Posts Tagged ‘E.Thomas’
Posted in Features, Frontpage Feature, Interviews, Interviews › R on Tuesday, April 10th, 2012
Regular readers of the site more than likely know that I’ve got a HM2 pedal sized boner for old school Swedish death metal. It’s my first love of the vast metal genre going back to Entombed’s Left Hand Path. So the genre’s massive recent revival has me pretty giddy. Especially when bands from all over the world are delivering very impressive take’s on the classic sound. and even more vital to the genre seeing as the genre’s fore bearer’s are now defunct (Dismember), wheezing into the end of their career (Entombed, Grave) or simply overlooked nowadays ( Unleashed). Luckily the mantle has some worthy carriers. Whether it’s the Fin’s like Winterwolf and Cryptborn, Eastern Europeans like Morbider and Brutally Deceased, Americans Fatalist and Horrendous or home grown talent like Entrails, the genre is in safe hands. And there are no more impressive hands than Germany’s Revel In Flesh, who with their debut album Deathevokation have arguably jumped up to the top of the heap with Entrails. A mysterious duo comprised of Maggesson (drums/guitars) and Haubersson (guitar/bass/vocals), Revel in Flesh makes no bones about their chosen influences, so I visited with Haubersson to revel in the old school even more….
Tags: 2012, E.Thomas, Interview, Revel in Flesh
Posted in Reviews, Reviews › P on Thursday, April 5th, 2012
Other than Mithras, Sarpanitum, Trigger the Bloodshed, Fleshrot (RIP) and Detrimentum, I’m not very familiar with the better of the brutal/tech death metal scene coming out of the UK, but here is Hull based newcomer Parasitized and their impressive debut 6 song EP. Though released independently back in 2010, fledgling Canadian label Blast Head Records […]
Tags: 2012, Blast Head Records, Death Metal, E.Thomas, Parasitized, Review
Posted in Reviews, Reviews › C on Thursday, March 29th, 2012
According the Crown‘s website, Crown is “two men, two guitars, a voice and machine, …an extraordinary duo, trio or man-machine, whose compositions clean, direct and catchy, used as raw material to further the noise limits”. And that’s pretty accurate as Crown are in fact a French duo with both members once serving in Hollow Corp, […]
Tags: 2012, Crown, E.Thomas, Review, Superstrong
Posted in Blog on Wednesday, March 28th, 2012
With the current trend of metal re-issues, previously revered or sought after releases are now easier to find and more accessible than their first run. I mean if it were not for re-issues, I would have never got to hear Uncanny’s “Splenium for Nyktophobia”, God Macabre’s “The Winterlong” , Convulse’s Wrld Without God or Gorement’s The Ending Quest. But reissues can be a double edged sword. I mean did we really need a Morta Skuld re-issue. Or how many times can Earache milk their early Carcass releases? . Heck, Attack Attack! recently re-issued their 2010 album. Yeah, really. But there’s still some releases out there that have been ignored over the last 20 years or so,releases I feel need to be heard again, or simply dusted off, and re-mastered to enhance their original sound. So I put together a list of albums that I personally would like to get the re-issue or remaster treatment, either due to their rarity or that they sounded like ass the first time around. I fully acknowledge that some of these might have been reissued on some obscure Ukrainian or South American bootleg label, but I’m talking about a re-issue on a recognized, corporately legal label, that’s freely available to anyone who does not want to go on the Russian black market to get a copy. Of course these are my own personal preferences, so until you have your own second rate internet review site such as ours, feel free to add your own in the comments section.
