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Artist Release Reviewer Date
Boris Records 7" Round Up: Death of Kings, Hellgoat, Morbid Slaughter, Spewtilator & Sadistic Ritual Knifehammer 7", Goathrower 7", Hellish Mercenary 7", End of Man 7", Wicca 7" Erik T 06/13/14
Cytotoxin Nuklearth Erik T 09/21/20
Dååth The Deceivers J Mays 05/29/24
Dacast Dédale Erik T 12/07/12
Daemusinem Thy Ungodly Defiance Nick K 11/03/17
Dagon Terraphobic Erik T 09/04/09
Dagor Dagorath Yetzer Ha'Ra Erik T 05/25/10
Daidalos The Expedition Erik T 08/25/22
Dalla Nebbia Felix Culpa Adam Palm 12/07/15
Dalriada Nyárutó Erik T 01/31/18
Dalriada Őszelő Erik T 05/03/21
Damnation Defaed Invader from Beyond Kevin E 11/02/17
Damokis Grinding Mother Whore Kevin E 05/28/14
Dance Club Massacre Feast of the Blood Monsters Erik T 10/27/07
Dance With The Dead Driven to Madness Steve K 02/02/22
Dantesco Pagano Fred Phillips 06/27/08
Danzig Deth Red Sabaoth Fred Phillips 06/28/10
Danzig The Lost Tracks of Danzig Fred Phillips 06/14/07
Daredevil Squadron Out of the Sun Fred Phillips 03/10/10
Dark Castle Spirited Migration Erik T 06/22/09
Dark Celebration Phlegeton: The Transcendence of Demon Lords Scott Alisoglu 08/17/09
Dark Century Murder Motel Erik T 06/30/14
Dark Forest Oak, Ash & Thorn Frank Rini 05/19/20
Dark Forest Ridge & Furrow EP Frank Rini 09/30/22
Dark Fortress Eidolon Grimulfr 04/26/08
Dark Fortress Ylem Grimulfr 02/17/10
Dark Funeral Angelus Exuro pro Eternus Grimulfr 03/15/10
Dark Moor Autumnal Fred Phillips 07/14/09
Dark Moor Tarot Fred Phillips 08/06/07
The Dark Overlords Darkpocalypse EP Steve K 05/20/22
Dark Suns Everchild Shane Wolfensberger 07/26/16
Dark Suns Existence Erik T 03/11/05
Dark Suns Orange Conor Fynes 04/13/12
Dark The Suns In Darkness Comes Beauty Shane Wolfensberger 11/06/07
Dark Tranquillity Fiction Benjamin DeBlasi 06/21/07
Darkane Demonic Art Larry "Staylow" Owens 02/08/09
Darkane Sinister Supremacy Luke Saunders 07/22/13
DarkBlack Midnight Wraith Fred Phillips 01/24/11
Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult Mardom Erik T 07/25/19
Darkest Hour Perpetual | Terminal Erik T 03/21/24
Darkest Hour So Sedated, So Secure Chris Dick 04/23/01
Darkest Hour The Eternal Return Erik T 07/17/09
Darkest Hour Undoing Ruin Erik T 06/21/05
Darkher The Buried Storm J Mays 05/04/22
Darkness Dynamite The Astonishing Fury of Mankind Fred Phillips 08/20/09
Darkness Everywhere The Seventh Circle EP Steve K 03/04/22
Darkthrone Old Star Frank Rini 07/01/19
Darkthrone The Underground Resistance Scott Alisoglu 02/27/13
Darsombra Eternal Jewel Chris Ayers 03/03/08
Dauntless Execute the Fact Larry "Staylow" Owens 07/01/07
Dauþuz Uranium Erik T 05/31/24
David Galas The Cataclysm Jordan Itkowitz 06/20/08
Dawn of Chaos The Need to Feed Will 'Bones' Lee 01/08/16
Dawn of Demise A Force Unstoppable Erik T 02/15/10
Dawn of Demise Hate Takes Its Form Erik T 02/06/08
Dawn of Demise Into the Depths of Veracity Erik T 06/07/19
Dawn of Demise Lacerated EP Erik T 02/18/09
Dawn of Disease Worship the Grave Erik T 07/29/16
Dawn of Ouroboros The Art of Morphology J Mays 04/24/20
Dawn of Ouroboros  Velvet Incandescence J Mays 05/31/23
Dawn of Solace Waves Steve K 04/01/20
Dawn Ray'd A Thorn, A Blight EP Erik T 08/17/16
Dawn Ray'd To Know the Light J Mays 04/06/23
Dawnbringer Into the Lair of the Sun God Jordan Itkowitz 07/26/12
