Posts Tagged ‘J Mays’

Mantar – Post Apocalyptic Depression

Mantar of course means half man/half centaur. Don’t try to add it up, just trust me. Your guess is as good as mine which member of the duo represents each part, but they’ve been slitting throats with their blackened sludge/punk metal hybrid for over a decade. Since their official debut, Death by Burning in 2014, […]

Jinjer – Duél

There are so many highlights on this album that it’s stupid to reduce them to a review, especially one coming from a writer such as myself (read: a shitty one). For once this isn’t about me, but the new album from The Ukraine’s Jinjer, called Duél. I’m this close (damn, look at how close my […]

Rats of Gomorrah – Infectious Vermin

2025 is a new year, right? I’d imagine this new year for those of us in the United States is kind of like opening a gift of jars in the mail, thinking “Oh, cool someone sent me these to support my growing interest in canning.” Of course, you open the first one and it’s farts. […]

Neckbreakker – Within The Viscera

The debut album from Denmark’s Neckbreakker is a deathcore album. Unless you’re the boss, that may be a dirty word. I haven’t found much to like in what is inconceivably still the “it” genre. Don’t get me wrong, though. This is not THAT kind of deathcore. This is death metal with a heavy emphasis on […]

Witnesses – Joy

Witnesses man Greg Schwan told me before the release of Joy that it is his best album. That’s bold considering I hold his releases in high regard, but especially Doom II. It’s certainly because it’s the first album I heard. I like bold statements though because confidence makes me pay attention. To begin the album, […]

Entheos – An End to Everything EP

Entheos, coming in hot! After what seems like a short amount of time, Entheos is back with an EP to follow up what was my album of the year, Time Will Take Us All. When I saw the band last time, I mentioned this to the frontwoman and overall badass, Chaney Crabb, and she asked […]

Molder – Catastrophic Reconfiguration

I’ve not been shy about Molder being my favorite of these new school death metal bands. I have a vest with their Gremlins back patch, signed by the band. Frontman Aaren Pantke signed it with an “OUGH.” I swear I didn’t put him up to it, but if I had, that’s exactly what I would […]

Maul – In the Jaws of Bereavement

Maul kicks some serious ass. I have no clue at this point how many times I have seen them, but it’s several. I am also going to see them soon in a few days. They’re an unrelenting force on record, as well as live. Seraphic Punishment, their debut, found a lot of love in metal […]

Undeath – More Insane

This is cleaner than I expected. Drier than I’d like, too. I’m talking about the production on Undeath’s new album More Insane. I was expecting something dirtier, but that’s a bad characteristic most of the time. Regardless, one of death metal’s hottest bands is back. This new slab of death is loaded with bangers. Take […]

Ripped to Shreds – Sanshi

There are 3 heavy hitters of the recent death metal resurgence I am reviewing (late). I don’t want to spoil it too much, but Ripped to Shreds is the best of them. The other two are not slouches, either. It’s a tight race, but Sanshi is better. The reason it’s better is RIFFS. Andrew Lee […]

Vended – Vended

Get out your pitchforks sluts because we’re about to talk about nu-metal. It’s a dirty phrase for some, but like it or not, it is making a comeback. As inexplicable as that may be, Vended are in that realm, but their famous fathers who are as well are bound to shed some light on the […]

Glacial Tomb – Lightless Expanse

Glacial Tomb plays the kind of death metal I enjoy. Let’s be honest, though: I like most of it. With their debut arriving 6 years ago, a follow-up now could be considered late to the death metal revival party. However, with 2 of the band members in Khemmis, the delay is completely understandable. It’s like […]

Emasculator –    The Disfigured and the Divine EP         

As the prettiest feminist on the Teeth of the Divine staff, it’s no doubt my duty to review the debut EP of Emasculator. Featuring current and former members of Abnormality, Cartilage, Castrator, Poon Tickler, Oak, and Unfathomable Ruination, it’s sure to be not only anticipated by fans of the previously mentioned bands but enjoyed as […]

