Teeth of the Divine Staff Picks for 2016

Well, here we are at the start of a fresh new year. And while New Years is usually a time for bright-eyed, wishful optimism and wistful reminiscence, the global political and social climates have the world at unease. Yet despite a near blastbeat-pace of bummers and deaths, 2016 gave us another year of stellar extreme music.
Teethofthedivine soldiered on in 2016 as well, with some new faces on the team (though our distaste for digital promos hasn’t changed a bit). We also experienced a growth spurt on social media, so if you’re not following us yet, why the hell not? ‘Cause while other sites seem content to feed you with celebrity blogs, lists of ‘top 10 albums from 1993 which which had llamas on the cover’ or so-called humor pieces, TOTD just did what we do best: reviews, reviews, and reviews. One review every week day for the whole year. That’s 300+ reviews, folks.
We hope to add more interviews, features, and contests in 2017, and we do it all for you guys – our loyal readers, sharers, likers, and listeners. So keep on keeping it real in 2017, as it might be the last year the earth continues to spin. We’ll do our part to make sure metal stays as relevant in 2017 as it has been in the decades before.
So with much ado, here are the hand-picked releases that the TOTD staff enjoyed in 2016. Given the thousands of releases that assaulted our collective senses last year, hopefully we’ll introduce you to a few new favorites. And as always, stay tuned for our Fillings and Cavities feature, where we’ll shovel even more death, destruction, blackened weirdness, and melodic wonders into your willing ears.
Kevin E
Top 10 Albums of 2016 (in order):
1. Ulcerate– Shrines of Paralysis (Relapse) The dark, brooding, almost haunting atmosphere this band creates is second to none in the metal world. This album is a masterpiece, and I hope they make about 15 more.
2. Meshuggah – The Violent Sleep of Reason (Nuclear Blast) Is it possible that a band that’s been at the top for 25+ years can put out a “mature” album? That’s what this one sounds like, and the best keep getting better.
3. Blood Red Throne – Union of Flesh and Machine (Candlelight) An awesome return to form after their terrible previous album.
4. Black Crown Initiate – Selves We Cannot Forgive (eOne) Killer sophomore output from a band that just keeps moving up the tech-death ranks.
5. Rotten Sound – Abuse to Suffer (Season of Mist) The best band in grind metal, and it’s not even close.
6. Despised Icon – Beast (Nuclear Blast) Welcome back boys. You showed the world that the godfathers of deathcore can still show all young wannabes how it’s done.
7. Hatebreed – The Concrete Confessional (Nuclear Blast) I think I’m the only one I know that liked this album, and I’m just fine with that.
8. God’s Hate – Mass Murder (Closed Casket) Killer downtuned hardcore from a little known band.
9. Fleshgod Apocalypse – King (Nuclear Blast) Another return to form for a top notch symphonic death metal band after their previous blah output.
10. Nails – You Will Never Be One of Us (Nuclear Blast) Up and coming grind band that continues to show they have the muscle to hang with the big boys.
Most Disappointing Albums:
Abnormality – Mechanisms of Omniscience (Metal Blade) One of my most anticipated 2016 albums after their killer previous one, but this was a mail-it-in snoozefest.
Katalepsy – Gravenous Hour (Unique Leader) Another highly anticipated album from one of my favorite brutal death bands, but I just couldn’t get into this one no matter how many times I tried.
Testament – Brotherhood of the Snake (Nuclear Blast) Very average album, and I’m a big fan of theirs. “Canna Business” is in the running for worst track of the year. Laughably awful.
Best Song:
Rotten Sound – “Extortion and Blackmail”
Most Surprising Albums:
1. Dead End Finland – Slaves to the Greed (Inverse Records)
2. Serpentine Dominion – Self Titled (Metal Blade)
3. Blasphemer – Ritual Theophagy (Comatose)
Please Don’t Let Me Down in 2017:
1. Analepsy
2. Hour of Penance
Find more articles with: 2016, Staff Picks
Jordan, I was literally just listening to that Perturbator record. so good.
on Jan 3rd, 2017 at 19:51Dead Register! Might be my fave album of 2016.
on Jan 5th, 2017 at 02:41Hail Humiliation!!!
on Jan 5th, 2017 at 03:15The Metallica doesn’t have a decent melody or vocal delivery anywhere. It sounds like Hetfield shouting atonally over some mediocre thrash and Hamster sprayed Wah-Wah nonsense. Weak.
on Jan 6th, 2017 at 16:56Yeah that Dead Register disc made my list too.
on Jan 7th, 2017 at 12:35http://www.abismoblogzine.com/2017/01/lo-mejor-del-2016-sebas.html
on Jan 25th, 2017 at 11:19