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Artist Release Reviewer Date
Cough/Windhand Reflection of the Negative Split EP Luke Saunders 04/29/13
Dismalimerence, Nurez, Olim, The Wolf Garden Recurrence Steve K 05/27/22
Gurgling Gore Cassette Showcase Seep/ Wharflurch/Writhing Shadows Erik T 09/04/20
The Way of Purity Crosscore Jesse Wolf 12/15/10
The Wounded Kings The Shadow Over Atlantis Ian Grey 07/19/10
Waking the Cadaver Beyond Cops, Beyond God Benjamin DeBlasi 08/23/10
The Walking Dead Orchestra Architects of Destruction Kevin E 12/12/13
Wall of the Eyeless Wimfolsfestta Erik T 09/27/13
Walls of Jericho All Hail the Dead Erik T 02/24/04
Walls of Jericho No One Can Save You From Yourself Erik T 04/04/16
Walls of Jericho The American Dream Erik T 09/03/08
Walls of Jericho With Devils Amongst Us All Erik T 08/22/06
Wandersword Waiting For War Erik T 05/13/13
War Curse Eradication Luke Saunders 06/26/19
War From a Harlots Mouth In Shoals Benjamin DeBlasi 05/26/09
War From A Harlots Mouth Transmetropolitan Erik T 11/05/07
War Inside S.U.T.U.R.E Erik T 03/25/16
War of Ages Arise and Conquer Erik T 07/11/08
War of Ages Fire From the Tomb Erik T 06/28/07
War of Ages Return to Life Erik T 07/13/12
War Pigs Degeneration Ben Hogg 06/29/09
War Possession Through the Ages EP Erik T 01/25/13
Warbeast MMVIIII Stronghold Andrew Young 04/26/12
Warbringer War Without End Larry "Staylow" Owens 04/11/08
Warbringer Weapons of Tomorrow Frank Rini 07/07/20
WarCall Demonarchy Erik T 12/11/09
Warcrab Scars of Aeons Jay S 11/29/16
Warcrab The Howling Silence J Mays 12/14/23
Warcrab Damned In Endless Night Luke Saunders 11/08/19
Warfather Orchestrating the Apocalypse Erik T 01/31/14
Warfather The Grey Eminence Erik T 08/15/16
Warhammer Curse of the Absolute Eclipse Grimulfr 07/09/02
Warhorse As Heaven Turned to Ash (Reissue) Erik T 08/11/15
Warhorse As Heaven Turns to Ash Sean Palmerston 09/29/01
Warkings Morgana Steve K 12/01/22
Warmen Beyond Abilities Chris Dick 02/05/02
Warmen Here for None Steve K 08/14/23
Warmoon Lord Battlespells Erik T 06/22/21
Warrel Dane Praises to the War Machine Fred Phillips 05/20/08
Warrior The Code of Life Shawn Pelata 04/20/01
The Warriors Genuine Sense of Outrage Benjamin DeBlasi 09/07/07
Warseid Where Fate Lies Unbound EP Erik T 12/24/12
Warthrone Crown of the Apocalypse Frank Rini 09/17/19
Wartorn Iconic Nightmare Stacy Buchanan 08/20/13
Wastefall Self Exile Fred Phillips 06/06/06
Wastelander Wardrive Larry "Staylow" Owens 01/08/09
Watain Sworn to the Dark Erik T 06/25/07
Watain The Wild Hunt Mike Sloan 09/23/13
Watain Trident Wolf Eclipse Frank Rini 02/12/18
Watain The Agony & Ecstasy of Watain Frank Rini 05/02/22
Watchmaker Kill.Crush.Destroy Jay Paiva 04/06/01
Waterdown All Riot Erik T 01/09/06
Way to End Various Shades of Black Erik T 01/31/14
Wayfarer American Gothic Steve K 11/24/23
Wayfarer Children of the Iron Age Jay S 01/21/15
Waylander Honour Amongst Chaos Belgarath 01/06/09
Waylander The Light, the Dark and the Endless Knot Erik T 10/22/01
Wayne Metal Church Shawn Pelata 04/06/01
We Sell The Dead Black Sleep J Mays 04/01/20
We Were Gentlemen Living Hell Benjamin DeBlasi 11/27/09
Weak Aside The Next Offensive Erik T 04/16/15
Weak Aside Forward Into Darkness Erik T 12/07/18
Weapon Embers and Revelations Luke Saunders 10/31/12
