Posts Tagged ‘Jeremy Beck’

Furis Ignis – Turm 12” MLP/MCD

One-man bands are sometimes a hit-or-miss affair. I often picture one dude frantically recording everything at the same time, which I know isn’t true (looking at Burzum). Turm is a singular affair conceived by Tyrst and I have got to say it’s not disappointing at all. This has a classic Black Metal feel, and from […]

Varathron/Ungod – Apocalyptic Mysticism split 7” EP

When I saw that these two bands were doing this 2 song split, my ears perked up. The early nineties are considered the golden years of Black Metal with so many bands emerging from the pits of hell to either reign or fall. nd these 2 bands don’t need an introduction because they are titans […]

Gwar – The New Dark Ages

I’ve always been a Gwar fan. The Brockie albums are classics, the first two, Hell-o and Scumdogs of the Universe are undeniable required listening. Their shows are legendary, copious amounts of blood, piss and sperm being sprayed across the crowd with wild, reckless abandon. They were the last show I saw before the world went […]

Demiricous – III: Chaotic Lethal

The first time I heard Indiana’s Demiricous was their debut One (Hellbound). I remember thinking that if the Bay Area bands had an orgy; Demiricous would be the outcome of that unholy union. They are undeniably heavy, with razor sharp riffs and often soaring solos, some impressive drum work makes it a total package that’ll […]

Holocausto Canibal – Cuerza Ferina

I had never heard of these guys prior to this release, full disclosure; I didn’t know they existed. They’ve been around since 1999, and since demo Opus I of that year, they’ve been extremely busy putting out a veritable shit load of music including 3 Eps, 4 split albums, 2 live albums and 6 full […]

Deathspell Omega – The Long Defeat

Very little is known about French Black Metal collective Deathspell Omega. Its members are unknown, there was a singer change due to a change in Satanic views; add to that absolutely no live performances… ever. France has had a solid output of Black Metal over the years with Anorexia Nervosa, Blut Aus Nord, Mutiilation, and […]

Ad Infinem Omnia – No Peace – No Dawn

Writing a review is a bit like dissecting a body. The initial sentences are like the first incisions, same with the opening tracks of an album. An album opener should plant the flag for the sonic terrain about to be navigated. This can be applied liberally over genres, but with a Black Metal album it […]

Azaab – Summoning the Cataclysm

I love Morbid Angel, so do the guys in Azaab (pronounced “aa-zaab” which roughly translates to “cataclysm”). This isn’t a bad thing at all, and they show this love in the form of their debut album Summoning the Cataclysm. Yes, I read their bio, and Morbid Angel, Vader and Decapitated are among the bands mentioned. […]

Morgue Supplier – Inevitability

I haven’t written a review in ages, literally seven years. I’ve come back to TOTD after only seven reviews back in 2014, and I’m super thrilled to be back, writing about metal and hearing bands I’ve never heard before. I picked Morgue Supplier for my first review back, and since I had started following vocalist/guitarist […]

Sangus – Vengeful Brutality Demo

I got this brutal little nugget in my email and wasn’t exactly sure what the hell I was in for. Judging a book by the cover isn’t always trustworthy in a literary sense, but with Metal you can usually gauge what your experience is going to be. So, by that rationale Sangus doesn’t disappoint; because […]

Mayhem – Esoteric Warfare

Seven years. That’s how long it’s been since there has been a new Mayhem album. Seven…Years. But I have to say that it was worth the wait, because Esoteric Warfare is a really good album and a worthy addition to their legacy. Obviously, this isn’t the Mayhem that we know from De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas […]

Massacre – Back From Beyond

It’s been over twenty years since Massacre released their ground breaking album From Beyond, and just over that time period since Promise, which many of us would rather not even remember as part of their catalog. But here, I can safely say that Back From Beyond is NOT Promise, it is in fact a lesson […]

Sacrificial Blood – Souls for Sale

After a bunch of splits, a couple demos and a debut (that honestly, I have not heard) and a live album (?) Sacrificial Blood release Souls for Sale. Man, I hope they didn’t sell theirs. I feel bad for saying that, but doing what I do is oftentimes that of the executioner’s blade and I […]

Erebus Enthroned – Temple Under Hell

Australia is a scary fucking place. Not only does the country have some of the most dangerous animals on the planet, but it also is home to some really vicious Black Metal ( Bestial Warlust and Destroyer 666 to name just a couple), Erebus Enthroned could very well have moved into that company with Temple […]

Gamma Ray – Empire of the Undead

Gamma Ray have been pumping out quality Power Metal for almost twenty years with a workman-like attitude that only Germany could produce. So at this point in their career they don’t have much, if anything to prove, and Empire of the Undead is the perfect album to show that fact. Gamma Ray wasted no time […]

Helgardh – The Black Flame Descent

 USBM is an interesting animal. When placed next to it’s European counterparts it seems more savage, feral if you will. Like it feels like it has to prove something in order to be accepted. Sad but true, and while there are great American Black Metal bands, Helgardh is going to have to work to be […]

Funereality – Bloodsucking Freak

The one man band image from the past is usually that of a oafish, disheveled man with a bass drum on his back and various instruments strapped to his body. These days you get a leather clad metalhead crouching in front of a tombstone. So, yeah the times have changed. Funereality is a singular operation […]

Nux Vomica – Nux Vomica

Good  things come in small packages. That’s a tried and true homily that has worked it’s way into our collective lexicon since… forever. Why am I quoting homilies in a Metal review? Because Nux Vomica have created a luxurious sounds cape of an album in just three songs, so small packages, indeed. This is a […]