Posts Tagged ‘2008’

Absu announce new bassist, complete recording of new album

Texas-based mythological occult metal outfit ABSU has announced the addition of bassist/co-vocalist Ezezu (ex-Panzram) to the group’s ranks. This is the first time the band is experiencing a permanent quartet-type line up since the band’s debut album Barathrum: V.I.T.R.I.O.L. Drummer/vocalist Proscriptor says of the latest addition, “We are very proud to welcome Ezezu as the […]

Bison B.C. – Quiet Earth

A little Doom, a dash of Sludge, a hint of Stoner and a whole lot of Metal comprise the music of Canada’s Bison B.C. Mixing these influences into a cohesive concoction could have been no easy task, but Bison B.C makes it sound natural…jumping from grooves to melodies to fast to slow tempos has never sounded […]

Exodus – Let There Be Blood

Well established bands re-recording their past work has never really gone over well with fans. Most fans hold to the notion that not even the band itself can do anything that will even come close to capturing the magic of the original versions. To some fans, it’s outright blasphemy. Now, whether that’s a case of […]

Mirror of Dead Faces – Lamentation

Despite the fact that this group of Riverside, California kids play the now overdone form of The Black Dahlia Murder worship, like say, Salt the Wound and Sons of Azrael, the fact is, they do it really, fucking well, and possibly even better. Quite simply, from start to finish, Lamentation is a blazing, relentless and […]

One Man Army and The Undead Quartet – Grim Tales

No sooner did The Crown become history in 2003 than all those in mourning were soon relieved to know that the band’s vocalist Johan Lindstrand had decided to launch a new project. Dubbing the newborn band as One Man Army & The Undead Quartet, Lindstrand didn’t rack his brains about what kind of metal to […]

Interview with All That Remains

As I stated in my review of All Thats Remains’ latest album Overcome, I was a little nervous talking to vocalist Phil Labonte, considering my lukewarm feelings toward the album. However, after meeting Phil in the tour bus before All That Remains headlining show with Trivium, The Human Abstract and 36 Crazyfists in Columbia , MO, all fears were set aside as we had a lengthy interview and Phil proved to be the consummate professional…

Gorevent – Abnormal Exaggeration

Time to readdress the balance, it has been far too long since I did a death metal review and it was too tempting to simply let this one be untouched by my esteemed colleagues. Gorevent rule. Simple fact and I know that I have stated this a million times but, for me, you cannot do […]

Energy – Invasion

Round 3 with Bridge 9, and yet again evidence that the palette within their roster is expanding ever further as a release of this ilk would have been unthinkable in the label’s formative phase. Even more unthinkable would be that the label would even consider releasing a record by a band that has artwork like […]

Crime in Stereo – Selective Wreckage

As with Ruiner’s newest release, Selective Wreckage, (its all in the title) serves as a collection of lost and missing recordings, accumulated onto one piece of yummy plastic which nullifies the need to hunt down 7 inches, tapes and whatever other formats this tunes originally appeared on. So again, as stated, Bridge 9 has really, […]

Ruiner – I Heard These Dudes are Assholes

The most annoying thing about hardcore, is when the really, really, really good bands implode, be it musically or literally, there is nothing more infuriating, upsetting and just downright disheartening. On the upside, there are always new bands itching to replace their fallen peers and carry on pushing on that sound, it may not be […]

Alghazanth – Wrealth of Thevetat

Replacing all but the rhythm section might spell disaster for any band, especially a symphonic one. Finland’s Alghazanth has weathered more than its share of lineup changes and they take this one in stride as well. When a new Alghazanth disc comes out it is a safe bet as to the style and tone. Slow […]

Serenity – Fallen Sanctuary

I knew this would be some sort of power metal after one glance at the cover art and logo. What I didn’t know was how damn good these guys are.  I will admit I love power metal, but I don’t waste my time with mediocre, sub par acts.  These guys know what they’re doing, and […]

