Posts Tagged ‘Erik T’

Cradle of Filth – The Screaming Of The Valkyries

After two excellent, reinvigorated albums in Hammer of the Witches and Crytoriana, Dani Filth and his hired gang of ever-changing musical mercenaries, took a step back with 2021, Existence is Futile, where the constant line-up changes, appeared to have taken its toll, mainly Lindsey Schoolcraft, who was settling into her role as the new Sara […]

Crown Magnetar – Punishment EP

Colorado’s deathcore kings are here to beat your fucking face in. Right the fuck in. No theatrics, no choirs, no sweeping symphonics (ok, maybe just a smidge in 2 songs), just 4 songs in 18 minutes to remind you they arguably sit atop or near the top of the current pure deathcore heap. After delivering […]

Istapp – Sól tér sortna

I was late to the Istapp (‘icicle’) party, only discovering them on 2019’s stellar, The Insidious Star, but subsequently going back and listening to prior albums from the mid-10’s like Blekinge and Frostbiten. Honestly, though I had kind of forgotten about them, but 6 years after The Insidious Star a revamped Istapp is back. There […]

To Obey A Tyrant – Frigore Inferni EP

From the promotional email: FFO: Mental Cruelty, Worm Shepherd, Lorna Shore Yep, I’m in. How these Brits haven’t been on my radar before this EP is a mystery to me. They play my favorite genre of music right now and reside on one of the better independent labels doing said genre. But trust me after […]

Whitechapel – Hymns in Dissonance

After bursting on the scene with their 2007 debut, The Somatic Defilement, Tennessee’s Whitechapel quickly rose to the top of deathcore hierarchy with the follow-up, This Is Exile, in 2008, still a classic in the genre all these years later. However, subsequent albums like Our Endless War, Whitechapel, Mark of the Blade, and A New […]

Admire The Grim – Resist

Finland’s Admire The Grim, are a new melodic death metal band that leans heavily into their country’s fairly rich history of the genre. On their debut album, Resist they deliver a competent if by-the-numbers album of shredding, tightly played, melodeath that fans of Children of Bodom, Kalmah, and such should definitely appreciate. Fronted by Katri Snellman […]

Havukruunu -Tavastland

Finland’s Havukruunu ( ‘coniferous crown’) first got on my radar with 2017’s Kelle Surut Soi, but in 2020, they obliterated my radar with 2020’s Uinuos syömein sota, which was my clear-cut favorite album of the year. The funny thing is, we have never actually reviewed them! Well let’s fix that together, shall we? The word […]

Open Kasket – Trials of Failure

Listen up, fans of early Gatekeeper, Terminal Nation, Fuming Mouth, Kruelty, Acephalix, Vastum, and Xibalba take fucking note. You need the debut from Arkansas’ Open Kasket in your life, right fucking now!!! Open Kasket plays a form of meaty, girthy beatdown/hardcore-driven death metal that lumbers and slopes with bad fucking intentions at every turn. With […]

Infested Angel – Threnodies To Eternal Despair

I actually got this promo in the fall of 2024. I immediately enjoyed it, planning on doing a review for its early 2025 release, but as usual, life, other promos, and work got in the way, and I forgot about it. But here we are, and let’s get to it. Adorned with a wonderfully 90s […]

Pathogenic – Crowned in Corpses

Boston’s Pathogenic is a new act to me but they have been around a while with a debut album, Cyclopean Imagery way back in 2011, and a self-titled follow-up album in 2019. Neither of which I have heard. But I was looking for an early 2025 release to review, and the promotional description of ‘progressive […]

Scour – Gold

A few months back, I ran into Mark Kloeppel, one of the guitarists for Misery Index, and Missouri act Cast The Stone, Ive ‘known’ him and fellow Cast The Stone member Derek Engemann from various shows I’ve attended in St Loius over the years. We got to talking about Scour, the black metal band he […]

Corroding Soul – Corroding Soul

Sometimes, an album contains all great songs, no filler, no skips. Sometimes an album has a few good songs. Sometimes you buy an album because you saw one good video on MTV Headbangers Ball in the 90s, and the rest is terrible. Sometimes an album has one really killer song that makes the whole thing […]

Mavorim – In Omnia Paratus

2024 was a stellar year for German black metal. Albums from Asarhaddon, Opus Irae, Chaos Invocation, Kanonenfieber, Suffering Souls, Dauþuz, Far Beyond,  Stiriah and Servant were all damn fine releases. But at the tail end of 2024, Mavorim released an album that I never really got to spend too much time with before the year ended, and it’s […]

