

Man, back in the late 90s and early 00s Germany’s Folk/Celtic-themed melo-death act Suidakra was one my absolute favorite bands. Early albums Auld Lang Syne and Lays From Afar were my jam. And even with some ups (Caledonia, Book of Dowth, The Arcanum) and downs (Command to Charge, Realms of Odoric, Cimbric Yarns), some of […]

TrollWar – Tales From the Frozen Wastes EP

So Canada’s Trollwar is a new act to me, but they recently got on my radar, when I discovered that Matt Sippola from fellow epic Canadians, Atavistia provided some orchestration/choirs and clean vocals for Trollwar’s latest EP. Based on the band’s discography (2 full lengths and an array of EPs/Singles, which I immediately purchased after […]

Slaughter The Giant – Abomination EP

I rather enjoyed the 2022 debut album, Depravity from these Belgian lads as it meshed At The Gates and The Black Dahlia Murder-styled razor-sharp melo-death, and threw in some orchestration/keyboards here and there, which as regular readers know, gives me a major boner. So here is a 6 song EP to follow up Depravity, and […]

Symphony Of Heaven – Ordo Aurum Archei

Symphony Of Heaven is a Christian melodic black/death metal band from Indiana, that used to be on Rottweiler Records. But with their 3rd album has forged out alone like… that one guy…. that went … out to the wilderness? In the bible maybe? I’m trying here, that theology isn’t really my jam. What IS my […]

Ensiferum – Winter Storm

There sometimes comes a point in a band’s career when it becomes very clear they’re no longer fucking around. And I mean come on! Look at that gnarly friggin’ cover art! While it can never be questioned what Ensiferum‘s contribution to the world of Folk Metal has been, it’s also fair to look at the band’s […]

Weeping Gate, The – Illuminate & Desecrate

I’ve been waiting for this one for a while. A while back one of the other esteemed staff here, Steve K, tagged me on a video for the song “Deconstruction” and I was hooked, purchasing/ downloading the band’s various songs and EPs. So, who is The Weeping Gate? Well, they hail from Little Rock, Arkansas. They […]

Black Dahlia Murder, The – Servitude

“Before the tragedy, no one ever thought this band was going to exist without Trevor.” When Trevor Strnad passed away the world of Metal was shaken to the core. That above quote from TBDM co-founder Brian Eschbach is taken from the press release and it’s a heartbreaking statement. Trevor had such a huge presence, both […]

God Dethroned – The Judas Paradox

God Dethroned is back with album number 12, and at this point, it’s difficult to keep rewriting the same review as Henri Satler and whoever is in his band (yet another different drummer here) are so god damn consistent at this point in their career it’s silly. After a trio of albums about WWI, Satler […]

Crocell – Of Frost, of Flame, of Flesh

I’ve reviewed a fair amount of Denmark’s, Crocell’s releases and have enjoyed all of their albums.  The band started out as a pretty hefty sounding melodic, but chunky, style of death metal.  Several years ago the influx of black metal began to permeate into their releases and with their sixth long-player Of Frost, of Flame, […]

Wolfheart – Draconian Darkness

Embracing change is a good thing, even if it is rarely the easy thing. The whole idea of “change” in and of itself demands you abandon the comfort of predictability and stability, to reach out beyond the walls of your safe zone and explore new possibilities – all without any guarantee that the new seeds […]

Amorphis – Tales From The Thousand Lakes (Live At Tavastia)

I saw Amorphis on tour for this album in 1994 or 1995, not too sure, but I saw them at a shitty little club in southeast Albuquerque with Entombed and got to meet one of the guitarists (I’m really straining my long-term memory here.) It was, despite the location, an incredible show. When I think […]

Assemble the Chariots – Unyielding Light

Finland’s Assemble The Chariots has been on my radar for a few years now after I heard the single “Empress” back in 2021. They have a ton of singles and EPs  since 2009, all digitally released, but no full-length album- and as a result when they announced Unyielding Light, it became one of my most […]

Dååth – The Deceivers

“You shake your ass but you’re already dead.” If you don’t know my reference, that’s okay and maybe this review isn’t for you. The truth is Daath hasn’t missed. They have a stellar discography and I’ve never been disappointed. So, their new one The Deceivers, their first in 14 years, was heavily anticipated. What matters […]

Sarcasm – Mourninghoul

Sweden’s Sarcasm returns with their fifth album Mourninghoul. Sarcasm plays a unique throwback style of classic Swedish Sound (Unanimated, Dawn, Early Gates of Ishtar, Early Desultory) mixed with moments of modern heaviness by bands like Morbid Angel. “As Northern Gates Opens” opens the album and I was hooked right away by the coldness of the […]

Veriteras – The Dark Horizon

This spring, two US-based, keyboard-heavy, melodic death metal bands will be releasing their second albums respectively. One, Philadelphia’s Malphas with Portal (via M-Theory Audio), and this album from Seattle’s more old-school influenced Veriteras. And it’s not even close to who the winner is as The Dark Horizon is absolutely stunning.  Part of my enjoyment of […]

Malphas – Portal

In Demonology, Malphas is a demonic grand president of hell and is second in command to Satan. He commands 40 legions of demons and he appears as a crow to any summoners. It’s also a melodic death metal band from Philadelphia that uses its demonic namesake as the basis for all its lyrics, songs, and […]

Fall of Serenity – Open Wide, O Hell

So here is a reunion I’m not sure anyone was really clamoring for. Fall of Serenity came up with fellow Germans Heaven Shall Burn, releasing their first material on a split with HSB in 1999. They released four albums between 2001-2007 that all delivered the same sort of metalcore/hardcore/melo death sound (although their debut was […]

Far Beyond – The End of My Road

On its surface, the third album from this German solo act doesn’t seem like a very “Prosthetic Records’ styled release. It’s a synth and choir-drenched slab of European melodic death/power metal in the vein of Ensiferum, Wintersun, Brymir, and such. But then I remember Prosthetic Records has released two albums from Foretoken. The gentleman at […]

Cariosus – Will, Until Beauty

Cariosus is a new young Chicago duo comprised of Alex Pfister on vocals/bass and Kevin Kryszak on guitars (I can’t find any drummer information, so maybe programmed? They sound fine if so). The duo plays a form of modern metal that pulls from metalcore, melodic death metal, deathcore and such that leans into bands like […]

Bjørkø – Heartrot

I’ll be honest with you, dear reader – usually when an established artist strikes out on their own, regardless of how much I may respect and admire them or their prior work with their respective bands, I just cannot care less. I don’t think it’s going out on too big of a limb to say […]

Ryujin – Ryujin

Formerly known as ‘Gyze‘, and with four albums under that moniker from 2013-2019, this Japanese melodic death metal band has themed their music as ‘Samurai metal’, using copious Eastern instrumentation and influences (dragon flute, erhu, shamisen, etc) and visuals to bolster their energetic, shredding take on melodic death metal. And now armed with a new […]

Nail Within – Sound of Demise

Jesus Fucking Christ. Has it really been 20 years since Israel’s Nail Within released their self-titled debut? That was three jobs ago, I was a baby; only 27 years old, and my daughter was only 3. She’s now graduated college and had a job for almost 2 years….FUCK! I mean the absolutely killer tracks “Dirty […]