From the always reliable FDA Rekotz come some homegrown German talent on the form of Deserted Fear and their debut album, My Empire. It’s not a pure old school record or any sort of homage but instead a modern death metal record with some tangible old school nods notably Asphyx and Vader.
Sound wise, My Empire goes for a more modern, polished American sound with just a hint of Hail of Bullets crunch, so there’s no full on throwback buzz or hum, but song writing/riff (and logo/artwork) wise, the band has certainly has some more retro bands as their primary influence. Guitarist vocalist Mahne is obviously a fan of Martin Van Drunen/Marc Grewe with his oft use growl and howl though the riffs he plays are more a mix of Vader and Morgoth.
This mix comes together pretty well and delivers and solid death metal album that’s neither pure old school or a soulless modern death metal album. The songs have energy and oomph and stand confidently astride old school moments of rumble and groove, with a few modern blasts and solos here and there wrapped in a very modern, if slightly overly clean sound.
However, I’m not utterly blown away. As competent as the band are and as enjoyable as this release often is, I just haven’t felt the need to reach for it voluntarily (unlike the labels new Revolting album) . Despite some cool moments here and there such as the grooves in “Battalion of Insanities”, end of “Pestilential”, opening rumble of “Nocturnal Frags” and “Scene of Crime” , it seems plonked in the middle of solid but familiar blasting. I get the impression that these youngsters were so excited to write and record and show their influences they simply got a little too crazy with the songs to where they are a little…..rushed? Don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot to like here, but it’s pretty disposable. I just want to grab the band a say ‘settle down’, ‘cos there is a ton of potential here if they can just hone in on their sound a reign things in a bit.
This release reminded me a lot of Fisthammer’s album from earlier this year. A group of talented and energetic guys wearing there influences on their sleeves but with a modern edge, but like a teenager getting some action, it’s a little over excited, a bit all over the place and over too quickly despite the enthusiasm.
[Visit the band's website]
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