Weapon From the Devil's Tomb Erik T 02/07/11
Weapon Draconian Paradigm Erik T 11/09/09
Wednesday 13 Necrophaze-Antidote EP J Mays 05/28/21
Weed Demon Astrological Passages Jay S 08/28/18
Weedeater God Luck And Good Speed Shawn Pelata 07/12/07
Weekend Nachos Worthless Jesse Wolf 07/08/11
The Weeping Gate Illuminate & Desecrate Erik T 10/24/24
Wehrmacht Shark Attack / Biērmächt (Reissues) Frank Rini 03/18/21
Welicoruss Siberian Heathen Horde Erik T 03/31/20
Welkin Angel Inside Mikko K. 05/01/03
Wendigo Anthropophagist Erik T 08/31/15
Werewolves From the Cave to the Grave J Mays 07/25/22
Werewolves The Dead Are Screaming Erik T 06/08/20
Werewolves What a Time to Be Alive J Mays 01/21/21
Werewolves Die For Us Frank Rini 08/29/24
Whales Don’t Fly    The Golden Sea J Mays 03/01/22
What's He Building In There? What's He Building In There? Erik T 03/04/08
Wheelfall Glasrew Point Jay S 12/15/15
Wheelrunner Bloodpaint Fred Phillips 03/18/10
When Day Descends Self-titled Shawn Pelata 01/24/11
When Plagues Collide An Unbiblical Paradigm Erik T 04/28/23
When Plagues Collide Tutor of the Dying Erik T 02/08/19
When the Deadbolt Breaks Until it All Collides Jay S 01/11/17
Whiplash Unborn Again Scott Alisoglu 09/25/09
Whiskey Ritual Narconomicon Stacy Buchanan 04/04/13
Whispered Thousand Swords Jordan Itkowitz 04/06/10
Whispering Void At the Sound of the Heart Jeremy Beck 11/27/24
Whisteria Cottage Heathen Erik T 05/06/09
White Magician Dealers of Divinity J Mays 12/21/20
White Mice Ganjahovadose Justin M Norton 11/17/09
White Orange White Orange Chuck Kucher 06/20/12
White Orange And This is Why I Speak to You in Parables LP Erik T 04/06/11
White Stones Kuarahy J Mays 03/23/20
White Stones Dancing Into Oblivion J Mays 08/26/21
White Widows Pact True Will Jay S 10/09/15
White Willow Signal to Noise Fred Phillips 08/19/05
White Wizzard Flying Tigers Fred Phillips 10/03/11
White Wizzard High Speed GTO Fred Phillips 09/22/09
White Wizzard Over the Top Fred Phillips 03/10/10
White Wizzard Shooting Star Fred Phillips 10/19/10
Whitechapel Hymns in Dissonance Erik T 03/10/25
Whitechapel Our Endless War Erik T 04/29/14
Whitechapel The Somatic Defilement Benjamin DeBlasi 08/12/07
Whitechapel The Valley Erik T 05/06/19
Whitechapel This Is Exile Erik T 07/09/08
Whitechapel Whitechapel Kevin E 06/21/12
Whitehorse Progression Kevin E 06/27/11
Whitesnake Good to be Bad Shawn Pelata 04/23/08
Whore of Bethlehem Upon Judas' Throne Erik T 01/27/15
Whores Ruiner EP Chuck Kucher 09/07/12
Whores Clean J. D. Anderson 11/20/13
Whoretopsy They Did Unspeakable Things Erik T 08/16/12
Wicked Innocence Omnipotence (Reissue) Frank Rini 08/18/21
Wicked Wisdom Wicked Wisdom Fred Phillips 04/15/05
Widow Life's Blood Fred Phillips 02/08/12
Widow Nightlife Fred Phillips 08/02/07
Widow On Fire Fred Phillips 06/28/05
Widows Oh Deer God Jay S 06/29/17
Wilderun Sleep at the Edge of the Earth Luke Saunders 07/15/15
Wilderun Epigone Erik T 01/24/22
Wilderun Veil of Imagination Pat Hughes 04/03/20
Wildestarr Arrival Erik T 10/29/09
Wildlights Wildlights Jay S 10/14/15
Will of the Ancients Will of the Ancients Erik T 08/14/07
William English Basic Human Error Jay S 09/01/15
Wind Rose Wintersaga Erik T 11/13/19
Wind Rose Stonehymn Erik T 06/05/17
Wind Rose Trollslayer Erik T 10/28/24
Wind Rose Warfront Erik T 06/13/22
Windbruch No Stars, Only Full Dark Erik T 09/03/14