Dawnbringer Nucleus Jodi Van Walleghem 12/22/10
Dawnwalker Crestfallen EP Erik T 05/15/20
The Day Everything Became Nothing Brutal Erik T 10/23/08
Day of Doom Descent of Humanity Frank Rini 12/14/17
Day Of Doom Doomed Frank Rini 05/19/22
Day Of Doom Epitaph of the Darklord Frank Rini 12/19/19
Day of Fire Losing All Fred Phillips 01/26/10
Day Without Dawn Understanding Consequences Erik T 05/18/08
Daylight Dies A Frail Becoming Luke Saunders 10/25/12
Daylight Dies Dismantling Devotion Erik T 02/28/06
Daylight Dies Lost to the Living Shawn Pelata 07/07/08
Daymares Can't Get Us All Benjamin DeBlasi 11/25/07
Days of Betrayal Decapitated For Research Erik T 02/10/09
Daysidied  The Day the World Died EP Jeremy Beck 05/12/23
De Magia Veterum Migdal Bavel Erik T 01/29/10
De Magia Veterum The Divine Antithesis Erik T 09/05/11
De Profundis The Blinding Light of Faith Kristofor Allred 10/26/18
Dead & Buried Bear Witness Benjamin DeBlasi 02/02/09
Dead Hardnaked...but Dead Erik T 01/04/12
Dead We Won't Let You Sleep Jay S 07/14/17
Dead And Dripping Blackened Cerebral Rifts Jeremy Beck 07/11/23
Dead Chasm Dead Chasm EP Erik T 04/08/22
Dead Chasm Sublimis Igotum Omni Erik T 06/26/23
Dead Congregation Graves of the Archangels Erik T 06/20/08
Dead Congregation Purifying Consecrated Ground EP Jordan Itkowitz 07/05/08
Dead In the Dirt Fear 7" EP Erik T 09/26/11
Dead Infection Corpses of the Universe Scott Alisoglu 08/13/09
Dead Man Euphoria Shawn Pelata 04/22/08
Dead Man's Hand The Combination Larry "Staylow" Owens 01/05/10
Dead Neon Dead Neon Jodi Van Walleghem 12/10/10
Dead Ranch Brumination Jay S 06/21/17
Dead Register Captive Jay S 02/22/19
Dead Register Fiber Jay S 09/14/16
Dead Register TRNS BLVK Jay S 11/14/14
The Dead See Through The Veil Erik T 07/31/07
Dead Soul Alliance Spiralling to Lunacy Erik T 03/21/23
Dead Southern Bishop Hymns of Malice and Discontent EP Chuck Kucher 07/05/12
Dead Temple Cult of Acid Jay S 01/11/16
Dead to Fall Are You Serious? Erik T 02/22/08
Dead to This World First Strike for Spiritual Renewance Kris Yancey 03/02/09
Dead War The Triumph of Death EP Will 'Bones' Lee 03/03/17
Dead World Reclamation Aura of Iniquity Erik T 05/13/21
The Dead Deathsteps to Oblivion Jay S 06/09/15
The Dead The Dead Kyle Huckins 11/22/08
The Dead Ritual Executions Erik T 12/27/10
Deadbird Twilight Ritual Erik T 06/19/08
Deadborn Dogma Anti God Nick K 12/05/18
Deadborn Mayhem Maniac Machine Erik T 07/25/12
Deadlock Bizarro World Derek Taylor 04/04/11
Deadlock Manifesto Shane Wolfensberger 12/09/08
Deadly Remains Severing Humanity Erik T 08/27/12
Deadwalk Scandalous Erik T 02/08/10
Deadwound Identity Shapes EP Jay S 03/24/17
Deafheaven New Bermuda Erik T 10/12/15
Deafheaven Ordinary Corrupt Human Love Erik T 08/06/18
Dear Black Diary Dear Black Diary Erik T 06/30/07
Death Human (reissue) Erik T 07/11/11
Death Leprosy (Reissue) Frank Rini 08/26/14
Death Scream Bloody Gore (Reissue) Frank Rini 12/12/16
Death Angel Humanicide Kristofor Allred 08/08/19
Death Angel Killing Season Larry "Staylow" Owens 02/25/08
Death Angel Relentless Retribution Larry "Staylow" Owens 10/18/10
Death Angel Sonic German Beatdown - Live In Germany Larry "Staylow" Owens 08/26/09
Death Before Dishonor Count Me In Erik T 05/31/07
Death By Fungi In Dearth of.... EP Jay S 12/22/16
