Teeth of the Divine’s STAFF PICKS for 2011

Well, another year. Another late year rush to get staff picks together, which is a lot like herding cats. Another year of rotating staff members. Another year of departed metal icons. But despite of all that, another year of seemingly endless awesome metal. Its seems like each year is always better than the last with a mix of old acts returning, newcomers bringing the thunder and of course the perennials and old reliables. Sit back and feast your eyes on this years cream of the crop according to the staff here at Teethofthedivine.com. And of course feel free discuss, dissect and discredit, but more importantly tell us your picks, good and bad of 2011.
Another amazing year for metal – probably my favorite since 2006 – with more variety and subgenres than ever before. This list came together very quickly, given that some of these have been in my steady rotation since early in the year. That says a lot for their staying power – especially when you look at my #1 pick…
1. Pagan’s Mind – Heavenly Ecstasy. On a year-end list filled with progressive death, black metal, tech death and the like, not only did I choose a power/prog album as my favorite for the year, but it’s also the band’s least proggy, most straightforward release to date. So why pick it? Because no other metal album gave me more sheer listening pleasure this year. Monster hooks, addictive sing-along choruses, and the perfect balance of early 80s heavy-metal bravado with modern progressive flair and production.
2. Fleshgod Apocalypse – Agony. Awe-inspiring, jaw-dropping, gorgeous cacophony. This album was the most impressive metal experience of the year for me. The debut or EP didn’t do much for me, but here these maniacal Italians have seized on a sound that lets the symphonics carry the songwriting rather than just being a gimmicky garnish, and that makes all the difference for me.
3. Benighted – Asylum Cave. I crave a lot more melody and hooks than the brutal death/grind genre usually offers, but these depraved Frenchmen managed to deliver the perfect blend of both worlds, without losing a single bit of insanity in the process. Sick grooves, memorable tunes and a triple attack of gurgles, screams and bree-bree pig vocals. Addictive, grisly fun.
4. Dream Theater – A Dramatic Turn of Events. Simply put, the band’s best, most electrifying and most importantly, the most fun release they’ve put out in a decade.
5. Scar Symmetry – The Unseen Empire. Like the rest of you, I was disappointed when Christian Alvestam left the band after album #3, and even more disappointed to hear them stumble on the lackluster Dark Matter Dimensions. So I was very pleasantly surprised to hear them back in top form with this one. It may not have the overwhelming guitar pyrotechnics of Holographic Universe, but I think it’s the band’s most concise and solid collection of melo-death ear candy yet, which is why it’s been a steady player for me all year.
6. The Devil’s Blood – The Thousandfold Epicentre. Ghost may get all the attention from this new retro ‘70s revival, but Dutch occult-rockers The Devil’s Blood performs their homage without a hint or irony or kitsch. This new one sees the mysterious Dutchmen (and woman) painting with a more opulent palette, making this their most epic and psychedelic release to date. Wail Satan!
7. Junius – Reports from the Threshold of Death. Calling Jonas Renske – this is how you write memorable doom/post-metal songs. Junius are steeped in the same crushing melancholy as Katatonia, but I found this collection of songs to be more sensible, smartly crafted and packed with melodic hooks than Night is the New Day. Good thing both albums didn’t come out in the same year.
8. Opeth – Heritage. This marks the 2nd year that an Opeth album does not make the #1 slot for me, but they’re still my favorite band and they still delivered a memorable, authentic experience with this new direction. It just took awhile to sink in. Oddly enough, the weirdest, most colorful songs like “Famine” or “The Devil’s Orchard” were the ones that kept me coming back again and again, which gives me hope for an even more expansive journey next time.
9. Obscura – Omnivium. I expected jaw-dropping technicality from this release, but I did not expect it to be so diverse, playful or flat-out bizarre. Each track on Omnivium is different – sometimes dizzingly so – and blasts the band far, far beyond the Cynic and Death worship of their former albums. I can’t even imagine what the next one will sound like.
10. Symphony X – Iconoclast. As with Dream Theater, this was my favorite Symphony X release in a decade. It may not be as fluidly melodic as their earlier material – the result of a purposely darker, more aggressive approach – but there are still plenty of hooks and dramatic crescendos to come back for. Worth it alone for the epic title track.
