Something is going on in Tennessee. There’s stench in the air, it’s foul and nauseating and is permeating the Death Metal community with some fresh blood. Enter Ritual Fog from Memphis and their chest bursting debut But Merely Flesh.
Following a split EP and the release of the single Visions of Blasphemy; both in 2022, they bring their version of cavernous Death Metal to an unsuspecting world. It all starts with “Misticism” and ethereal keyboards pour on the ambience creeping from your speakers. It’s a serene set up for the intentional brutality of “Desolate Chasm” a beautifully crafted piece of Incantation style brutality, it’s a rolling Death Metal beast; nasty reverb that’s heavy as fuck.
Ian Younkin – Vocals / Guitar, Andrew Hobday – Drums, Spencer Martin – Guitar and Jon Clark – Bass have given birth to this utterly nasty slab of desolate Death Metal. “Slimeblade” is one of my favorite tracks, it has this Death Thrash thing down to a science. But Merely Flesh definitely has a Morgoth feeling on “Nocturnal Suffering” with it’s murky atmosphere and the tasty blast beat that quickly sneaks in before the track goes full on Benediction mode, think around The Grand Leveler, they sneak in another flurry of blasting and a thrashing midsection to die for.
“Demented Procession” has some of the sickest riffing I’ve heard this year, it strides and the track bursts into a killer mosh bit; oh and those tasty pinch harmonies, it’s a sludgy ride through the swamps of human emotions.
But then, another one of the best Death Metal tracks of the year comes bursting like a vile infant “Fog Sermon” is an immense Doom laden bone crusher and they continue the beat down on “Carnal Pain” “I’m in Hell let me die!” it’s amazingly heavy, the dive bomb at the beginning, the funky groove that they get into before punching your fucking lights out. Jesus fucking Christ this album is possessed with the spirit of the 90s on “Sentient Chamber” and the massive riffing that is just magnificent on closing track “But Merely Flesh” it’s mercilessly heavy, the guitar tone is so compressed it’s unbelievable, and relentless throughout like a row of buzz saws.
When I saw: “For fans of – Morgoth, Asphyx, Skeletal Remains, Laceration, Malevolent Creation, Death, Leper Colony”… Holy fucking shit yes! Leper Colony put out their self titled album last year and it was fucking DEATH METAL! I am not disappointed with Ritual Fog and am naturally looking forward to a tour that probably won’t come here but whatever. Get this bottom dwelling crustacean with claws of pure 100% pressure, a powerful album that you need.
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