Death of an Era The Great Commonwealth EP Kevin E 06/24/13
Death Ray Vison No Mercy for Electric Eyes J Mays 08/03/23
Death Reich Disharmony Jeremy Beck 03/28/23
Death Requisite Revisitation Erik T 12/07/16
Death Toll Rising Defecation Suffocation Erik T 08/25/10
Deathcode Society Unlightenment Erik T 12/11/23
DeathCollector Death's Toll J Mays 07/14/23
Deathcult Cult of the Dragon Grimulfr 07/18/08
Deathevokation The Chalice of Ages (Reissue) Frank Rini 05/22/14
Deathmarch Dismember EP Kevin E 03/09/18
Deathrite Into Extinction LP Erik T 03/26/14
Deathrow Riders of Doom/Raging Steel (Reissues) Frank Rini 02/04/19
Deathrune Those Who Choose the Fallen Frank Rini 01/10/14
Deathspell Omega Chaining the Katechon Erik T 03/25/09
Deathspell Omega Fas-Ite, Malidicti In Ignem Aeternum Erik T 08/13/07
Deathspell Omega Paracletus Jordan Itkowitz 11/29/10
Deathspell Omega The Long Defeat Jeremy Beck 05/25/22
Deathstorm Blood Beneath the Crypts Will 'Bones' Lee 07/21/16
Deathswarm Forward Into Oblivion Erik T 07/05/21
Deathwhite Grave Image J Mays 03/05/20
Deathwhite   Grey Everlasting J Mays 07/20/22
Debridement Drowning in a Cesspool of Malform and Malady Frank Rini 09/21/18
Decapitated Carnival is Forever Larry "Staylow" Owens 10/21/11
Decapitated Nihility Chris Dick 04/23/02
Decapitated Organic Hallucinocis Shane Wolfensberger 04/23/06
Decapitated Christ Glorious Tyrannizing of Human Rats Erik T 10/12/23
Decatur Badder Than Brooklyn Erik T 11/17/17
Decaying Encirclement Erik T 03/27/12
Decaying One to Conquer Erik T 02/11/15
Decaying The Last Days of War Erik T 09/12/13
Decaying To Cross the Line Erik T 02/07/18
Decaying Purity Mass Extinction of the Providential Ones Frank Rini 07/16/20
Deceased Children of the Morgue Frank Rini 10/01/24
Deceased Death Metal From The Dave Frank Rini 06/13/19
Deceased Ghostly White Frank Rini 12/31/18
Deceased Thrash Times at Ridgemont High Frank Rini 11/16/21
December Flower When All Life Ends... Travis Bolek 12/05/11
Décembre Noir The Renaissance of Hope J Mays 11/18/20
Décembre Noir Your Sunset / My Sunrise J Mays 10/31/23
Deception Daenacteh Nick K 04/10/24
Deception The Mire Nick K 04/15/21
Deceptionist Initializing Irreversible Process Kevin E 09/02/16
Decimation Entering the Celestial Ruins Erik T 10/17/07
Decimation Realm of Ungodly Creation Kevin E 02/06/15
Declan De Barra Song Of A Thousand Birds Erik T 11/08/07
Decrepit Birth Diminishing Between Worlds Erik T 02/17/08
Decrepit Birth Axis Mundi Nick K 07/31/17
Decrepit Birth Polarity Erik T 08/13/10
Decrepitaph Condemned Cathedral Scott Alisoglu 02/24/09
Decrepitaph Profane Doctrines Unburied Scott Alisoglu 03/17/11
Deep In Hate Chronicles of Oblivion J. D. Anderson 06/19/14
Deeply Confused Isolated Larry "Staylow" Owens 03/22/09
Def/Light Transcendevil Erik T 04/14/14
Defacing God The Resurrection of Lilith Steve K 09/21/22
Defamer Chasm Scott Alisoglu 08/03/09
Defeated Sanity Chapters of Repugnance Erik T 07/14/10
Defeated Sanity Chronicles of Lunacy Frank Rini 11/25/24
Defeated Sanity Disposal Of The Dead / Dharmata Mars Budziszewski 08/22/16
Defeated Sanity Psalms Of the Moribund Erik T 10/01/07
Defeated Sanity The Sanguinary Impetus Frank Rini 07/27/20
Defeater Travels Erik T 04/15/09
Defeatist Sharp Blade Sinks Deep Into Dull Minds John Gnesin 07/02/09
Defeatist Sixth Extinction Erik T 04/08/10
