Okay this is both cool and a bit of a head scratcher, first the cool part. I know there are many of you out there that may miss Massacre both in the 90’s version and the recently aborted reformation of the selfsame band and if you are part of this fan base, you are in luck.
In case you don’t know this group and its members within its ranks are none other than Kam Lee ( Death, Massacre, The Grotesquery and a host of others) and Rogga Johansson (Revolting, Putrevore, Paganizer, Those Who Bring Torture and host of million others) Morgan Lie ( Naglfar) and Ronnie Bjornstrom ( Aeon, Ribreader) almost a “supergroup of sorts and what they have gathered to create is basically a version of Massacre, a bit of early Six Feet Under and a sprinkling of Rogga’s (many) other groups. The headscratcher part is why? Why do we need another group with some of the above members play in another band with same members under a different name, cant they just do this in The Grotesquery perhaps? So whatever the reasons they may be, this is entertaining has a one off affair.
I have heard bits and pieces of earlier releases from Bone Gnawer (this being their 7th) and its still basically the same lots of horror/zombie movie samples and interludes, Kam Lee still sounds as good as ever the song “Chrome Skull” is great example of his vocals and along with the musicianship and its galloping mid paced chug.” Below A Murder of Carrion Crows” has a killer guitar sound and riff. Songs tend to avoid all out speed and go for a catchier vibe reminiscent of Massacre, Bolt Thrower, you know, the evil dark late 80 death metal you have come to know and love.
All songs are well played and production is up there and not disappointing and with the members experience involved its good to see that this is done right. Again, like mentioned above not a terrible release, its been done before and we all know by who. I just wonder why we need another band saying the same thing, Quality over quantity I say.
[Visit the band's website]Find more articles with 2015, Bone Gnawer, Pulverised Records, Review, Will 'Bones' Lee
yeah, this, the recent The Grotesquery and Revolting albums are all pretty interchangeable…
on Jul 16th, 2015 at 10:45Great review Will. Sounds killer. I’m a big Bolt Thrower fan, so I’ll check it out.
Bone Gnawer is also a ridiculously sick band name. Love it!
on Jul 16th, 2015 at 14:48Yeah…I just wish sometimes that they would gather, condense ideas, thoughts and (in the end) songs and create one focused attack….but Yeah!…the name is cool..very appropriate.
on Jul 18th, 2015 at 08:56