Obscura – A Sonication

Germany’s Obscura needs no introduction. They have resided near or atop the tech death heap since 2009’s Cosmogenesis. For me, they peaked with 2016s Akroasis, but all of their albums have been excellent, including their last effort, 2021s A Valediction, which saw former members Christian Munzer (ex-Necrophagist, ex-Spawn of Possession) and fretless bassist Jeroen Paul Thessling return […]

Harakiri For the Sky – Scorched Earth

You can virtually cut and paste my review of 2021’s Maere for this Austrian duo’s 6th album, as they are so locked into their despondent, post/ shoe gaze/ atmospheric black metal sound, it’s scary. That said, at a trim 67 minutes on 1 CD as opposed to Maere’s 2 CD, 84-ish minute affair, the band […]

Ex Deo – The Year of the Four Emperors EP

For four albums now, Ex Deo, the Roman-themed symphonic death metal act from Kataklysm’s Maurizio Iacono has steadily improved from a lazy Kataklysm clone with keyboards to a pretty solid act. Well with a Switch of labels from Nalapm Records to Reigning Phoenix, here is a taster EP to celebrate the shift. After covering the […]

Revolting – Night of the Horrid

I missed the last album 2022s Born to be Dead, from Rogga Johansson’s Revolting project, just one of his 258 bands. However, the last time I heard them, on 2020s The Shadow at the World’s End, it was clear I was getting a bit bored with them, despite really enjoying the 3 album run of The […]

Śmierć – Op​ó​r

Śmierć (‘Death’, ‘End of life’) is a long-running Swedish band paying to Polish hardcore with Polish titles and such. Op​ó​r (‘Resistance’) is their third effort and they were kind enough to reach out to the site directly and send me a copy of the LP, with its gorgeous artwork and all. The album is co-released […]

Konkhra – Sad Plight of Lucifer

Remember these guys? At one point in the mid-1990s Denmark’s Konkhra was on the very cusp of international metal stardom. As nu-metal exploded and death metal was selling out/transitioning to more commercial groovy sounds (Gorefest, Grave, Obituary, Entombed, Mercyless, Dismember, etc), Konkhra capitalized on this. And with albums like Sexual Affect Disorder, Spit or Swallow […]

Druparia – The River Above

Darkness Everywhere: “Hey guys! I think, we might have released the best Light This City/Darkest Hour-influenced melodic death metal of 2024 with To Conquer Eternal Damnation, I mean c’mon, we have current and ex-Light This City members in the band!!!!” Druparia: “Hold My Beer”. Seriously, first off, go check out Darkness Everywhere‘s debut album To Conquer […]

Xenotheory – Blissful Death

I love the Alien film franchise—yes, even Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection. I also love brutal slamming death metal/deathcore. Italy’s Hideous Divinity mixed the two on their LV426 EP back in 2021, but France’s Xenotheory has entered the fray with their second album does to the genre what Aliens did to the films. Their 2022 […]

Carnal Savagery – Graveworms, Cadavers, Coffins and Bones

For 4 albums since 2020 , Sweden’s Carnal Savagery has been one of those solid to decent Swedish Death metal bands that I have enjoyed, purchased albums, etc, but never truly loved or considered an heir apparent to the legends of the genre. Despite members coming out of the genre’s birth in the early 90s […]

Opus Irae – Into The Endless Night

I love surprises, mainly good ones. And ones involving symphonic black metal bands I’ve never heard of before, who turn out to fucking brilliant, are even better. Opus Irae hails from Germany, and Into The Endless Night is their debut album. It was mixed and mastered by Dan Swano, who needs no introduction, and the artwork is […]

Mörk Gryning – Fasornas Tid

Back in 2020, along with fellow revered 90s Black Metal acts Naglfar and ..And Oceans, Sweden’s Mörk Gryning returned after a long hiatus to deliver Hinsides vrede, and it was, like their peers, a killer return to the fray. delivering a perfect 90s throwback to…. themselves? and of course, the other two bands mentioned above. […]

SuidAkrA – Darkanakrad

Man, back in the late 90s and early 00s Germany’s Folk/Celtic-themed melo-death act Suidakra was one my absolute favorite bands. Early albums Auld Lang Syne and Lays From Afar were my jam. And even with some ups (Caledonia, Book of Dowth, The Arcanum) and downs (Command to Charge, Realms of Odoric, Cimbric Yarns), some of […]