Tags: 2012, Blog, E.Thomas
Posted in Reviews, Reviews › B on Wednesday, March 28th, 2012
While about 75-80 percent of this ‘job’ is reviewing known or established bands in the same few genres and simply quantifying what most readers already feel, there’s often something that comes along that’s completely, new unexpected and rewarding. Such is the case with Chicago’s Beak. Some research shows that the band features members of a […]
Tags: 2012, Beak, E.Thomas, Post Rock, Review, Someoddpilot Records
Posted in Reviews, Reviews › D on Tuesday, March 27th, 2012
Y’know, I’ve been debating on whether do review the new Asphyx album for a while now, but a few things weighed heavy on my mind; first, Century Media never sent any sort of promo, digital, physical or otherwise, showing arrogance and confidence in the fact they don’t need press coverage, which considering the band is […]
Tags: 2012, Death Metal, Decaying, E.Thomas, Hellthrasher Productions, Review
Posted in Reviews, Reviews › B on Thursday, March 22nd, 2012
All you really need to know about Blood Label to figure out how they sound are three things ; They are from Denmark, Existence Expires was recorded at Tue Madsen’s Antfarm Studio (Hatesphere, Illdisposed, The Haunted, etc) and the vocals were recorded at the studio of former Hateshphere/Allhelluya and current The Kandidate front-man Jacob Bredahl. […]
Tags: 2012, Blood Label, E.Thomas, Gateway Music, Review
Posted in Reviews, Reviews › R on Wednesday, March 21st, 2012
Some bands wear their heart and their influences on their sleeve, and none more so than the current crop of retro, old school Swedish death worshiping acts. For instance you’ve got the font and ‘tomb’ references of Entrails, Funeral Whore, who named a demo after a Grave song, Brutally Deceased is named after a Grave […]
Tags: 2012, Death Metal, E.Thomas, FDA Rekotz, Revel in Flesh, Review
Posted in Reviews, Reviews › K on Tuesday, March 20th, 2012
There’s an old adage that states ‘never judge a book by its cover’, and that applies aptly in the case of the debut album from Columbia’s King. Based on the Dark Funeral reject cover art, song titles like “Non laughter – Zero Fucking Happiness” and “Kill the Posers Like Fucking Christians” as well as the […]
Tags: 2012, Black Metal, Death Metal, Deathgasm Records, E.Thomas, King, Review
Posted in Reviews, Reviews › B on Monday, March 19th, 2012
It’s amazing to me that the band that left me relatively unimpressed with their debut EP Razor to Oblivion, then fired back with one of 2010s most critically acclaimed albums, Heavy Breathing and now followed that up with one of 2012s best releases, Sentenced to Life. Not only that, the band seemed to have really […]
Tags: 2012, Black Breath, E.Thomas, Review, Southern Lord Records
Posted in Reviews, Reviews › C on Monday, March 19th, 2012
Poland’s Centurion have been around for a while, but this is only the band’s second effort since their 2002 debut, Conquer & Rule, which I have not heard. Stylistically the band play typically competent Polish death metal with a solid Floridian (Morbid Angel/Deicide) influence and in fact, the band covered Morbid Angel‘s “Day of Suffering” […]
Tags: 2012, Centurion, Death Metal, E.Thomas, Review, Wydawnictwo Muzyczne Psycho
Posted in Reviews, Reviews › M on Friday, March 16th, 2012
Despite the retro thrash moniker and 1985 artwork, Massive Assault is actually a killer throwback Swedish styled death metal band who hail from the Netherlands. And whereas Denmark’s Funeral Whore were easily linked to Grave, Massive Assault are equally as easily linked to Dismember and fellow Dutchmen, Hail of Bullets (musically when they slow down, […]
Tags: 2012, Death Metal, E.Thomas, FDA Rekotz, Massive Assault, Review
Posted in Reviews, Reviews › L on Wednesday, March 14th, 2012
From the same promotion company (Team All About the Music) that introduced me to the likes of the excellent Journal, Fallen Martyr, Truth Corroded, Hyno5eand A Band of Orcs comes the second album from Queensland, Australia’s Lynchmada. And while it’s a solid dose of modern metal that combines crunchy thrash and metalcore into one commercially […]
Tags: 2012, E.Thomas, Lynchmada, Review, Truth Inc. Records
Posted in Reviews, Reviews › N on Monday, March 12th, 2012
You’ll have to forgive Indiana’s Nocturnal Torment for their horrendous 90s CG cover art, logo and moniker. You see, they actually formed in 1988 and up to now only had one 2009 demo to show for it. However, seeing as 1/2 of the band released some quality Swedish styled death metal via the underrated Invasion, […]
Tags: 2012, Death Metal, Deathgasm Records, E.Thomas, Nocturnal Torment, Review
Posted in Reviews, Reviews › T on Friday, March 9th, 2012
Formed in 1987 in suburb of St. Louis, Missouri as Doom Lyre, Timeghoul were largely unnoticed in the early 90s. Heck, I lived in Missouri in the early 90s, and I never heard of them. But here is Dark Descent Records to give you another one of their well done re-issues, but like the label’s […]
