Posts Tagged ‘Black/Death Metal’

Infested Angel – Threnodies To Eternal Despair

I actually got this promo in the fall of 2024. I immediately enjoyed it, planning on doing a review for its early 2025 release, but as usual, life, other promos, and work got in the way, and I forgot about it. But here we are, and let’s get to it. Adorned with a wonderfully 90s […]

Panzerchrist – Maleficium Part I

When Panzerchrist released Last of a Kind in 2023 I was fucking ecstatic. It had been a long minute since 7th Offensive and their departure from the Metal community was deeply emotional (I know I cried like a bitch… not really but I was sad for sure) so when Last of a Kind was announced, […]

Torn From Existence – Hearken the Darkened Skies

Blackened Symphonic Death Metal is quite a mouthful – would you not agree?  Torn from Existence hail from Colorado and have been around a few years and Hearken the Darkened Skies is their debut album. Hopefully, the band is getting this debut out to distros, labels this Self-Released album can be picked up by […]

Kanonenfieber – Die Urkatastrophe

I’m a big WWI buff. I’ve even been to Ypres trenches, Sanctuary Wood and laid a wreath at the Menin gate in Belgium.  And in my review of the most recent God Dethroned album, The Judas Paradox, I lamented the fact that God Dethroned was no longer focused on WWI, a subject I of course […]

Shiva Hypothesis, The – Faustian Restlessness EP

Wow. Here is some really creative, unique black/death metal from a Dutch band I know nothing about other than they have 1 prior album under their belt. The actual ‘Shiva Hypothesis’ is a theory concerning extinction-level events and meteors, but the band is a 4 piece with ties to various other Belgian death metal acts, […]

Ulcerate – Cutting the Throat of God

From the 2007 tech death debut, Of Fracture and Failure, New Zealand’s Ulcerate has been one of the death metal’s most consistently elite bands with 5 albums since. The band has evolved from the pure tech death of the debut into a murky, dissonant, almost black death band (they are on Debemor Morti – a […]

Necrocracy – Predestiny

4 years ago I reviewed the debut album, Decay from Glasgow’s Necrocracy and it was a rough and ready, solid release of no-frills, burly black metal. And then out of the blue, the band emails me and tells me about their new digital and cassette-only release they are dropping. So apparently the material on Predestiny […]

Keres – Homo Homini Lupus

There is one single reason I checked out the promo for the debut from this new Italian Black/Death metal project and that is the stunning artwork from the band guitarist Astahrot. My gosh that is killer- for the love of god, put that on a shirt, please! Now onto the music. Keres plays a relentless […]

Vltimas – Epic

International supergroup Vltimas released a killer debut in 2019,  Something Wicked Marches In, which I reviewed and gave high praises of their stamp on blackened death metal.  One of the many things going for that debut was how damn catchy it was – I still listen to that sucker!  The same members return with Flo […]

Necrowretch – Swords of Dajjal

Years ago I came upon the Putrid Death Sorcery debut album from Necrowretch, a French death metal band.  I reviewed the impressive album and was able to be in touch with vocalist/guitarist Vlad and interviewed him as well.  I have followed this band closely over the years reviewing the majority of their albums and continuing […]

My Dearest Wound – The Burial

I’m quickly becoming a very big fan of Sergio Gonzalez Catalan, the owner of the new Chilean label Tragedy Productions.  Already having 2 killer releases under their belt that will be on my year end list. One is Numeron’s Road to Valhalla and the other is one of his many solo projects, Winds of Tragedy […]

Panzerchrist – Last Of A Kind

Panzerchrist are stalwarts. Literally, since 1995’s Demo they’ve been putting out their Blackened Death Metal beginning with Six Seconds Kill in 1996, to the utterly fantastic Room Service in 2003 they’ve steadily put out quality God Dethroned meets Bolt Thrower meets Marduk and they all have an orgy where out pops Panzerchrist. On the eighth […]

KHNVM – Visions Of a Plague Ridden Sky

One of my favorite things to ask people when they wanted to haggle over the pricing at the stores I worked at was “do you think you’re in an open market in Bangladesh”? You might gasp, how dare you ask a customer that?! Then ask yourself if you’ve ever done it… Anyhoo all kidding aside, […]

