TeethoftheDivine.com’s Staff picks of 2010

It’s that time of the year again, when it’s time to take a look back at the previous year and figure out what the end score was. And as it is with things over here at Teeth of the Divine, this thing is legen-waitforit-dary…but none the less open to debate. So take part in the fun and post your top 2010 lists too! Without further a due, 12 pages of all things 2010 (and more or less, metal). Enjoy!
The year started slow, but picked up steam about half way through. Not as great as the past couple, but still good.
1. Exodus – Exhibit B: The Human Condition
A poor choice in the eyes of many it seems, especially old Exodus fans, but I could care less. No other album this year got my head moving and blood pumping as much as Exhibit B. Rob Dukes keeps developing as a vocalist and Mr. Holt once again packs in more ass kicking riffs than you can shake a stick at.
2. God Dethroned – Under the Sign of the Iron Cross
Last years Passiondale nearly took my AOTY honors, so in anticipation of this, I wondered if and how they could possibly top it, especially when they announced Under the Sign… would be another WW I concept album. Any and all doubts were put to rest the moment I heard it as it’s even more brutal than it’s predecessor while retaining most of the hooks, melody and oppressing atmosphere. Another solid win for the criminally under appreciated group.
3. Misery Index – Heirs to Thievery
Wow. Talk about taking your game to a whole new level. Their fourth, Heirs to Thievery is a total monster. I don’t think I’ve ever heard such a devastating balance of brutality, groove and catchyness, ever. If you’re not raving about this, you should be.
4. Fear Factory – Mechanize
Who would have thought Fear Factory would come back from the dead with Dino back in tow along with, ahem, Mean Gene Motherfucking Hoglan and no Ray or Christian? Beyond this, who would have thought the resulting album would arguably be the best work of their career? Certainly not me, but we have Mechanize here as proof of their triumphant return. Or maybe that should be Dino’s triumphant return? Eh who cares, this shit kills.
5. Atheist – Jupiter
The past decade has been littered with many reunions and comebacks from late 80’s/early 90’s thrash and death bands, but none have shone as brightly as Atheist’s Jupiter. At 33 minutes, Jupiter is a brief and masterful jazzy technical/prog metal mind fuck that easily stands up to their early work. No words of mine can truly do it justice, so do yourself a favor and just listen to it.
6. Soilwork – The Panic Broadcast
Unexpected? Yes, especially following 2007’s Sworn to a Great Divide, an album I’d call at best a beer coaster. That album proved what a vital part Peter Wichers played in the band, so his return to the fold on The Panic Broadcast is monumental, and it shows – this might be the bands finest work to date. Super catchy, super melodic, and at times, heavier than anything they’ve done since A Predator’s Portrait.
7. Forbidden – Omega Wave
As with any comeback album, I had my doubts about Omega Wave, but after a few spins those doubts were washed away. Several nods to their two classic albums and a foot geared to the here and now, Omega Wave strikes that rare ground of sticking to your roots while still moving forward. The solos! Epic fucking solos!
8. Death Angel – Relentless Retribution
As it’s title suggests, Death Angel’s 6th album, Relentless Retribution is indeed relentless, despite a misstep or two. I mostly got over my issues with “Claws So Deep”, but I still hate “Volcanic” – that one should have never left the studio. But what can I say? I’m a huge DA fanboy and they rarely steer me wrong.
9. Overkill – Ironbound
I’ve never been a huge Overkill fan, but have always admired their tenacious ability to just be there still screaming fuck you. Ironbound changes that though, as it easily stands as the groups best since Horrorscope. Sick riffs, big hooks and a seriously pissed off sounding Bobby Blitz make it one of the years best.
10. Heathen – The Evolution of Chaos
Another comeback album? From another Bay Area Thrash band? You betcha. Heathen were a bit more under the radar in comparison to some of their peers, but that doesn’t mean they were not as good. Victims of Deception is a thrash classic, and The Evolution of Chaos proudly stands next to it in all aspects.
11. Witchery – Witchkreig
12. Evocation – Apocalyptic
13. Solution .45 – For Aeons Past
14. Nevermore – The Obsidian Conspiracy
15. Demiurg – Slakthus Gamleby
16. Lyzanxia – Locust
17. High On Fire – Snakes For the Divine
18. Echovirus – Invictus
19. The Absence – Enemy Unbound
20. Universum – Mortuus Machina
21. Kataklysm – Heaven’s Venom
22. Canopy – Menhir
23. Incarnia – Proclamation
24. Ares Kingdom – Incendiary
25. Rotting Christ – Aealo
Locusta – self-titled
Not quite as good as last year’s Stone’s Reach from Be’lakor, but good none the less. Barely missed the op 25. Kinda progressive black/death from Ohio. OHIO! I’ll be keeping an eye on these guys.
