Posts Tagged ‘Concentric’

Concentric – V

Despite my general disdain for instrumental music, 2009s Immeasurable , the debut by this  Wisconsin instrumental act , really caught my ear. Featuring a former metal journalist and member of post rockers Northless and death metal act Ara, Jerry Hauppa and cello player James Becker, the follow up, V is a 5 song concept piece  […]

CONCENTRIC prepare to release second album;

Progressive acoustic instrumental band Concentric returns with their second full length and concept album, entitled V.  Improving on the sound of their previous record Immeasurable, Concentric presents their interpretation of the 5 stages of grief:  Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance through a complex tapestry of dense melody provided by both conventional and atypical instruments.  […]

Concentric – Immeasurable

If you think about it, for gruff metal heads a lot of us are accepting of some pretty mellow non metal acts: Tenhi, Nuen Welten, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, old Mortiis, Summoning, Dornenreich just to name a few, seem to get a free pass with metal heads and as artistically brilliant as many non metal […]