Defiatory Hades Rising Jay S 05/08/18
Defleshed Grind Over Matter Erik T 10/31/22
Deformatory Malediction Kevin E 02/10/16
Degial Predator Reign Nick K 01/17/18
Degrade Lost Torso Found Benjamin DeBlasi 02/11/08
Degrave Volume Jeremy Beck 11/17/23
Dehuman Graveyard of Eden Erik T 04/23/15
Dehuman Reign Descending Upon the Oblivious Erik T 12/17/20
Dehuman Reign Destructive Intent EP Erik T 08/30/13
Dehumanized Beyond the Mind Frank Rini 11/01/16
Dehumanized Controlled Elite Erik T 12/17/12
Deicide Banished By Sin Erik T 04/29/24
Deicide In Torment In Hell Dan Woolley 04/23/01
Deicide Overtures of Blasphemy Erik T 09/10/18
Deicide The Stench of Redemption Erik T 08/18/06
Deicide Till Death Do Us Part Erik T 06/23/08
Deiphago Filipino Antichrist Scott Alisoglu 01/08/10
Deity Deity Nick K 11/14/17
Deivos Apophenia Nick K 11/18/24
Deivos Casus Belli Nick K 01/15/20
Deivos Endemic Divine Nick K 02/28/17
Dekadent Venera: Trial & Tribulation Jordan Itkowitz 08/05/11
Dekadent Veritas Jordan Itkowitz 02/27/15
Delain Lucidity Erik T 06/07/10
Delight Eternity Mikko K. 05/10/03
Deluge Æther Erik T 11/03/15
Demians Building an Empire Kyle Huckins 10/08/08
Demilich 20th Adversary of Emptiness Frank Rini 04/15/14
Demiricous (Two) Poverty Erik T 11/19/07
Demiricous III: Chaotic Lethal Jeremy Beck 06/28/22
Demiser Slave to the Scythe Steve K 09/10/24
Demiser Through the Gate Eternal Steve K 04/21/21
Demiurg Slakthus Gamleby Larry "Staylow" Owens 09/13/10
Demiurgon The Oblivious Lure Nick K 09/24/19
Demon King The Final Tyranny EP Nick K 01/29/21
Demon Lung A Dracula Nick K 08/11/15
Demon Lung Pareidolia EP Erik T 07/19/12
Demon Lung The Hundredth Name Chuck Kucher 10/23/13
Demonaz March of the Norse Donald Kyle 06/16/11
Demonbreed Hunting Heretics EP Frank Rini 02/01/19
Demonbreed Where Gods Come to Die Erik T 08/11/16
Demoniac Intemperance Kristofor Allred 11/01/17
Demonic Death Judge Seaweed Jay S 04/07/17
Demonical Chaos Manifesto Erik T 05/16/18
Demonical Death Infernal Erik T 08/17/11
Demonical Mass Destroyer Erik T 04/18/22
Demonical Servants of the Unlight Erik T 01/03/08
Demonical World Domination Erik T 11/09/20
Demonoid Riders of the Apocalypse Mikko K. 08/01/04
The Demonstration Accidents With Intelligence Erik T 02/17/09
Demontuary Of The Fallen Years Shawn Pelata 09/13/10
Den Saakaldte Pesten Som Tar Over Jeremy Beck 10/20/23
Denial Fiend They Rise Shawn Pelata 10/05/07
Depravation III: Odor Mortis Steve K 04/09/20
Depraved Murder Unethical Terrestrial Collapse Erik T 03/30/23
Depravity Grand Malevolence J Mays 12/01/20
Depravity Evil Upheaval Kevin E 05/11/18
Deprecated Deriding His Creation EP (Reissue) Erik T 11/29/13
Depressed Mode Ghosts of Devotion Shane Wolfensberger 10/31/07
Deprivacija Dugne Erik T 02/02/16
The Depths Preaching Death Joseph Y 11/24/14
Der Rote Milan Moritat Erik T 05/30/19
Deranged The Red Light Murder Case Erik T 06/24/08
Deranged Deranged Erik T 07/25/01
Deranged Plainfield Cemetery Erik T 01/14/03
Derealized Isolation Poetry Erik T 01/27/17
Derelict Unspoken Words Larry "Staylow" Owens 05/19/09
Derogatory Above All Else Frank Rini 02/21/14
Desaster 666 - Satan's Soldiers Syndicate Jordan Itkowitz 06/03/08
Desecrate the Faith Disfigured Arrangement Frank Rini 09/02/15
Desecrate the Faith Unholy Infestation Erik T 03/23/17
