Teeth of the Divine’s STAFF PICKS for 2011

Well, another year. Another late year rush to get staff picks together, which is a lot like herding cats. Another year of rotating staff members. Another year of departed metal icons. But despite of all that, another year of seemingly endless awesome metal. Its seems like each year is always better than the last with a mix of old acts returning, newcomers bringing the thunder and of course the perennials and old reliables. Sit back and feast your eyes on this years cream of the crop according to the staff here at Teethofthedivine.com. And of course feel free discuss, dissect and discredit, but more importantly tell us your picks, good and bad of 2011.
Not the greatest year for me, as my metal listening (and reviewing) time was and still is seriously hindered for reasons I won’t divulge here. Despite this, I still got my hands on some good stuff. Quality wise, 2011 was every bit as strong as the last few years.
1. Vektor – Outer Isolation – Absolutely jaw dropping. Every time I listen to this, I hear something new to wet my pants over. Stunning musicianship and utterly unique. I can’t begin to put into words just how awesome this one is, just listen to it. Oh, and they’re from Arizona – say what?
2. Revocation – Chaos of Forms – This should probably be my #1, because no other album this year rocked me as hard as this one did. David Davidson is a guitar GOD. Technical without being wanky, they write honest to Dio songs, and killer ones at that. Their finest work to date.
3. Omnium Gatherum – New World Shadows – This band just keeps getting better and better. One of the few absolutely reliable melodeath bands around these days. This one took a few spins to truly appreciate, but when it clicked, I was hooked.
4. Skeletonwitch – Forever Abomination – Worship the Witch! I friggin’ love this band, and you should too, because they kill. And they’re metal as fuck.
5. Hemoptysis – Misanthropic Slaughter – Whats this? Another killer thrash act from Arizona? Whats in the water out that way? Major Kreator vibe here, mostly in the vocal department, but they also fuse in a healthy dose melody ala newer Kreator into their vicious thrash attack.
6. Amon Amarth – Surtur Rising – What needs to be said here? It’s Amon Amarth and they never fail to deliver. Sure, a couple albums may have been just a tad bit sub par, but they’ve never released a dud. It just so happens though that Surtur Rising is on the front half of their discography though.
7. Amorphis – The Beginning of Times – Man, I’ve become a huge fan of this band the past couple years. Sometime in 2010, Skyforger just clicked, and clicked hard. If I was to remake my list from 09, Skyforger would be near the top, and this one is every bit as good.
8. Decapitated – Carnival is Forever – I’ve seen alot of people call this a disappointment, but I think it’s one helluva comeback. I could do without the ambient track at the end, but otherwise, this just kills in pure groove-laden Decap fashion.
9. Exhumed – All Guts, No Glory – Holy fuck, where have I been? These guys remind me a lot of Misery Index whom I fucking love with their use of monster, crushing grooves. I need to exhume (hehe) this bands past discopgraphy, pronto.
10. Hatepshere – The Great Bludgeoning – I was sorely disappointed when Jonathan Albrechtsen replaced Jacob Bredahl on vocals. Bredahl is by far one of the more unique extreme metal vocalists around, and Albrechtsen is very nondescript and one dimensional. But then they picked up this Ebsen Hansen, and I’ll be damned if he doesn’t remind me quite of bit of Bredahl, as he reintroduces a uniqueness to the vocal department. That said, The Great Bludgeoning just fucking rocks.
11. Benighted – Asylum Cave – Despite the use of lame pig squeals, this album flattened me like no other. Absolutely brutal.
12. Obscura – Omnivium – Cosmogenesis was awesome, but Omnivium takes them to a whole new level of ruleage. The cream of the crop tech death.
13. The Black Dahlia Murder – Ritual – These guys have become one of the most consistently awesome bands in all of metal. Not quite as good as Nocturnal, but every bit as good as anything else they’ve ever done.
14. Witheria – Vanishing Order – One of the best death/thrash albums of the last several years, these Finns kill it.
15. Absu – Abzu – Absolutely ripping. The more of this black thrash stuff I hear, the more I like it, but none do it as good as Absu.
