Posts Tagged ‘E.Thomas’

Fetal Decay – You Have No Choice

Based on the cover art and album name, I was expecting some form of shitty deathcore, but I should have known better than that from Soulflesh Collector Records. Instead, what we have here is some very impressive Dying Fetus -styled (nay, worshiping — the moniker kind of gives it away I guess) slammy, downtuned death […]

Aosoth – III

Following up on 2010’s Ashes of Angels, former Antaeus vocalist MkM has returned to his Aosoth-project to deliver sermons of blackened fury. And while the last effort had slight tinges of Deathspell Omega/Blut Aus Nord styled discordance and atmospherics, with lengthier songs, more dissonant, harrowing and atonal hues, Aosoth appears to have morphed into a […]

VYGR – Hypersleep

“I See No God Up Here” claimed Yuri Gagarin during the first manned space flight, April 1961. The last really good, pure post-rock/shoegaze albums I heard were Rosetta’s last effort and the last EP by Mouth of the Architect. But in a matter of weeks I’ve heard three; Halo of Flies Records’ excellent LP duo […]

Corpsessed – The Dagger & the Chalice EP

I’ve seen a fair bit of buzz on the old Internet about this Finnish band’s debut EP, and after finally grappling with its criminally short 23-minutes of hellish death metal — the hype is in deed worth it. One could argue that the oddly named Corpsessed are cut from the current cloth of better Incantation […]

Hate Eternal – Phoenix Amongst the Ashes

There are those out there that think death metal is dying or dead. That the once proud genre has succumbed into a riffless, soulless, pro tool pandemic and become full of stagnant clones or simply fallen into pure homage and worship. For the record, I am not one of those people. However, if I were, […]

Miasmal – Miasmal

1. A noxious atmosphere or influence: “The family affection, the family expectations, seemed to permeate the atmosphere . . . like a coiling miasma” 2. a. A poisonous atmosphere formerly thought to rise from swamps and putrid matter and cause disease. b. A thick vaporous atmosphere or emanation Fucking perfect… Considering Dark Descent’s obsession with […]

Monsterworks – The God Album

When I got a CD in the mail, by a band called Monsterworks–whom I had never heard–I really had no idea what to expect. I was maybe expecting a new band doing some sort of new metal. Boy was I wrong. It turned out that Monsterworks is a UK/New Zealand collaboration that plays a form of experimental thrash/death/heavy […]

BARGAIN BIN REVIEWS – Angerpath’s “Forgotten World”

It’s a shame to see Von of Liturgy end his label/distro Epitomite Productions, though not a high end label, they released some solid stuff throughout the years, recently releasing decent CDs from the likes of Abacinate and Domination Through Impurity. However, there is a silver lining to every cloud and for me it’s the massive clearance sale that Epitomite Productions had, getting rid of their stock ate ridiculous prices, and while most of the good stuff went early I was able to pick up a couple of older CDs for $3 including Axamenta’s Ever-Arch-I-Tech-Ture and the as yet only released from Polish Death metal act Angerpath, 2007s Forgotten World.

Blaspherian – Infernal Warriors of Death

I’ve not really been a huge fan of the current Incantation worship movement in US death metal. Partially because I was never an Incantation fan in the first place and secondly the current Swedish death metal worship movement is much more entertaining to me. However, the debut full length from Houston’s Blaspherian has got my […]

Ana Kefr – The Burial Tree (II)

And I thought Journal‘s Unlorja was ambitious! Imagine if Kayo Dot, The Pax Cecilia, Orphaned Land, Unexpect , Between the Buried and Me and Opeth all got together and contributed their DNA to a new breed of experimental, musical  genetics — the resultant zygote would be Ana Kefr. Meaning ‘I am Infidel’ in Arabic, California’s […]

Interview With Between the Buried and Me

It’s no real secret that I’m a huge fan of Between the Buried and Me. Since The Silent Circus, I’ve reviewed virtually everything they have released for this site or some other publication. I’ve interviewed and seen the band live three times and their album Alaska resides on my top 25 metal albums of all time — only one of a handful of albums released in the 2000s. And in what appears to be an annual occurrence, I happened to catch them in Lawrence, KS while touring with The Ocean and Job For a Cowboy. A tour, that’s promoting their jump from long time label Victory Records to Metal Blade and their current EP The Parallax: Hypersleep Dialogues — the first part of a planned two CD concept. So amidst Lawrence’s hordes of hipsters, tempting college lasses, apple chutney feta cheese burgers and drumming homeless dudes, I caught up with guitarist Paul Waggoner to find out more about the current release, the label switch and other guitar maestros…