Desecrator Subconscious Release (Reissue) Erik T 08/06/12
Desecravity Implicit Obedience Erik T 03/05/12
Desecresy The Mortal Horizon Frank Rini 09/26/17
Desecresy Stoic Death Frank Rini 01/04/16
Desecresy Towards Nebulae Frank Rini 09/20/19
Desecresy Unveil in the Abyss Frank Rini 04/28/22
Desensitised Virus of Violence Erik T 05/08/07
Desert Beneath the Pavement Transit Erik T 01/04/13
Deserted Fear Kingdom of Worms Erik T 11/06/14
Deserted Fear My Empire Erik T 10/03/12
Design Apotheosis EP Conor Fynes 07/26/13
Desolate Realm Legions Steve K 03/23/23
Desolate Shrine Deliverance from the Godless Void Frank Rini 11/13/17
Desolate Shrine Fires of the Dying World Frank Rini 04/11/22
Desolate Shrine The Heart of the Netherworld Frank Rini 01/26/15
Desolate Shrine The Sanctum of Human Darkness Luke Saunders 12/05/12
Desolatevoid No Sign of Better Times Erik T 03/30/09
Desolatevoid Self Medicated Psycho Therapy Erik T 01/26/06
Desolator Unearthly Monuments Erik T 11/13/13
Desolus System Shock Frank Rini 05/06/24
Despise You/Agoraphobic Nosebleed And On And On...Split Stacy Buchanan 09/30/11
Despised Icon Beast Erik T 07/18/16
Despised Icon Day of Mourning Erik T 09/28/09
Despised Icon Purgatory Kevin E 12/16/19
Despised Icon The Healing Process Erik T 04/08/05
Despised Icon The Ills of Modern Man Benjamin DeBlasi 06/28/07
Despite Synergi Kevin E 11/16/16
Despot Satan in the Death Row Jack Taylor 10/17/13
Dessiderium Aria Erik T 12/20/21
Destinity The Inside Larry "Staylow" Owens 06/18/08
The Destiny Program Subversive Blueprint (The 12 Point Program to Self Revolution) Erik T 02/06/08
Destrage The King is Fat 'N' Old Derek Taylor 03/04/11
Destrage Urban Being Erik T 07/22/09
The Destro As the Coil Unwinds Benjamin DeBlasi 08/02/07
Destroy Destroy Destroy Battle Sluts Erik T 01/23/09
Destroy the Runner I, Lucifer Erik T 07/08/08
Destroy the Runner Saints Erik T 11/14/06
Deströyer 666 Wildfire Ryan Skow 03/28/16
Destroyer Destroyer Littered With Arrows Erik T 05/10/07
Destroying Divinity Dark Future Erik T 04/08/11
Destroying Divinity Hollow Dominion Erik T 03/13/15
Destruction D.E.V.O.L.U.T.I.O.N. Kyle Huckins 12/04/08
Destruction Mad Butcher/Release From Agony/Cracked Brain (Reissues) Frank Rini 05/22/19
Destruction Sentence of Death/Infernal Overkill/Eternal Devastation (Reissues) Frank Rini 04/02/19
Destruction Spiritual Genocide David E Gehlke 02/28/13
Destruktor Nailed Scott Alisoglu 05/22/09
Desultor Masters of Hate Erik T 05/14/12
Desultory Through Aching Aeons Erik T 08/14/17
Dethklok Dethalbum II Larry "Staylow" Owens 12/01/09
Dethklok The Dethalbum Larry "Staylow" Owens 10/22/07
Dethlehem Maelstrom of the Emerald Dragon (Story Mode) J Mays 10/15/20
Detritivor Scattered Remnants Frank Rini 04/28/21
Deus Otiosus Godless Erik T 03/06/13
Deus Otiosus Rise Frank Rini 07/24/14
Devangelic Ersetu Frank Rini 04/28/20
Devangelic Phlegethon Erik T 12/08/17
Devangelic Resurrection Denied Kunal Choksi 07/03/14
Devast Art of Extermination Erik T 12/22/08
Devian God to the Illfated Igor Stakh 12/12/08
Devian Ninewinged Serpent Larry "Staylow" Owens 02/20/08
Devil Gather the Sinners Chuck Kucher 09/10/13
The Devil Wears Prada Plagues Erik T 10/09/07
Devil You Know The Beauty of Destruction Kevin E 05/12/14
The Devil's Blood Come, Reap EP Shawn Pelata 11/18/08
The Devil's Trade The Call of the Iron Peak J Mays 11/03/20
