Posts Tagged ‘J Mays’

Greywalker – Le Cachot EP

Oh, Greywalker. I was beginning to worry about you. Yeah, I know there was a live release, but it seems like forever since Without Control, the stellar last full length was released. I get it, though. There is that small matter of an ongoing pandemic. I won’t go too far into it, but I have […]

Mental Cruelty – A Hill To Die Upon

In the promo materials, Mental Cruelty is described as “haunting death metal.” As I’ve yet to be visited by any ghostly apparitions, I call shenanigans! However, when it comes to what style of music these dudes play, it’s more along the lines of symphonic brutal blackened deathcore. Think somewhere along the lines of Lorna Shore, […]

Fear Factory – Aggression Continuum

I’m going to do my best to leave the drama out of this review because I’m sure everyone, myself included, has opinions of Dino, Burton C. Bell, and Fear Factory in general. So, I am going to do my best to just talk about this album and the band in general. If I fail, well […]

Wednesday 13 – Necrophaze-Antidote EP

Full confession; I dig Wednesday 13. I wanted to tackle this because I searched and did not find a single review for him on the site. That’s cool. I get it. His material is definitely more horror punk than metal. If this sums it up well for you, a good friend of mine, after we […]

Lion’s Daughter, The – Skin Show

The Lion’s Daughter is likely a lioness. Unless the lion bred with another big cat, like a tiger, and the offspring was a liger. That’s objectively pretty neat. The Lion’s Daughter are also a progressive/sludge metal band from St. Louis, Missouri. We’re talking about the latter, and this is their new album (4th overall), sexily […]

Bodom After Midnight – Paint the Sky with Blood EP

With Bodom After Midnight, I’ll be honest in saying it’s not easy tackling the topic of one of my favorite musicians passing away… and so young at that. I will admit I had been concerned for Alexi for quite some time as a fan before this occurred. Watching behind the scenes footage of drunken shenanigans […]

Vreid – Wild North West

“Well, I don’t know how many years on this Earth I got left. I’m gonna get real weird with it.” -Frank Reynolds… and probably Vreid. On full length number 9, Vreid are back to do two things; prove sweaters are metal and get weird. After all, being cold isn’t very metal. It’s difficult to be […]

Stone Healer – Conquistador

This is neat. Stone Healer are about to unleash quite the progressive metal record on the world and I don’t know if I was quite ready for it. Listing as influences such bands as Alice in Chains and Ulcerate, this could have turned out to be a masterpiece or a complete mess. Conquistador is the […]

Crypts of Despair – All Light Swallowed

“Oh, that’s nasty…” I could probably end this review right here with that stellar Cleveland Brown quote and you’d basically know what you have. However, finishing early is just not in my vocabulary (ladies…). Crypts of Despair have already released one album, but this is the first on Transcending Obscurity for this crew from the […]

Unflesh – Inhumation

If you’re into metal, you probably don’t expect to hear anything groundbreaking very often. Sometimes, bands try new things and fall flat. Sometimes it sounds like they just input strange instruments or passages just because they want, not because it serves the song. This happens often in the attempt to be “different.” On the other […]

Swampbeast – Seven Evils Spawned of Seven Heads

Swampbeast is here to steal your tree fiddy (after all, you gave tree fiddy to the Loch Ness Monster, so they know you have plenty more where that came from) and to pummel you. Their debut is called Seven Evils Spawned of Seven Heads and it doesn’t waste much time getting started. The first track […]

Wolf King – The Path of Wrath

“Come up front! You’re going to do it later anyway! Just do it now!” This was the beckon of Wolf King’s frontman Tim Wilson when I saw his band open for Conjurer, Entheos, and Rivers of Nihil. I did not answer this call. Well, at least not favorably. See, I’m about 5’6”, was sitting at […]

