Posts Tagged ‘2017’

Rings of Saturn – Ultu Ulla

California’s Rings of Saturn and their (jokingly) self described ‘aliencore’ are one of the more divisive bands in metal, even more some since allegations the band recorded their materiel at half speed and used Guitar pro. Whether you consider them technical death metal or deathcore, the band’s first 3 albums Dingir and Lugal Ki En got […]

Prezir – Contempt EP

“A priest who had an affair with a 12 or 15 year old girl brought to one of their encounters, a consecrated host, and he touched her vagina and he said ‘this is how God loves you” and then he raped her”. And so that creepy quote begins the debut EP from Milwaukee’s Prezir (Serb-Croatian for […]

Anasarca – Survival Mode

No disrespect to Germany’s Anasarca, but I had never heard of them prior to this album and they’ve been slogging their brand of death metal since the 90’s, Survival Mode being their fourth album and first in 13 years.  Give it up for founding member, Michael Dormann-guitarist/vocalist keeping the band going, because Survival Mode is […]

Aseethe – Hopes of Failure

Iowa City depression sludge fuckers Aseethe make Grief look like a party band.  That’s not to say that their abilities are quite up to the feral hope rape of bands like Noothgrush, Grief, Burning Witch, Toadliquor, Dystopia, Wellington, etc., just yet but with their latest full-length gruel platter Hopes of Failure they are registering as […]

Summoned, The – Sessions

Hailing from Massachusetts, The Summoned play a form of noisy, techy/grindy spazzy tech/death metal that recalls a lot of the Black Market Activities/ Ironclad Recordings bands of the early and mid 00s. Much like the recent release from super group Johm Frum, there’s a lot of Dillenger-y, The Red Chord, Animosity, early Between the Buried and […]

Decrepit Birth – Axis Mundi

I cannot keep emphasizing what a busy summer it has been for Death Metal for groups here in North America.  Just when I think I am caught up on all of them another comes out and absolutely blows me away.  My infatuation with Decrepit Birth began some almost eighteen years ago when I was on […]

Birdflesh/ Organ Dealer – Split

Well this is a fun split to get to review what being that both bands just played Maryland Death Fest days ago with sets virtually a few hours apart.  What we have here is a unique display of two different grind core bands.  I must admit I am not too familiar with Sweden’s Birdflesh other […]

Proscrito – El Calvario EP

You’re going to want to cover your mouth and nose before entering the area.  7 of ‘em.  Needles and the usual paraphernalia scattered around.  Definitely a junkie den.  All in more or less the same state of decomposure.  Ironically, not from the heroin.  No, an outbreak of flesh eating bacterial staff infection.  ‘Cept for one […]

Witch of 1692 – Impious Mysterial Hymn

Hailing from Alabama, Witch of 1692 caught me by surprise last year.  The band somehow by the hand of Lord Satan, entered my FB feed and me, who is mainly a death metal guy, was impressed by the band’s take on black metal.  I love Bathory, DarkThrone and some black metal hear and there and […]

Grog – Ablutionary Rituals

The Portuguese metal scene has really caught my eye of late with the likes of The Ominous Circle, Goldenpyre, Primal Attack, Switchtense, and such. But it’s been missing something a little more brutal, and that’s where Grog come in. Though they have been around since 1991/92, and have released a fair amount of demos, this […]

Doomcave – Woebegone

Brand new and prolific to boot, one man Australian blackened thrashers Doomcave (led by Aiden Vestgaard) are set to not only release an EP The Fires of Torment but also the full-length subject of this review Woebegone in 2017.  Melding melodic lead cadences with wolf-hearted blasts, schizophrenic vocals (psychotic and clean), synthetic grandeur, revolting black/thrash […]

Wintersun – The Forest Seasons

Has there been a more hyped yet un-prolific and bloated project as Wintersun, Jari Mäenpää’s much ballyhooed, post Ensiferum project? After 2004s Lauded self titled debut there were deleted files and then an 8 year wait for Time I, which ultimately was a huge let down after the wait and the hype. So now we have […]

Gods Forsaken – In A Pitch Black Grave

Former Amon Amarth guitarist Anders Biazzi is becoming a Rogga Johansson/Johnny Petterson type, being involved with numerous projects and players, including the two dudes I just mentioned. After a few fine albums with Blood Mortized and then the war metal super group of sorts, Just Before Dawn, he has a new project, Gods Forsaken along […]