Tags: 2012, Dark Descent Records, Death Metal, E.Thomas, Review, Timeghoul
Posted in Reviews, Reviews › E, Reviews › S on Monday, March 5th, 2012
American Death Thrash is the perfect title for this 10 song split between Oklahoma’s Sacrificial Slaughter and California’s Enfuneration. 10 tracks, 5 from each of good ol’ fashioned American metal, with Sacrificial Slaughter firmly gripping the thrash element and Enfuneration being more of the death metal side. Sacrificial Slaughter are the more veteran act with […]
Tags: 2011, E.Thomas, Enfuneration, Horror Pain Gore Death Productions, Review, Sacrificial Slaughter
Posted in Reviews, Reviews › D on Monday, March 5th, 2012
A handful of lesser known, lower profile releases of brutal/technical death metal have grabbed my attention of late; the likes of Pyrrhon, Nocturnal Torment, and Parasitized have shown that there is still plenty of new bands from unexpected realms delivering material to compare to big boys like Origin, Fleshgod Apocalypse, Spawn of Possession and such, […]
Tags: 2012, Death Metal, Desecravity, E.Thomas, Review, Willowtip Records
Posted in Reviews, Reviews › B on Friday, March 2nd, 2012
“Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.” -Denis Diderot. Hailing from the state of Washington, Bréag Naofa (Gaelic for ‘holy lie’) are a relatively new act comprised from members of other Washington based based acts Trial, Sinking Ships and Love Is Red. And for […]
Tags: 2012, Bréag Naofa, E.Thomas, Panic Records, Post-Metal
Posted in Reviews, Reviews › F on Thursday, March 1st, 2012
If fans of old school Swedish death metal thought 2011 was a good year for the genre, boy are you going to enjoy 2012! With Horrendous‘ excellent debut already out, this year is slated to see releases by Zombie Inc., Revel in Flesh, Black Breath, Massive Assault, Blood Mortized, Megascavenger and this — the debut full-length […]
Tags: 2012, Chaos Records, Death Metal, E.Thomas, Funeral Whore, Review
Posted in Reviews, Reviews › S on Wednesday, February 29th, 2012
Empyreal Cycle is the second self-released effort from Slovenia’s Smargroth, a fantasy based (knights, dragons, wizards etc) melodic black metal band. And while they aren’t bringing anything really striking or new to the table, they perform their chosen style well enough to be checked out by fans of Dissection, Sargeist, Naglfar and other less extreme […]
Tags: 2012, Black Metal, E.Thomas, Review, Samrgroth, Self-Released
Posted in Reviews, Reviews › K on Monday, February 27th, 2012
From Sacred Plague Records, who brought us the excellent Black Hole of Calcutta LP, comes another vinyl slab of filthy, dirty analog crusty metal in the form of Chicago’s self described ‘crustards’, Krang. As with some other Sacred Plague releases I’m getting familiar with, Krang play a noisy, dirty amalgamation of thrash/crust/punk and death metal […]
Tags: 2012, E.Thomas, Krang, Review, Sacred Plague Records
Posted in Reviews, Reviews › S on Friday, February 24th, 2012
So, I’m playing a bit of catch up here having just recently received CDs from new label Blast Head Records, based out of Canada and Belgium’s Shiver Records, so expect a few late 2011 releases, seeing as they sent actual CDs not digital files. First up is the first release from Blast Head Records, the […]
Tags: 2012, Blast Head Records, Death Metal, E.Thomas, Review, Splattered Entrails
Posted in Reviews, Reviews › I on Thursday, February 23rd, 2012
In the Midst of Lion have been busy little bees since I reviewed their 2009 Strikefirst records debut, Out of Darkness. They of course moved on and up to Facedown Records and some time in 2010, released Heart of Man, which I never got around to reviewing, and then in late 2011 released album number […]
Tags: 2012, Christian, E.Thomas, Facedown Records, In The Midst of Lions, Metalcore, Review
Posted in Reviews, Reviews › L on Monday, February 20th, 2012
So the band Liberteer came to my attention after reviewing the recent Beaten to Death album, a grindcore album that was grindcore with a difference, and so is the debut album from Liberteer. Comprised of Matt Widener, the grindcore lineage is certainly here considering Widener’s involvement in the likes of Cretin, Citizen, Exhumed and The […]
Tags: 2012, E.Thomas, Grindcore, Liberteer, Relapse Records, Review
Posted in Reviews, Reviews › P on Wednesday, February 15th, 2012
There’s a very fine line as a critic between liking something and disliking something. A production issue, a vocal issue, a song writing issue or any number of things that can sway an opinion between praise and disappointment. Case and point; 40 Watt Sun’s largely revered album, The Inside Room and Pallbearer‘s debut album. Both cathartic, […]
Tags: 2012, Doom Metal, E.Thomas, Pallbearer, Profound Lore Records, Review