Posts Tagged ‘Hardcore’

Raging Speedhorn – Nightwolf

So like, listen, I’m an American. I fucking LOVE a hot dog. I’m not gonna pretend like I’d prefer anything but a pissy American lager to wash that loaded glizzy down with (give me a ‘Gansett any day of the week). I like going outside and fucking around with an animal’s day. (Pictured: An American […]

Open Kasket – Trials of Failure

Listen up, fans of early Gatekeeper, Terminal Nation, Fuming Mouth, Kruelty, Acephalix, Vastum, and Xibalba take fucking note. You need the debut from Arkansas’ Open Kasket in your life, right fucking now!!! Open Kasket plays a form of meaty, girthy beatdown/hardcore-driven death metal that lumbers and slopes with bad fucking intentions at every turn. With […]

Neckbreakker – Within The Viscera

The debut album from Denmark’s Neckbreakker is a deathcore album. Unless you’re the boss, that may be a dirty word. I haven’t found much to like in what is inconceivably still the “it” genre. Don’t get me wrong, though. This is not THAT kind of deathcore. This is death metal with a heavy emphasis on […]

Kings Never Die – The Life & Times

The debut album from Kings Never Die last year, All the Rats, was my favorite album for 2023. The hardcore and punk style fueled from this band, residing in parts NY, NJ, PA this 10 song 30, is still in constant rotation for me, still.  From the uplifting and in your face lyrics and vocals […]

Nails – Every Bridge Burned

For a while there in the early/00s, Nails was one of the flagship bands of what I call the “Southern Lord” sound. Bands like Nails, Trap Them, All Pigs Must Die, Black Breath, Dead In the Dirt, playing a filthy form of Swedish Death metal-hued d-beat, crust, grindcore/hardcore. And I’m confident in saying popular new bands […]

Yosemite in Black – The Pursuit of…

Did you ever get suckered by a trailer or a teaser trailer? Ya know a quick glimpse of a movie, that teases something really cool? And then you watch the final product and it is kind of a letdown as it showed the cool stuff in the teaser/trailer ( when did teasers for trailers become […]

Mastiff – Deprecipice

Remember bands like Nails, All Pigs Must Die, Trap Them and other Southern Lord bands of the mid 00s? That grimy, downturned, feedback laced Swedish death metal-meets hardcore and grind/d-beat sound that Gatecreeper , Fuming Mouth and such expanded on more recently? Well, the UKS Mastiff is here to take you back to that with […]

Shaving the Werewolf – God Whisperer EP

So like, as a dude inching closer and closer to 40, I’ve been finding myself doing a fair amount of self-reflecting and fighting through existential crises and all that fun shit. I often end up wondering what the hell is wrong with me because I remember being in my teens and 20s and having a […]

Embrace Your Punishment – Made of Stone

France’s Embrace Your Punishment started as a pretty standard hardcore Hatebreed-ish band with some death metal hues back in 2014s Honor Before Glory, but has got progressively heavier with 2019s Nameless King, especially vocally. And now with album number 3, Made of Stone, are an absolute beast of a band that blends hardcore, brutal death […]

END – The Sins of Human Frailty

Have you ever come upon a band that sounded so hateful and intense that you began asking yourself why has this band slipped past your radar?  Several years ago my good friend Graham sent me a Bandcamp link to End’s Splinters From An Ever​-​Changing Face album.  Honestly, I cannot remember for the life of me […]

Svalbard – The Weight of the Mask

Everything about the UK’s Svalbard can be characterized, in one way or another, as high-freaking-impact. Even when the band is taking a brief respite from their usual full-speed-ahead musical approach – a high-octane mix of Post-Hardcore, Metalcore, Black Metal and D-Beat that rarely (if ever) pulls any punches – they’re still likely coming at you face-first […]

Kings Never Die – All the Rats

I have quite a great deal of respect for Danny Schuler, drummer for Biohazard.  When Bill Tolley passed away, in the line of duty for FDNY, in 2017 Danny posted on the Internal Bleeding Facebook wall his support and leaving us his number.  This warmed my dark heart.  When I joined IB back in 1994, […]