Windhand Soma Luke Saunders 10/03/13
Windir Likferd Erik T 03/27/03
Windir Sognametal Martin Ferkingstad 06/20/05
Winds Prominence and Demise Shane Wolfensberger 08/10/07
Winds Reflections of the I Erik T 09/07/02
Winds The Imaginary Direction of Time Erik T 07/26/04
Winds of Genocide Usurping the Throne of Disease Erik T 05/08/15
Winds of Plague A Cold Day in Hell Erik T 09/18/05
Winds of Plague Decimate The Weak Erik T 02/06/08
Winds of Plague The Great Stone War Erik T 08/24/09
Winds of Torment Delighting in Relentless Ignorance Erik T 11/20/07
Winds of Tragedy Hating Life Erik T 03/14/23
Wino Punctuated Equilibrium Shawn Pelata 01/01/09
Winter Eternal Land Of Darkness Erik T 08/25/21
Winter Nights Sky Burial EP Kristofor Allred 09/10/21
Winter of Sin Violence Reigns Supreme Erik T 05/26/14
Winter Solstice The Fall of Rome Erik T 03/07/05
Winter's Bane Redivivus Fred Phillips 04/15/05
Winter's Gate The Voyage in Becoming EP Erik T 02/25/22
Winterdemons The Darkest Storm Grimulfr 12/16/06
Winterfylleth The Divination of Antiquity Dan Wrathburn 12/22/14
Winterfylleth The Threnody of Triumph Mike Sloan 09/18/12
Winterfylleth The Ghost of Heritage Erik T 12/23/08
Winterhorde Maestro Erik T 08/19/16
Winterhorde Underwatermoon Mikko K. 08/16/10
Winters Black Clouds In Twin Galaxies Shawn Pelata 08/07/07
Wintersoul Frozen Storm Apocalypse Erik T 08/25/10
Wintersun The Forest Seasons Erik T 07/24/17
Wintersun Time I Erik T 11/21/12
Wintersun Wintersun Erik T 09/13/04
Witch of 1692 Impious Mysterial Hymn Frank Rini 07/27/17
Witch Taint Sons of Midwestern Darkness Erik T 04/24/20
Witch Vomit Poisoned Blood EP Will 'Bones' Lee 10/05/17
Witch Vomit Funeral Sanctum J Mays 04/26/24
Witch-Hunt Darkened Anthology 1992-2002 Frank Rini 09/03/19
WitcheR Lélekharang Erik T 12/05/22
Witchery Nightside Steve K 08/01/22
Witchery Witchkrieg Larry "Staylow" Owens 08/23/10
Witches The Fates Steve K 07/09/20
Witches Mark A Grim Apparition Fred Phillips 02/16/10
Witchsorrow God Curse Us Chuck Kucher 12/06/12
Witchtrap Evil Strikes Again Steve K 11/19/20
Witchwood Before The Winter Frank Rini 01/19/21
With Blood Comes Cleansing Horror Erik T 03/07/08
With Burning Contempt Red Visions EP Erik T 03/20/13
With Dead Hands Rising Expect Hell Benjamin DeBlasi 09/15/08
With Dead Hands Rising The Horror Grows Near Erik T 08/03/04
With Passion What We See When We Close Our Eyes Erik T 04/14/07
With the Dead With the Dead Erik T 12/11/15
WithAllSincerity The Age Where Nothing Fits John Gnesin 07/22/03
Withered Dualitas Erik T 01/27/11
Withered Folie Circulaire Erik T 07/03/08
Withered Grief Relic Erik T 07/25/16
Withered Memento Mori Erik T 09/19/05
Withered Verloren Erik T 07/05/21
Withering Soul Adverse Portrait Erik T 11/25/15
Withering Soul No Closure Erik T 06/10/11
Withering Surface Force the Pace Erik T 06/07/04
Witherscape The Inheritance Chris Gibbs 10/29/13
Within the Ruins Creature Erik T 03/06/09
Within Y Extended Mental Dimensions Erik T 03/22/04
Without Grief Absorbing the Ashes Chris Dick 04/19/99
Witnesses The Collapse J Mays 10/19/21
Witnesses  Holy Water EP   J Mays 07/08/22
Witnesses Joy J Mays 12/04/24
Wizard Head of the Deceiver Ryan Gregory 05/08/01
Wizards of Kaos Wizards of Kaos Noch 05/17/12
Wizardthrone Hypercube Necrodimensions Erik T 07/13/21
Wo Fat Midnight Cometh Jay S 08/23/16