Crown, The – Royal Destroyer

It’s 2021, there’s a new The Crown album out on Metal Blade Records, and they’ve decided to throw everyone for a loop by going to all clean choruses. Just. Fucking. Kidding. You already know what this sounds like, at least mostly, if you’re familiar at all with the band. If you’re not, I’m not sure […]

Abiotic – Ikigai

Abiotic have had an odd trajectory. They released an honestly bland debut in 2012, then a good follow up in 2015. While a little half-baked, it seemed like a step in the right direction, and made me think the only way to go for them was up. Then, silence. Enter 2021 and their new album, […]

Marasmus – Necrotic Overlord

Here’s some tech death from the best heavy metal label in existence, Transcending Obscurity. If you don’t believe my words, you can always check my year end list where I mentioned this. Once again, though, that’s in my words, so if you don’t believe it here, you won’t there. Anyway… Here’s some new tech death […]

Hulder – Godslastering: Hymns of a Forlorn Peasantry

Hulder? I don’t even know her… Now that I have that joke out of the way and you’re recovering from squirting vodka through your nose (burns, doesn’t it), let’s talk about BM. USBM, to be specific. I purchased and somewhat recently finished reading Decibel’s USBM book. To my dismay, the book itself was not about […]

Bloody Hammers-Songs of Unspeakable Terror

“What’s up with that fart box guitar tone?” This is the response I received from one of my best friends when I sent him the promo video for the Bloody Hammers song “What’s Haunting You.” He is a producer, engineer, musician, sometimes front of house for a large metal band, and an overall audiophile. His […]

Crawl – 9 Mile Square    

Let’s go ahead and get this out of the way immediately. The man behind Crawl Below goes by the surname of Charlie Sad Eyes. Now, if you’re finished being pretentious and judging a book by its cover, go ahead and push up those black framed glasses. There’s work to do. By work, I mean reviewing, […]

Tribulation – Where the Gloom Becomes Sound  

When it comes to Tribulation, you already know where you stand. I’m sure this will be in a certain print publication’s top albums of the year, whether or not it is deserving. For me, their peak was their debut album, The Horror. Yeah, I’m going to be that guy. So, that brings us to their […]

Werewolves – What a Time to Be Alive

What a Time to Be Alive, indeed, Werewolves. If you missed last year’s  The Dead Are Screaming from these guys, you’re a damned fool and no friend of mine. If you had told me before this promo dropped in my hands (figuratively, of course) that we would see another album from these Australians so soon, […]

Repaid in Blood – Reflective Duality

Yo, bro, do you like deathcore? Well, bro, do you, bro? I don’t know why I decided to start this review in such a way, but I figured I would just let you, dear reader and disciple, know what you’re getting into immediately. So, if you want to back out, I get it… but not […]

Pulchra Morte – Ex Rosa Ceremonia

There are a lot of hard-working guys (and girls) in metal (it’s not like one band pays the bills… or 10 for that matter). I submit to you Adam Clemans as one of them. He does vocals for more bands than I can remember off the top of my head: Skeletonwitch, Wolvhammer, Noose Rot, Shaidar […]

White Magician – Dealers of Divinity

I like tradition in my metal, just like everything else. In my shaving (dry shave only), my food (well done steak with ketchup only, please), and of course sex (missionary only-no eye contact ever, for reproduction purposes only). While none of that’s true, it’s also not true when it comes to my metal. However, I […]

Fuming Mouth – Beyond the Tomb EP

Like a dildo to the face when entering a Christian bookstore, last year’s The Grand Descent took me by surprise. I happened to pick it up on a whim, expecting something much different than what that cover art would suggest. I’m glad I did… and I’m glad they have a new release this year. Unfortunately […]

Undeath – Lesions Of A Different Kind

“That was filthier than expected” is not a phrase often uttered as a compliment. Unless, of course we’re talking about Pittsburgh Nellie (a Welsh whore who can do things with her one good arm that would make you forget that thing on her neck). It is, however, frequently a compliment when it comes to metal. […]