Gideon – Costs

To make this easy and let you decide whether to finish reading this review or not — I’ll lay it out right away: Alabama’s Gideon are essentially a typical Facedown Records band. They are Christian and they play metalcore. There. While not as impressive as label mates Your Memorial or the new Hope for the […]

Woods of Ypres – IV: The Green Album

Listen- this is my first exposure to Woods of Ypres, so this review isn’t going to go into the bands apparent shift from respected black metal into whatever they are being called now (Hippys, posers, sell outs, etc). What I am going to get into is how this Earache re-release of the bands 2009 fourth […]

Bane – Chaos, Darkness & Emptiness

I can’t say I had super high hopes for the debut CD from Serbia’s Bane; nondescript moniker, clichéd logo, artwork and album title, etc. But when I dove into the album I was actually greeted with some very competent and confident melodic black/death metal. There’s nothing original to be seen here at all here. Solid […]

Grayceon – All We Destroy

For over four years now, Jackie Perez Gratz has declined my romantic overtures and while her restraining order against me prevents physical contact within 100ft, I’m still allowed to review her band’s albums. I’m kidding. It’s 200 ft. So here is album number three from vocalist/cellist Gratz and her two compadres Zach Farewell (drums) and […]


Of all the recent reissues of classic Swedish death metal, this two disc reissue of Uncanny’s lone album complete with two demos and one split with Ancient Rites is the one I’ve most been looking forward to. Alongside Gorement and maybe God Macabre, this album was long the holy grail for hard to find classic […]

Fester – Winter of Sin (reissue)

Hailing from Norway, Fester released Winter of Sin back in 1992 and their rendition of death metal was a slower, crawling, almost doomy dusty take on the genre, with black metal rasps that were quite a bit different from the Swedish explosion and the tight clinical US assaults of the time. So Abyss Records has […]

Domination Through Impurity – Masochist

Yet more solid 2010 death metal that I’m just now getting around to. This time, in the way and form of dynamic North Carolina duo, Domination Through Impurity, and their second release Masochist. Domination Through Impurity is the brainchild of guitarist/bassist/vocalist Joe Payne, who has served in Divine Heresy, Lecherous Nocturne, Lust of Decay and […]

Anomalous – OHMnivalent

Definition of ANOMALOUS: 1: inconsistent with or deviating from what is usual, normal, or expected: irregular, unusual 2 : of uncertain nature or classification. It would be easy and somewhat accurate to lump Anomalous and their debut full-length album with the likes of Born of Osiris and The Faceless for their progressive and experimental and […]

Destroying Divinity – Dark Future

Even though I’m trying desperately not to review anything from 2010, the fact is we are still getting plenty of quality 2010 releases sent to us that are worth of your attention. And overlooked death metal seems to be the reoccurring theme; CDs by the likes of Brutally Deceased, Offending, Domination Through Impurity, Abominant, Caliber666, […]

BARGAIN BIN REVIEWS – My Dying Bride’s “Like Gods of the Sun”

So I recently decided to fill in the gaps from My Dying Bride collection as I was missing everything between Turn Loose the Swans (1993) and A Line of Deathless Kings (2006). I have vague recollections of owning The Angel and the Dark River, Like Gods of the Sun and 34.788%, but being utterly disgusted with all three, selling them and giving up on the band until A Line of Deathless Kings a decade later. And while going back and the bands resurgence with 1999s The Light at the End of the World and the subsequent releases that saw the band re-inject some death metal into their once genre defining sound, the bands output from 1993-1996 remains some of the most divisive material in metal. And thanks to a blow out sale at I was able to pick up used copies all of the missing albums for about $20 total.

Made In Vain – Lies in Ruin

Here at Teeth of the Divine dot Com, we pride ourselves in providing lip service for the underground’s smaller acts and labels. We all know what CDs Metal Blade, Nuclear Blast and Century Media are releasing thanks to mammoth advertising in print magazines and online webzines. So how about a release from a Houston based […]

White Orange – And This is Why I Speak to You in Parables LP

So now that I have an old school record player, I’m delving into a few vinyl releases I’ve accrued over the last couple of months. The first one was the excellent Judgements LP by hardcore act Protestant, and now, I’m moving onto a different genre altogether. To a release that’s not really needed for its […]

Ulcerate – The Destroyers of All

New Zealand’s Ulcerate set the bar pretty high for themselves with 2009’s Everything is Fire, a monstrous slab of churning, atonal death metal that ended up on many 2009 year end lists, mine included. How would they respond? The album title says it all. Even though the formula is the same as on Everything is […]

A Band of Orcs – Warchief of the Apocalypse EP

I generally don’t go for gimmicks or over the top outfits in metal. Especially if such bands play second rate music, simply relying on their shtick to carry them. I also happen to think the likes of GWAR and Lordi are horrendously overrated. But if you are into that kind of a thing, A Band […]