Devil's Whorehouse Blood & Ashes Fred Phillips 05/19/09
The Devil The Devil Erik T 11/29/12
Devildriver Pray For Villains Larry "Staylow" Owens 08/21/09
Devilment The Great and Secret Show Erik T 01/05/15
The Devils of Loudon Escaping Eternity Erik T 02/28/22
The Devils of Loudon Enduring Creation EP Erik T 04/27/16
The Devil's Blood The Time of No Time Evermore Kate Wilcox 07/12/10
Devin Townsend Project Deconstruction Matti Manner 07/04/11
Devin Townsend Project Ki Shawn Pelata 05/25/09
Devlin Grand Death Opening Mikko K. 05/10/03
Devolved Reprisal Erik T 12/21/12
Devourment Conceived in Sewage Kevin E 02/21/13
Devourment Obscene Majesty Frank Rini 07/22/19
Devourment Unleash the Carnivore Benjamin DeBlasi 08/10/09
Dew-Scented Incinerate Larry "Staylow" Owens 02/19/08
Dew-Scented Invocation Larry "Staylow" Owens 08/17/10
DHG Supervillian Outcast Grimulfr 09/07/07
Diablo Eternium Mikko K. 03/01/04
Diablo Swing Orchestra Sing Along Songs for the Damned & Delirious Fred Phillips 10/19/09
Diabolical The Gallery of Bleeding Art Erik T 12/30/08
Diabolical Umbra EP Erik T 08/09/16
Diabolical Messiah Demonic Weapons Against the Sacred Frank Rini 06/23/17
Diabolus Arcanium Path to Ascension Jay S 02/16/16
Dibbukim Az A Foygl Un A Goylem Tantsn Erik T 07/27/11
Die Among Heroes Die Among Heroes Erik T 02/11/10
Die Hard Nihilistic Visions Scott Alisoglu 11/24/09
Dignity Project Destiny Fred Phillips 10/28/08
Diluvian Epidemic Erik T 01/06/11
Diluvian Inhumanity Remains EP Erik T 12/22/08
Dimension F3H Does the Pain Excite You? Larry "Staylow" Owens 01/04/09
Dimension Zero He Who Shall Not Bleed Erik T 03/24/09
Dimentianon Collapse the Void Jordan Itkowitz 11/22/10
Dimentianon Hossanas Novus Ordo Seclurum Erik T 10/16/07
Dimesland Psychogenic Atrophy Nick K 09/02/15
Diminished Rectal Torment Jesse Wolf 02/22/11
Dimmu Borgir Eonian Jordan Itkowitz 04/23/18
Dimmu Borgir In Sorte Diaboli Erik T 04/17/07
Dimmu Borgir The Invaluable Darkness (DVD) Jordan Itkowitz 01/15/09
Dimmu Borgir Abrahadabra Jordan Itkowitz 10/04/10
Dioramic Technicolor Jordan Itkowitz 04/12/10
Dipygus Bushmeat Frank Rini 05/19/21
Dipygus Dipygus Frank Rini 03/22/24
Dirge Ah Puch Jay S 01/30/19
Dirkschneider Balls to the Wall RELOADED Jeremy Beck 03/19/25
Dirtfedd The American Nightmare Belgarath 01/18/09
Disavowed Revocation of The Fallen Nick K 08/13/20
Dischordia Binge/Purge EP Kristofor Allred 10/05/18
Discordia Thanatopsis Kristofor Allred 01/24/17
Discreation End of Days Erik T 01/18/18
Discreation Procreation of the Wretched Erik T 05/27/15
The Disease Concept Your Destroyer Jay S 10/30/14
Diseim Holy Wrath Andrew Young 04/18/12
Disentomb The Decaying Light Erik T 07/29/19
Disfigured Anthology of Dementia Frank Rini 11/20/15
Disfigured Dead Visions of Death Scott Alisoglu 02/11/10
Disfiguring the Goddess Sleeper Erik T 05/18/12
Disfuneral Blood Red Tentacle Erik T 05/11/22
Disgod Sanguine Scales Larry "Staylow" Owens 08/30/10
Dishammer Vintage Addiction Scott Alisoglu 02/17/09
Disharmonia Mundi Fragments of D-Generation Erik T 05/17/04
Disharmonia Mundi Mind Tricks Erik T 07/20/06
Disharmonia Mundi Nebularium + Restless Memoirs EP Erik T 07/22/09
Disharmonia Mundi The Isolation Game Erik T 02/19/10
Disharmonic Orchestra Ahead (Re-issue) Erik T 02/15/10
Disillusion The Liberation Erik T 09/16/19