Extinction A.D. – To the Detested

I was and am a huge fan of Culture of Violence, Extinction A.D’s previous album so expectations for To the Detested were quite high. Truthfully, I would have been more than satisfied if it was just Culture of Violence Part !!. It’s not, but the high-energy spirit remains the same. I do intros, but luckily […]

Lamb of God – Ashes of the Wake 20th Anniversary Edition

“Can I offer you a nice egg in this trying time?” –Frank Reynolds In this case, the egg is the 20th Anniversary edition of one of my favorite albums of all time, the seminal Ashes of the Wake. Wait, wasn’t there a 15th anniversary reissue? Yes, yes there was. As for the “trying time,” just […]

Fulci – Duck Face Killings

Reviewing the new Fulci album seems natural. I’m a huge fan of Italian horror in general, of course including Lucio Fulci. I rock a Tropical Sun back patch on what I’m certain is the greatest battle jacket ever created, I saw them live last year, and I learned seminal Italian words like “pizza” and “spaghetti” from them. […]

Forgotten Tomb – Nightfloating

I was going to make an intro joke about Forgotten Tomb being, you know, forgotten, but I realized I did that for their last album. So, there goes my opener. I’m going to move on and pretend for now that my wit has evolved. Hopefully Forgotten Tomb has as well. Nightfloating is the band’s 11th […]

Scald  – Ancient Doom Metal

Scald is a name that appears in heavy metal lore. Specifically, the epic doom genre, or as their new album indicates, Ancient Doom Metal. I was taken aback when I saw that they were going to be releasing a new album, considering the first and only was in 1997. I heard Will of the Gods […]

Trog – Horrors Beyond

I am bewildered by most things in life, but now it’s mostly about not seeing any coverage of Trog’s debut album, Horrors Beyond. It’s not that difficult to bewilder me (looking at you, avocados), but with the musicians involved, it is striking I haven’t seen much chatter. Those musicians in question; TJ Coon of Reeking […]

Kittie – Fire

I haven’t written anything in over a month. It’s not just writing about metal, but it’s hard to enjoy any of my passions. Not to go too far into detail, but Kittie’s long-awaited new album Fire came out the day before I found out that my mother didn’t have much time left. Just a few […]

Tzompantli  – Beating the Drums of Ancestral Force

I originally started this off with a silly intro, but it’s not fitting. This is serious, bone-shaking death metal, and everyone should pay attention. Not that Tzompantli needed to improve, but they sure as shit did. On their second album, Beating the Drums of Ancestral Force, these gentlemen have knocked it out of the park […]

Summoner’s Circle  – Cult

Many of the bands I review on this site, I randomly encountered. That’s the case for Tennesse’s  Summoner’s Circle. In my “why the fuck not,” era just last year, I saw a festival of which I had not heard in my state called Toledo Death Fest. Despite the hot sun, they were a stylistic sore […]

Terminal Nation – Echoes of the Devil’s Den

“Fuck every fucking cop that’s ever fucking lived.” I want to start with those words, which are repeated many times in “No Reform (New Age Slave Patrol)” the fourth track from Terminal Nation‘s second album, Echoes of the Devil’s Den, to simply let you know the message, and to turn back now if offended. For […]

Dååth – The Deceivers

“You shake your ass but you’re already dead.” If you don’t know my reference, that’s okay and maybe this review isn’t for you. The truth is Daath hasn’t missed. They have a stellar discography and I’ve never been disappointed. So, their new one The Deceivers, their first in 14 years, was heavily anticipated. What matters […]

Duft – Altar of Instant Gratification

I don’t hear a lot about bands from Iceland. Sure, there’s Solstafir, and I’m positive many others, but they don’t come to mind. Duft is one such band, so add them. The country of origin is notable, but it’s not as if we have a new Solstafir. They’re entirely different. However, you should be paying […]