11. Myrath – Tales of the Sands
12. Omnium Gatherum – New World Shadows
13. Mastodon – The Hunter
14. Dekadent – Venera: Trial and Tribulation
15. Orchid – Capricorn
16. Obsequiae – Suspended in the Brume of Eos
17. Insomnium – One for Sorrow
18. Anaal Nathrakh – Passion
19. Finnr’s Cane – Wanderlust
20. Fen – Epoch
Best EPs
1. Gorod – Transcendence
2. Hessian Crucible – Morbidity
3. Ash Borer – Ash Borer
Best Cover
Ghost – “Here Comes the Sun” (Beatles)
Best Re-Recording/Rework
Gorod – “Blackout” (an amazing, deft gypsy/jazz/flamenco version of the original from Leading Vision)
Best Creative Comeback
Dream Theater
Best Guilty Pleasures
Nightwish – Imaginaerum
Powerwolf – Blood of the Saints
Blood Stain Child – Epsilon
Morbid Angel – “Destructos vs the Earth”
Most-Listened to Album of 2011 Not Released in 2011
The Devil’s Blood – Come, Reap EP
Album I Should Have Named as My #1 of 2010
Iron Thrones – The Wretched Sun
Best Bigfoot Death Metal Album
Troglodyte – Welcome to Boggy Creek…
Cool Albums I Didn’t Get to Spend Enough Time With
Azarath – Blasphemers’ Maledictions
Vektor – Outer Isolation
Sorgeldom – From Outer Intelligences
Albums Everyone Else Loved But Which Bored Me to Tears
40 Watt Sun – The Inside Room
Wolves in the Throne Room – Celestial Lineage
Primordial – Redemption at the Puritan’s Hand
Sorry Guys, the Last Albums Were Better…
Klabautamann – The Old Chamber
Leviathan – True Traitor, True Whore
Memfis – Vertigo
Amorphis – The Beginning of Times
Serenity – Death & Legacy
Find more articles with: 2011, Blog, Staff Picks
Apparently there are quite a bit of new staff that I have never heard of. Any of you folks posting in the forum?
on Jan 2nd, 2012 at 13:03Chuck = globox
on Jan 2nd, 2012 at 13:50Fuckin A Jodi! Vintersorg rules
on Jan 2nd, 2012 at 16:09Surprised 40 Watt Sun left so many folks cold. Just picked it up last week & am digging it.
on Jan 2nd, 2012 at 18:3240 watt sun does nothing for me and I am the doom guy. It’s drawn out and whinny to me.
on Jan 2nd, 2012 at 19:12My list: http://abismo666blogzine.blogspot.com/2011/12/lo-mejor-del-2011-sebas.html
on Jan 2nd, 2012 at 20:17(Nº1: 40 Watt Sun)
I can always count on Grim to deliver a list that has little to no overlap with anyone else’s… which is a good thing ’cause otherwise I’d have never heard of gems like Slartibartfass. Weird name, great black metal.
on Jan 3rd, 2012 at 23:31another overlooked 2011 gem: Witheria – thanks Larry! you are 2 for 2 for me this year
on Jan 4th, 2012 at 00:03It’s CRIMINAL you left off Novembers Doom. Aphotic was better then most this year, and not even an honorable mention?
on Jan 10th, 2012 at 00:17I was lucky enough to see 40 Watt Sun in Chicago this last fall and considering I met up with a bunch of the MetalReview staff it was a great time. Superb show.
With that said, I can totally see why many out there aren’t into the album much. It is a tad whiny in spots, and the songs do appear to go nowhere on the surface but for me there’s quite a bit of depth in that fuckin’ record. I personally dig it quite a bit and it cracked my top 5… shit just resonates very, very well with me. I hate to use the ol’ cliche, but I truly feel it’s one of those albums where you’re gonna absolutely fucking hate it, or as has been the case with just about every fan of it out there I’ve run across you hold it in very high regard. Seems there’s no in between on this one.
Lastly, nice lookin’ list, Erik. There are a lot of albums on there I haven’t heard yet and will likely investigate more than a few of them. Also, gonna miss your work over at MR big time, but I look forward to continuing to follow you on Teeth. Cheers!!!
on Jan 12th, 2012 at 16:26