Posts Tagged ‘Barbaric Brutality Records’

Open Kasket – Trials of Failure

Listen up, fans of early Gatekeeper, Terminal Nation, Fuming Mouth, Kruelty, Acephalix, Vastum, and Xibalba take fucking note. You need the debut from Arkansas’ Open Kasket in your life, right fucking now!!! Open Kasket plays a form of meaty, girthy beatdown/hardcore-driven death metal that lumbers and slopes with bad fucking intentions at every turn. With […]

Bonginator –  Intergalactic Gorebong of Deathpot           

The Devil’s lettuce. Let me be your lying, backwoods guidance counselor who tells you it’s a gateway drug. It never led to harder drugs for me, only giggles while playing video games. Not that I’ve ever done it, FBI agent who monitors me. It’s all hypothetical. I don’t think it is hypothetical for Bonginator. Their […]