Criminal Element – Crime and Punishment Pt. 1
Comprised of ¾ of Misery Index, I knew this had to be good. I can’t wait to hear more from these guys. In the meantime, I suppose I should be finding their prior full length.
1. The Crown – Doomsday King
Seriously, I expected much more, with or without Johan Lindstrand. It has it’s moments for sure, but overall this was easily my biggest let down of the year. Hopefully next time out they’ll craft something that will rock our socks off like Deathrace King.
2. Dark Tranquillity – We Are the Void
I was a late comer to the DT camp, first picking up on the band with 2005’s Character, and not truly hooked till 2007’s follow up, Fiction. Looking at their discography as a whole, there are a few low points so I guess they were just due for another. We Are the Void is just…boring and vanilla, not necessarily bad.
3. Arsis – Starve For the Devil
The departure of Darren Cesca following the release of We Are the Nightmare was sad, but the return of original drummer Micheal Van Dyne kinda made up for it. I’m not too crazy about the stripped down and sort of rock oriented approach the group took on this outing, especially in comparison to it’s viciously technical predecessor. Not terrible or even bad, just not what I expected or wanted.
4. Ozzy – Scream
I can’t really say I was disappointed with this as I knew it would most likely suck, and that’s exactly what it did and does. I suppose there was a slight glimmer of hope when Gus G joined the fold, but really – did he write anything for this? If he did, it doesn’t show. Ozzy continues to slide downhill and embarrass himself – his expiration date has long since passed.
And of course the most disappointing thing from the past year is all the passings. Metal was dealt three huge blows in a short span of time. Rest in peace Ronnie James Dio, Peter Steele and Paul Gray. You’ll all be missed.
Death Angel – “This Hate”
Fear Factory – “Fear Campaign”
Misery Index – “You Lose”
Soilwork – “Late for the Kill, Early for the Slaughter”
Witchery – “From Dead to Worse”
God Dethroned – “Under the Sign of the Iron Cross”
Heathen – “No Stone Unturned”
Forbidden – “Dragging My Casket”
High On Fire – “Snakes for the Divine”
Exodus – “The Sun is My Destroyer”
In Vain – “Mannefall”
Enslaved – “Singular”
Find more articles with: 2010, Blog, Staff Picks
Another amazing year for heavy music, another year of thoughtful, well-written reviews, captivating discussions, and excellent overall journalism. I have been a religious reader of TOTD for a long time, (since well before it was TOTD in fact), and this is actually the first time I have commented, replied, posted anything. I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you, thank you, FUCKING THANK YOU to all of the staff. Thank you from the darkest corner of my heart for your diligent and relentless pursuit of the music that I love. Without you, I would be lost.
on Jan 10th, 2011 at 15:32Thanks to TOTD for another year of excellent metal reviews.
Nice lists – some stuff in there I haven’t yet heard and, by the sounds of it, will need to.
Just to add my two cents, here are the albums which didn’t appear on any of the TOTD lists, but which I had in my best-of:
Adversarial – All Idols Fall Before The Hammer
Ascension – Consolamentum
Bloody Sign – Chaos Echoes
Diocletian – War Of All Against All
Galar – Til Alle Heimsens Endar
Immolation – Majesty And Decay
Svart Crown – Witnessing The Fall
Witchrist – Beheaded Ouroborus
Looking forward to the rest of 2011!
on Jan 10th, 2011 at 18:27Thumbs up to Larry’s list. Actually contains metal bands I’ve heard of. Really shocked but surprised at the mention of Lyzanxia and Universum (considering it was self-released towards the end of December). Also agreed on the Arsis and The Crown picks — compared to Deathrace King, Doomsday King was just a load of poorly produced uninspired crap.
on Jan 10th, 2011 at 20:49Thanks again TOTD for another year ful of great reviews and helping steer some of us who are out of the loop in the right diretion for good music. The only thing I thought this list was mising was probably the greatest release of 2010 and that is Enslaved’s “Axioma Ethica Odini”, a MASTERPIECE which cannot be surpassed.
on Jan 11th, 2011 at 18:39I’ve been going through the lists and it’s really interesting how varied they are, in fact some people have listed as their favorites albums that other have listed as disappointments. Frankly I’m surprised that everyone hated Ozzy’s new one so much, I thought it was over a billion times better than his last few. I honestly like every song on there except “Let it Die”. Maybe I’m in a weird niche or something.
To Benjamin, I saw that you had Blood Calls We Die on your list and I have been looking for their album EVERYWHERE to no avail. I couldn’t even find a place to buy it other than some Japanese site. Where or how did you get this tape??? I gotta have it!
on Jan 12th, 2011 at 01:55Thanks for listing Metazoa. Sorry we didn’t get it out to you sooner! :-)
on Jan 13th, 2011 at 22:14Krustster, I’ll put you in touch with the label guru, give me a shout at – bsdeblasi@gmail.com.
on Jan 15th, 2011 at 00:12