Time Has Come – White Fuzz

As far as spastic, technical metalcore goes, Time Has Come does everything right with White Fuzz.  I still can’t help but feel slightly underwhelmed by this record, though.  It might be that my tastes have drifted away from the genre (I used to love Between The Buried and Me, Psyopus, From A Second Story Window, […]

Level C – Level C

Oh for the love of Dio… Who the hell thought this was a good idea? A decade ago, this would have made a big splash, but as far as I can tell, it’s 2008 and nu-metal is long dead, thankfully. The last thing we need in the metal world is another band of this ilk […]

Fist in Fetus – Fist in Fetus EP

Just from the name alone, you’d think that this has gotta be death/grind of some sort, with sickening vocals and a blistering, violent approach to songwriting. But you’d only be half right, since this new (unsigned) act smashes together death metal and classical music in a way that no one has really done before. Surprising […]

Haunted, The – Versus

By now, The Haunted should need no introduction. Featuring 2/5’s (at one time 3/5’s) of Swedish legends At the Gates, they’ve had their fair share of the metal spotlight over the past decade. Their vocalist is subject of much heated debate on blabbermouth over his personal blogs, and over the past couple years, their fan […]

Shadar Logoth – Curse

Maine’s black death band Shadar Logoth returns with their self released debut full length. The first comment needs to go to the cover art. Yet another hanging. I think the noose has become the most overused motif in black metal. At least this time it is a hanging and not a suicide. The one facet […]


Heralded Indianapolis, IN doom metal masters THE GATES OF SLUMBER have announced a fall, 2008 U.S. tour in support of their celebrated new album Conqueror. The respected power trio will team up with fellow Indianapolis metal troupe Demiricous for a four week, 27 city trek that is scheduled to kick off on November 8. Dubbed […]

Xerión – Nocturnal Misantropia

The name Xerión, is from the ancestral Celtic mythology from Galicia. The style is Celtic black metal but not in the sense that Waylander is. Think Berserk instead. This is pure black rage combined lyrically with Galician folklore in the native tongue. According to the label, this is a re-release on cd of the earlier […]

X World 5 – New Universal Order

Being a supergroup of sorts and harboring under their shining fuselage such personages as Nils K.Rue (Pagan’s Mind, Eidolon), Andy La Rocque (ex – Death, King Diamond) and Magnus Rosèn (ex – Jorn, ex – Hammerfall), X World 5 sound like a crew of extraterrestrial cyborgs who flew to Earth for the sole purpose – […]

Interview with Grayceon

With their second album, the aptly titled This Grand Show, Grayceon have once again delivered a stunning, sumptous opus of cello flocked, introspective and progressive music that defies categorization. And having communicated with cello player and vocalist Jackie Perez Gratz in the past, and found her to an absolutely delightful individual, I thought I’d ask a few question via email about the new album, her other projects and other more amorous endeavors…

Divinity – Allegory

What’s up with Canada? It seems that nearly every act coming from up north is just loaded to the brim with talent. Prime example: Divinity with their debut full length Allegory. This young band shows more technical superiority and diversity than the bulk of bands that could be considered veterans out there playing this style, […]

Khors sign with Paragon Records

Paragon Records are proud to announce the signing of Ukrainian Dark Metal band Khors. Formed by former Astrofaes bassist, Khorus, and later joined by Helg (Runes Of Dianecht) and Khaoth (Tessaract, ex-Astrofaes, ex-Hate Forest), Khors play Black Metal in the Ukrainian style, that combines a somber atmosphere together with rich melodies. Since their formation, Khors […]

Cauldron Sign to Earache Records

Earache Records is proud to announce the signing of Toronto, Canada’sCAULDRON to a multi-album worldwide deal. The high energy traditional heavy metal three piece have built a steady following while producing a fresh heavy metal sound built out of a passion and love for the genre, and a deep understanding of the elements that gointo […]


Chicago deathcore heavyweights OCEANO entered the studio on October 3rd to begin recording one of the angriest albums ever.ANDREW MIKHAIL, guitarist for OCEANO – the band who famously had a series of photos BANNED from MySpace for being too gruesome – comments on the band’s first week in the studio: “Things have been going great […]