Mortör – Burn Up The Dead

Full on death/thrash from Canada, can’t go wrong with that right?. Mortör are like the perfect soundtrack for an intense gaming session of Doom or Call of Duty, be it as an individual or while playing online with others, this music will just fuel the adrenaline, and spur on that killer instinct. Guitars are of […]

Obsessed, The – Sacred

  I was born in ’82, so while I was learning my ABCs Wino was already crafting a canon of masterpieces that still stand the test of time today.  The man has absolutely nothing to prove; reinventing himself from a hard livin’, outlaw doom rock n’ roll demon to a solo bluesman while exploring every […]

Mutoid Man – War Moans

I can confidently say that Mutoid Man is not like any band on the current metal scene. The project is the brainchild of Steven Brodsky (Cave-In) and Ben Koller (Converge) and having previously dished up a quality EP and 2015’s livewire LP Bleeder, they’ve arrived at this second full-length platter, entitled War Moans. And the […]

Interview With Vomit Remnants

Vomit Remnants have been a force in the international death metal community for over twenty years. It has been nearly twenty years since they last released a full-length album. 2017’s Hyper Groove Brutality released on Unique Leader Records is an album that was not without challenges. In this interview I have a conversation with Keisuke the drummer of Vomit Remnants. We go over Japanese language, the influence of Internal Bleeding. The bands that influenced them and what the challenges were in reforming Vomit Remnants and finding a label to work with. We also get into some of Keisuke favorite bands and talk about the scene in Japan.

Vomit Remnants – Hyper Groove Brutality

Hailing from Japan, Vomit Remnants reunited in 2015 and Hyper Groove Brutality is their second album and first in 18 years.  Give it up for drummer and founding member, Keisuke Tsuboi for realizing his band had more gas left in the tank to deliver more devastating brutal death metal.  He’s rounded out the band with Kei […]

Vomit Remnants – Collecting the Remnants (Compilation)

2017 is the year for Vomit Remnants, apparently.  We have their brutal new album, Hyper Groove Brutality and this extraordinary compilation, on Lacerated Enemy Records, Collecting the Remnants.  This 2 cd compilation compiles all of Vomit Remnants prior material to Hyper Groove Brutality. Vomit Remnants, hailing from Japan, began in 1997 and their material is […]

Dead – We Won’t Let You Sleep

  Australian duo Dead minored in Big Business, majored in KARP and went for a full masters’ degree in The Melvins.  We won’t let you Sleep is the band’s third album installment in what they are officially dubbing as The Trilogy (a big time Melvins nod right there).  With honorable guest appearances from Kevin Rutmanis […]

Atlas Pain – What the Oak Left

So, quick back story, I recently underwent a musical awakening of sorts. Other than Manowar and Rhapsody, I’ve never been a Power Metal guy. The last power metal album I truly enjoyed was Thy Majestie‘s 1066 back in 2003. However I recent discovered Sabaton’s “Winged Hussars” and Blind Guardian‘s “Grand Parade”, and now I’m hooked. So, I […]

Soulrot – Nameless Hideous Manifestations

It’s amazing to think how much the sound of early Dismember and Entombed have sunk their claws into the hearts and minds of the death metal psyche. That guitar tone alone has spread its dark, evil tendrils to many a guitar player and aspiring band members, so because of this, the disease has spread to […]

Oceanwake – Earthen

Back in 2015, this Finnish act released their second album, Sunless. It was an ambitious affair that tried to mix traditional Finnish doom/death and post rock-y/ Neurosis-y like atmospherics and builds with mixed results. The follow up album, Earthen, consisting of 2, twenty + minute songs tries almost the same recipe, maybe with more post rock […]

Origin – Unparalleled Universe

Well Nuclear blast definitely has a busy summer ahead for brutal United States Death Metal Releases.  Between Origin, Suffocation and Decrepit Birth I wonder which one or two or all three will be on this year’s Summer Slaughter Tour. Time will tell for sure.  One thing is for sure Kansas’s Origin are not wasting any […]

Twilight Force – Heroes of Mighty Magic

So the second album from Sweden’s Twilight Force was released in August of last year, but its getting some sort of re-release via Germany’s Metalville/Nuclear Blast Archive Records, and I’m glad, because it gives me a chance to unleash my inner nerd and delve into my recent power metal awakening. Hailing from the same town […]