15 More I Enjoyed Quite a Bit:
The Human Abstract – Digital Veil
From Nowhere – Agony
Warbringer – Worlds Torn Asunder
Vreid – V
Dim Mak – The Emergence of Reptilian Altars
Deicide – To Hell With God
Demonical – Death Infernal
Krisuin – The Great Execution
Anatomy of I – Substratum
Darkest Hour – The Human Romance
World Under Blood – Tactical
Havok – Time is Up
Book of Black Earth – Cold Testament
Deceased – Surreal Overdose
Landmine Marathon – Gallows
Best EP:
Between the Buried and Me – The Parallax: Hypersleep Dialogues
Best Instrumental Album:
Christian Muenzner – Timewarp
Albums that may have made this list with more time/spins:
Hands of Despair – Hereafter
Beyond Creation – The Aura
Best 2010 release I missed:
Murder Construct – Murder Construct EP
Worst/Biggest Disappointments:
DISCLAIMER: Lulu is an obvious choice for worst album of the year, but it’s not really a disappointment – I mean, did anyone really expect it to be good? No, they didn’t. And if they did, they’re merely a delusional fanboy. Then there’s the new Morbid Angel – I’ve never been a fan, so I can’t say I’m disappointed – I just sat back and laughed at the madness that ensued after it’s release. The way a lot of people feel about MA is how I feel about The Haunted, so it’s my own equivalent to everyone else’ Morbid Angel letdown.
1. The Haunted – Unseen – Unseen should have been Unheard. Holy fuck, the levels of suck contained within are staggering. No words can describe just how horrendous this piece of shit is. Not even fit to be a beer coaster or frisbee. This travesty is every bit as horrifying as mid-90’s Metallica. Fuck.
2. Lazarus AD – Black Rivers Flow – So much potential wasted. Maybe they’ll come back with a killer album number three, but I think they’ll continue town this path of suck they’ve begun to tread. Game over, thanks for playing.
3. Mastodon – The Hunter – Someone said it best in the review section – this is like Mastodon lite. I’m glad they decided to drop the goofball concepts and deliver a straight up album, but it’s ultimately boring. Where’s the heaviness? I’d kill for another album along the lines of Leviathan or Blood Mountain.
4. Insomnium – One For Sorrow – Not necessarily a bad album, but it didn’t do a damn thing for me. Nothing grabbed me at all. Disappointing in comparison to their past works. Maybe I just need to give it more time to sink it, I dismissed it rather quickly. I dunno.
5. Megadeth – Thirteen – So, Dave Ellefson comes back and Chris Broderick is still on board, and this is the result? A collection of half-assed new tunes and half-assed previously released ones? WTF Dave, get it off autopilot and gives something good dammit!
Find more articles with: 2011, Blog, Staff Picks
Apparently there are quite a bit of new staff that I have never heard of. Any of you folks posting in the forum?
on Jan 2nd, 2012 at 13:03Chuck = globox
on Jan 2nd, 2012 at 13:50Fuckin A Jodi! Vintersorg rules
on Jan 2nd, 2012 at 16:09Surprised 40 Watt Sun left so many folks cold. Just picked it up last week & am digging it.
on Jan 2nd, 2012 at 18:3240 watt sun does nothing for me and I am the doom guy. It’s drawn out and whinny to me.
on Jan 2nd, 2012 at 19:12My list: http://abismo666blogzine.blogspot.com/2011/12/lo-mejor-del-2011-sebas.html
on Jan 2nd, 2012 at 20:17(Nº1: 40 Watt Sun)
I can always count on Grim to deliver a list that has little to no overlap with anyone else’s… which is a good thing ’cause otherwise I’d have never heard of gems like Slartibartfass. Weird name, great black metal.
on Jan 3rd, 2012 at 23:31another overlooked 2011 gem: Witheria – thanks Larry! you are 2 for 2 for me this year
on Jan 4th, 2012 at 00:03It’s CRIMINAL you left off Novembers Doom. Aphotic was better then most this year, and not even an honorable mention?
on Jan 10th, 2012 at 00:17I was lucky enough to see 40 Watt Sun in Chicago this last fall and considering I met up with a bunch of the MetalReview staff it was a great time. Superb show.
With that said, I can totally see why many out there aren’t into the album much. It is a tad whiny in spots, and the songs do appear to go nowhere on the surface but for me there’s quite a bit of depth in that fuckin’ record. I personally dig it quite a bit and it cracked my top 5… shit just resonates very, very well with me. I hate to use the ol’ cliche, but I truly feel it’s one of those albums where you’re gonna absolutely fucking hate it, or as has been the case with just about every fan of it out there I’ve run across you hold it in very high regard. Seems there’s no in between on this one.
Lastly, nice lookin’ list, Erik. There are a lot of albums on there I haven’t heard yet and will likely investigate more than a few of them. Also, gonna miss your work over at MR big time, but I look forward to continuing to follow you on Teeth. Cheers!!!
on Jan 12th, 2012 at 16:26