Johnny Booth – Moments Elsewhere

God damn it feels like I’ve been waiting on this one forever – and for all intents and purposes, it has been a long time coming. After dropping the unrelenting (and criminally underrated) Firsthand Accounts in 2019, Long Island’s Johnny Booth released their first new single all the way back in March of 2021 (The very good, […]

Punchyourface – Street Terrorists

Throw in former members of NYDM bands like Pyrexia (Danny Trapani-guitar) and Internal Bleeding (Jerry Lowe), throw in some pizza, mobster shit, the Statue of Liberty, street corner hotdogs and pretzels and throw in a blender with NYHC up your ass and Punchyourface gets plopped out.  Street Terrorists is their second full-length and Jerry and […]

Utflod/Shaving the Werewolf – Split EP

So, a little personal life update that no one asked for – I’ve been in the process of trying to cut coffee out of my daily routine. Let me be clear, this isn’t a battle against caffeine addiction or anything like that – when I was drinking coffee it was usually one cup every morning, […]

Korrupt – Secret Sorrows

Given recent efforts I’ve reviewed from the likes of In Flames and Hellripper, the topic of bands evolving and following their own artistic journeys has certainly been at the forefront of my mind – and I will gladly defend, ’til the day I die, any band’s right to continue pushing forward and exploring new avenues […]

Knogjärn – Mera Bedövning

I’m gonna be honest – there’s a lot about Sweden’s Knogjärn that, at first glance, I really wasn’t sure about. I’m the first to admit, I can sometimes be a judgemental shit. I’m working on it. But as I looked at the band, their heavy usage of brass knuckle images led to the sneaking suspicion […]

Slowbleed – A Blazing Sun, A Fiery Dawn

Over the last few years, metalhead jack-of-all-trades Ben Murray (Light This City, Heartsounds, Darkness Everywhere, No Chemistry) has built Creator-Destructor Records into quite the diverse little powerhouse of a label. Representing everyone from legendary punk rockers A Wilhelm Scream, to Beatdown bruisers like Sunami and Kruelty, to filthy Death Metal acts like Dismemberment and Spinebreaker. […]

Age of Apocalypse – Grim Wisdom

One of my favorite albums of 2021 was the fantastic Decadence and Decay from Oregon’s Silver Talon, an album and a band that certainly have plenty going for themselves on their own merit, but the album was an immediate hit for me not because it was something I’d never heard before – but instead it […]

Mentor – Wolves, Wraiths and Witches

This is, apparently, album number 3 for these dudes – but it’s my first ride at the Mentor rodeo. I will say this: when I saw the excellent album cover of Wolves, Wraiths and Witches, I had a few preconceptions about what I’d find inside – that being some heavy, stonery-y doom metal project dripping […]

Employed to Serve – Conquering

GOD DAMN. So, four albums in, most people familiar with the modern Metallic Hardcore scene probably need no introduction to the UK’s Employed to Serve. The explosive voice of Justine Jones along with her compatriot bruisers have made quite an impact in a world of heavy hitters the likes of Knocked Loose, Code Orange and […]

Tombstoner – Victims of Vile Torture

Expectations can be such a damn bummer sometimes. You go ahead and put your full effort into something because of trivial things like “passion” and “integrity” or whatever, and next thing you know you’ve got people like your boss, your spouse, your kids coming at you like “hey that last thing was great, you should […]

Wolf King – The Path of Wrath

“Come up front! You’re going to do it later anyway! Just do it now!” This was the beckon of Wolf King’s frontman Tim Wilson when I saw his band open for Conjurer, Entheos, and Rivers of Nihil. I did not answer this call. Well, at least not favorably. See, I’m about 5’6”, was sitting at […]

Gatecreeper -An Unexpected Reality EP

I am relatively new to the Gatecreeper fan bandwagon – I would say about 2 years now and their brand of buzzsaw Swedish inspired death metal, mixed with hardcore grooves and stomps is brutal, punishing, catchy and what drew me into them in the first place.  Being on lockdown during this Pandemic has been brutal […]

Hatebreed – Weight of the False Self

Listen, I fully understand the hate for Hatebreed. Past their influential debut, they have been responsible for popularizing ‘hardcore’ and making it more commercial, and putting it in malls and on MTV. But there is no denying their chest-beating anthemic take on ‘bro-core’ has been the rallying cry for a generation and more than likely […]