Posts Tagged ‘Cradle of Filth’
Posted in Frontpage Feature, Reviews, Reviews › C on Monday, March 24th, 2025
After two excellent, reinvigorated albums in Hammer of the Witches and Crytoriana, Dani Filth and his hired gang of ever-changing musical mercenaries, took a step back with 2021, Existence is Futile, where the constant line-up changes, appeared to have taken its toll, mainly Lindsey Schoolcraft, who was settling into her role as the new Sara […]
Tags: 2025, Cradle of Filth, Erik T, Napalm Records, Review, Symphonic Black Metal
Posted in Frontpage Feature, Reviews, Reviews › C on Monday, October 18th, 2021
For two albums now, Dani Filth has delivered a reinvigorated Cradle of Filth since gutting the lineup after 2012s forgetful The Manticore and Other Horrors. Both 2015s Hammer of the Witches and 2017s Cryptoriana – The Seductiveness of Decay, with the same re-vamped line-up, delivered classic Cradle of Filth writing and energy that signaled Dani […]
Tags: 2021, Cradle of Filth, Erik T, Nuclear Blast Records, Review, Symphonic Black Metal
Posted in Frontpage Feature, Reviews, Reviews › C on Monday, December 2nd, 2019
If you were to poll die hard Cradle of Filth fans and even casual black metal fans and ask what the long running UK black metal band’s best album was, it would likely be a mix of 1996s Dusk and her Embrace and 1998s Cruelty and the Beast, maybe with a few votes for 2000s […]
Tags: 2019, Cradle of Filth, E.Thomas, Music For Nations, Symphonic Black Metal
Posted in Frontpage Feature, Reviews, Reviews › C on Monday, September 11th, 2017
After completely gutting and then revamping the line up, Dani Filth seemed invigorated for the surprisingly good Hammer of the Witches back in 2015, and that renewed energy has carried over into the follow up, the darkly seductive, 12th album, Cryptoriana – The Seductiveness of Decay. A tale of Victorian debauchery, magick, death, the afterlife and Gothic, supernatural […]
Tags: 2017, Cradle of Filth, E.Thomas, Nuclear Blast Records, Review
Posted in Frontpage Feature, Reviews, Reviews › C on Monday, August 1st, 2016
Little did I know that arguably my favorite Cradle of Filth album, 1996s Dusk and Her Embrace was actually the second iteration of that album. Unbeknownst to me, before the 1996 Music for Nations version, another version of the album was fully recorded in 1995 with essentially the same line up as the band’s debut […]
Tags: 2016, Cacophonous Records, Cradle of Filth, E.Thomas, Review
Posted in Frontpage Feature, Reviews, Reviews › C on Monday, July 6th, 2015
There was a time in the late 90s and early 00s where England’s Cradle of Filth were one of my very favorite bands, and whether you liked it or not, they were legitimate superstars in extreme metal. I enjoyed 2000s Midian, 2003’s Damnation and A Day, and really liked 2004’s Nymphetamine, but I never really loved […]
Tags: 2015, Cradle of Filth, E.Thomas, Nuclear Blast Records, Review
Posted in Reviews, Reviews › C on Wednesday, November 10th, 2010
Nuclear Blast has to be happy: The last couple of months have seen the label release new albums from Enslaved, Dimmu Borgir and now, Cradle of Filth. Three of black metal’s forefathers in the early ’90s, now grown and developed far beyond their roots into metal’s biggest acts ― regardless of what genre you lump […]
Tags: 2010, Cradle of Filth, E.Thomas, Nuclear Blast Records, Review
Posted in Reviews, Reviews › C on Monday, November 3rd, 2008
It would seem that every time I come across a Cradle of Filth CD, I feel slightly more inclined to school people. Not proverbially school them, but literally. I cast aside grammatically challenged losers like moldy bread, begin using more sophisticated words like “assuaged” and “indubitably” in daily speech, and resume my lifelong quest to […]
Tags: 2008, Cradle of Filth, Kris Yancey, Review, Roadrunner Records
Posted in Reviews, Reviews › C on Monday, October 16th, 2006
Well folks, they have done it. One of my favorite bands has finally forced me to write the review that metal fans and COF detractors have been waiting for. While, there’s no question these arguably influential British shock rockers have been shedding the black metal guise of their fat Nick Barker, top hat wearing, precocious […]
Tags: 2006, Cradle of Filth, E.Thomas, Roadrunner Records
Posted in Reviews, Reviews › C on Sunday, November 28th, 2004
I could take up half of this review discussing the viability of Cradle of Filth as a bonafide black metal act and their subsequent litany of either crazed fans or haters that pass them of as pop stars slithering under the banner of a more extreme exterior. But instead, let’s just talk about the album […]
Tags: 2004, Cradle of Filth, E.Thomas, Review, Roadrunner Records