Disillusion Ayam Erik T 11/14/22
Disillusion Back to Times of Splendor Erik T 08/31/04
Disillusion Gloria Erik T 10/31/06
Diskord Oscillations EP Luke Saunders 09/05/14
Diskreet Infernal Rise EP Erik T 04/19/07
Diskreet Engage the Mechanicality Jesse Wolf 12/02/10
Disloyal Godless Adam Palm 10/07/15
Disma Earthendium EP Frank Rini 08/05/22
Disma The Graveless Remains EP Frank Rini 09/29/17
Disma The Lost Vault of Chaos Frank Rini 01/05/17
Disma Towards the Megalith Erik T 07/29/11
Dismal Lapse Eon Fragmentation Erik T 02/26/10
Dismal Lapse The Nameless, Faceless EP Erik T 07/29/08
Dismalimerence, Nurez, Olim, The Wolf Garden Recurrence Steve K 05/27/22
Dismember Dismember Erik T 02/19/08
Dismember The God That Never Was Erik T 02/27/06
Dismember Where Ironcrosses Grow Erik T 03/08/04
Dismemberment Denied Salvation EP Luke Saunders 12/20/13
Displeased Disfigurement Origin of Abhorrence Nick K 08/04/17
Dissect Swallow Swouming Mass (Reissue) Frank Rini 02/11/14
Dissident Clone State of Dysphoria EP Nick K 07/01/15
Distant Aeons of Oblivion Erik T 07/12/21
Distant Heritage Erik T 02/20/23
Distant Tyrannotophia Erik T 07/18/19
Distaste Der Ertraeger und das Fleisch Erik T 10/25/23
Disastrous Severe Suffering Jesse Wolf 04/02/12
Distorted Voices From Within Larry "Staylow" Owens 08/31/08
Divine Disorder Garden of Dystopia Erik T 03/20/15
Divine Element Thaurachs of Borsu Erik T 07/05/17
Divine Eve Vengeful and Obstinate EP Justin M Norton 02/04/10
Divine Heresy Bleed the Fifth Larry "Staylow" Owens 04/25/07
Divine Heresy Bringer of Plagues Larry "Staylow" Owens 08/25/09
Divinity Allegory Larry "Staylow" Owens 10/12/08
Divinity Destroyed Eden In Ashes Erik T 03/23/05
Djerv Djerv Dane Prokofiev 03/13/12
Dodecahedron Kwintessens Erik T 05/26/17
Dodheimsgard A Umbra Omega Nick K 05/29/15
Dodsferd Cursing Your Will To Live Grimulfr 10/20/07
Dodsferd Fucking Your Creation Grimulfr 01/20/07
Dodsferd Suicide and the Rest of Your Kind Will Follow Ben Hogg 05/29/09
Dödsrit Mortal Coil Steve K 05/21/21
Dokken Lightning Strikes Again Shawn Pelata 04/19/08
Dold Vorde Ens Navn Gjengangere i hjertets mørke EP Erik T 12/16/19
Dolentia Iniciação Eversiva Chris Sessions 07/22/15
Domains Sinister Ceremonies Erik T 04/09/14
Domination Campaign A Storm of Steel Steve K 01/24/24
Domination Campaign Onwards to Glory Erik T 07/21/21
Domination Through Impurity Masochist Erik T 04/14/11
Dominhate Emissaries of Morning EP Jay S 08/25/16
Dominici O3: A Trilogy Part 3 Shawn Pelata 05/13/08
Doomcave Woebegone Jay S 07/25/17
Doomriders Darkness Come Alive Erik T 10/12/09
Doperunner Doperunner Erik T 09/18/14
Dornenreich In Luft Geritzt Shawn Pelata 06/03/08
Down IV, Part 1: The Purple EP Larry "Staylow" Owens 11/13/12
Down Over the Under Fred Phillips 10/25/07
Down Among the Dead Men ...And You Will Obey Me Erik T 06/28/18
Down River Down River Fred Phillips 05/26/07
Downcross White Tower Jeremy Beck 06/25/24
Downfall of Gaia Silhouettes of Disgust Erik T 04/11/23
Downfall of Gaia Suffocating in the Swarm of Cranes Erik T 11/09/12
Downfall of Mankind Vile Birth J Mays 05/12/22
Downfall of Nur Umbras de Barbagia Mars Budziszewski 06/26/15
Dr. Acula Below Me Erik T 12/12/08
Dr. Acula Slander Jesse Wolf 06/13/11
Draconian Turning Season Within Shane Wolfensberger 03/06/08