Tribe of Pazuzu – Blasphemous Prophecies

Tribe of Pazuzu is a new international supergroup of sorts. Formed by bassist/vocalist Nick Sagias who was in Soulstorm and Overthrow back in the day as well as a quick stint in Pestilence in 1990. However, he is joined by some inarguably bigger names on this project’s debut, namely Flo Mournier of Cryptopsy fame on […]

Winds of Tragedy – Hating Life

I initially grabbed this promo strictly due to the striking cover photo (courtesy of Tatiana Lebedeva), literally not knowing anything about the band or album, other than that it mentioned depressive and one-man black metal in the promo blurb. So with the band’s moniker, album title, and song titles like “I Choose to Die”, No […]

Nunslaughter/Fluids – Split EP 7”

New year, new reviews, right? That’s the name of this tune, anyway. December of 2022 had a lot of surprises, and this tight little cassette split was one of them. Seven tracks, the longest being Fluids’ “Heaven-Sent” (3:17) and the shortest being Nunslaughter’s “It’s You I Hate” (.31). Neither band needs an introduction, Nunslaughter has […]

Goatwhore -Angels Hung From the Arches of Heaven

Music critics are idiots (myself included). Especially so when it comes to reviewing what can pass for a “big” release. Of course, this is metal, so that’s relatively speaking. If they say it’s the best thing since the blow job was invented, you can rest assured it sounds like pretty much everything else out there, […]

Behemoth – Opvs Contra Natvram

Nergal, the controversial frontman for black/death mainstays Behemoth is basically that kid in school who everybody thinks is kind of aloof, doesn’t talk to anyone, and people somehow like. That is until he gets his license, drives by you in his new convertible his parents bought him with the top down, hair flowing, listening to […]

Hath – All That Was Promised      

Pros of the band Hath: Pretty much everything. Cons: They make me think of Hoth, which makes me think of Star Wars… and unlike many of my peers, I do not care for Star Wars. There. I said it. With all of that out of the way, here’s Hath’s heavily anticipated All That Was Promised. […]

Haiduk – Diabolica

Canada’s one-man project Haiduk (a term for Balkan freedom fighters) came out of the gate like barnstormers back 2021 with Spellbook, a pretty blistering black/death/thrash combo that had a lot of energy and influences from Dew-Scented Hypocrisy and even Dissection. However, the follow-up, 2015s Demonicon, with an increasing mechanical/programmed tone (especially the drums), came across […]

Wormwitch – Wolf Hex

I’ve been anticipating this one. Why? Well, Wormwitch’s last one, Heaven that Dwells Within, seemed to be praised by everyone. While I dug what they were doing, I thought it could be greatly improved in a few significant ways. I wasn’t a fan of the production. While it wasn’t offensive, I felt it didn’t fit […]

Cambion – Conflagrate the Celestial Refugium

In folklore/mythology, a cambion is the unholy offspring of a Succubus or Incubus and a human sexing it up. In this case, for this particular Cambion, the Succubus is The Netherlands’ Centurian (yes, I made Centurian the female sex-demon in this scenario) and that human vessel is Pete Helmkamp of Angelcorpse/Abhomine fame as this Texas […]

Throne – Pestilent Dawn

Throne is a relatively new blackened death metal band (2017) from the depths of Michigan with members from other local acts like Winterus, Mourning Wolf and Inevitable Frost. But Throne is clearly the new prime focus of the members, and deservedly so, as it’s a blistering debut album of searing, militant and commanding black/death metal. […]

Abstrakt – Uncreation

With some promotional tag lines stating this was ‘Extreme Finnish Symphonic Metal’, I grabbed this promo right away as anything symphonic’ gets my attention, and I had never heard of this band before, so a new find in the genre is always a positive. And I’m glad I did, this is really good stuff. The […]

Werewolves – What a Time to Be Alive

What a Time to Be Alive, indeed, Werewolves. If you missed last year’s  The Dead Are Screaming from these guys, you’re a damned fool and no friend of mine. If you had told me before this promo dropped in my hands (figuratively, of course) that we would see another album from these Australians so soon, […]