Draconian Under a Godless Veil Kristofor Allred 11/12/20
Dragoncorpse The Drakketh Saga EP Erik T 02/10/23
Drain The Sky Haunted By Rivers Shawn Pelata 06/10/08
Drakar Let Draka/The Flight of the Dragon Scott Alisoglu 05/12/11
Drakonis Blessed By Embers Erik T 04/23/20
Drama Noir Nightfall Upon the Asylum Erik T 07/12/23
Drautran Throne of the Depths Grimulfr 12/08/07
Drawn and Quartered Merciless Hammer of Lucifer Erik T 12/05/07
The Dread Crew of Oddwood Rust & Glory Frank Rini 05/14/24
Dread Sovereign Alchemical Warfare Steve K 01/18/21
Dreadnought A Wake in Sacred Waves Erik T 11/22/17
Dream Theater A Dramatic Turn of Events Jordan Itkowitz 09/15/11
Dream Theater Black Clouds and Silver Linings Igor Stakh 08/07/09
Dreamgrave Presentiment Luke Saunders 03/02/15
Dreaming Dead Funeral Twilight Kristofor Allred 05/19/17
Dreaming Dead Midnightmares Travis Bolek 06/14/12
Dreaming Dead Within One Larry "Staylow" Owens 01/27/09
Dreamland Exit 49 Igor Stakh 10/02/09
The Drip The Haunting Fear of Inevitability Nick K 02/16/17
Dripping Decay Festering Grotesqueries J Mays 09/26/23
Dripping Decay Ripping Remains EP Jeremy Beck 01/18/24
Drown In Sulphur Dark Secrets of the Soul Erik T 01/08/24
The Drowning This Bleak Descent Shawn Pelata 12/18/08
Drudkh A Furrow Cut Short Timothy D White 06/08/15
Drudkh Eternal Turn of the Wheel Dane Prokofiev 07/03/12
Drug Honkey Death Dub Scott Alisoglu 12/13/10
Drug Honkey Ghost in the Fire Erik T 08/14/12
Druglord New Day Dying Jay S 09/12/18
Druparia The River Above Erik T 12/27/24
Duft Altar of Instant Gratification J Mays 05/24/24
Dungeon Steel Bloodlust EP Steve K 11/12/21
DungeönHammer Infernal Moon Erik T 10/18/18
Dusk Dissolve into Ash Frank Rini 01/04/24
Duskmourn Fallen Kings and Rusted Crowns Steve K 07/16/21
Dust Is Everywhere Attics And Catacombs Grimulfr 09/04/08
Dust to Dust Sick Mikko K. 07/10/03
Dying Fetus Descend into Depravity Erik T 10/05/09
Dying Fetus Infatuation With Malevolence (Reissue) Erik T 03/14/11
Dying Fetus Killing On Adrenaline (Reissue) Erik T 03/14/11
Dying Fetus Make Them Beg For Death Frank Rini 09/04/23
Dying Fetus Reign Supreme Erik T 06/19/12
Dying Fetus War of Attrition Erik T 03/08/07
Dying Fetus Wrong One to Fuck With Erik T 06/26/17
Dying Fetus Grotesque Impalement EP (Reissue) Scott Alisoglu 03/14/11
Dying Fetus Purification Through Violence (Reissue) Scott Alisoglu 03/14/11
Dying Humanity Deadened Erik T 11/12/15
Dynahead Antigen Shawn Pelata 03/01/10
Dynahead Youniverse Conor Fynes 05/03/12
Dynasty Truer Living With a Youthful Aggression Conor Fynes 04/25/12
Dynfari Sem Skugginn Mike Sloan 12/04/12
Dyscarnate With All Their Might Erik T 09/04/17
Dÿse Dÿse Chris Ayers 02/19/08
Dysentery Fragments Kevin E 09/10/15
Dyskinesia Micturating Deposits of Grit Through the Urinary Tract EP Frank Rini 04/30/21
Dysmorphic A Notion of Causality Frank Rini 01/16/14
Dysrhythmia Psychic Maps John Gnesin 09/10/09
Dysrider Bury the Omen Erik T 05/14/15
Dystersol Anaemic Erik T 04/21/23
Dystrophy Wretched Host Kevin E 01/13/16
Engraved Darkness Diabolical Scriptures Kristofor Allred 05/05/16
Escape is not Freedom/Dusk Village Split EP Jay S 11/09/18
Overmars/Donefor In the Arms of Octopus (split) Mikko K. 12/24/02
Synestia/Disembodied Tyrant The Poetic Edda EP Erik T 05/10/24
The Devil's Blood The Thousandfold Epicentre Jordan Itkowitz 01/18/12