Woburn House Sleep Summer Storm Jordan Itkowitz 02/02/12
Wodensthrone Curse Mike Sloan 10/01/12
Wodensthrone Loss Jordan Itkowitz 10/06/09
Woe Quietly, Undramatically Erik T 10/13/10
Woe A Spell for the Death of Man Erik T 01/30/09
Woe Hope Attrition Erik T 05/03/17
Woe of Tyrants Kingdom of Might Erik T 02/24/09
Woe of Tyrants Threnody Erik T 04/20/10
Wold Screech Owl Jeff Lamb 01/27/07
Wold Stratification Belgarath 07/22/08
Wolf The Black Flame Fred Phillips 01/12/07
The Wolf Council The Wolf Council Nick K 07/27/15
Wolf King The Path of Wrath J Mays 03/17/21
Wolfbastard Hammer The Bastards Erik T 02/08/22
Wolfbrigade Damned Erik T 06/28/12
Wolfbrigade Life Knife Death Steve K 10/11/24
Wolfheart Constellation of the Black Light Erik T 10/15/18
Wolfheart Draconian Darkness Steve K 08/19/24
Wolfheart King of the North Steve K 09/13/22
Wolfheart Shadow World Erik T 09/25/15
Wolfheart Tyhjyys Erik T 04/24/17
Wolfheart Winterborn Erik T 04/09/15
Wolfheart Wolves of Karelia Steve K 04/27/20
Wolfpack Allday Hell Jonathan Canady 04/19/00
Wolfpack Unleashed Anthems of Resistance Larry "Staylow" Owens 11/24/07
Wolftopia Ways of the Pack Steve K 01/19/22
Wolverine Still Tim Dodd 06/07/06
Wolverine The Window Purpose Tim Dodd 07/06/05
Wolves Den Miserere Frank Rini 02/19/21
Wolves in the Throne Room Black Cascade Erik T 04/08/09
Wolves in the Throne Room Celestial Lineage Erik T 11/14/11
Wolves in the Throne Room Celestite Jack Taylor 07/22/14
Wolves in the Throne Room Diadem of 12 Stars Erik T 04/20/06
Wolves in the Throne Room Two Hunters Erik T 10/05/07
Wolves of Perdition Ultra-Violence Jeremy Beck 02/02/24
Womb Deception Through Your Lies Erik T 02/09/16
Wombbath The Great Desolation Erik T 09/14/18
Wombbath Choirs of the Fallen Erik T 04/08/20
Wombbath Downfall Rising Frank Rini 08/13/15
Wombbath  Tales of Madness Frank Rini 01/15/21
Wombripper From the Depths of Flesh Erik T 07/31/18
Wooden Stake Dungeon Prayers and Tombyard Serenades Jodi Van Walleghem 05/05/11
Wooden Stake/Blizaro Wooden Stake/Blizaro Split Scott Alisoglu 03/18/11
Wooden Throne Eternal Wanderer of the Night Sky Erik T 10/05/23
Woods of Belial Deimos XIII Grimulfr 11/19/03
Woods of Desolation The Falling Tide Erik T 01/17/23
Woods of Ypres Pursuit of the Sun and Allure of the Earth John Gnesin 12/13/04
Woods of Ypres IV: The Green Album Erik T 04/25/11
Woodscream Варево Erik T 08/11/20
World Eaters Hounds of Hell EP Jeremy Beck 01/24/25
World Under Blood Tactical Larry "Staylow" Owens 08/11/11
Worm Bluenothing EP J Mays 11/11/22
Worm Gloomlord (Reissue) J Mays 01/20/23
Worm Ouroboros Worm Ouroboros Shane Wolfensberger 01/28/10
Worm Shepherd Hunger Erik T 12/02/24
Worm Shepherd Ritual Hymns Erik T 01/17/22
Wormed Krigshu Frank Rini 05/09/16
Wormed Metaportal EP Frank Rini 09/30/19
Wormed Omegon Frank Rini 07/15/24
Wormed Exodromos Luke Saunders 03/28/13
Wormgod Where Old Curses Rest Jeremy Beck 02/03/23
Wormhole Almost Human Frank Rini 11/10/23
Wormhole The Weakest Among Us Luke Saunders 04/08/20
Wormlight Wrath of the Wilds Erik T 06/22/18
Wormrot Dirge Scott Alisoglu 04/29/11
Wormrot Hiss Frank Rini 10/05/22
Wormwitch Wolf Hex J Mays 08/19/21
Wormwood Arkivet Erik T 09/06/21
Wormwood Ghostlands: Wounds from a Bleeding Heart Luke Saunders 04/27/17
Wormwood The Star Erik T 07/02/24
Worthless Melancholic Rites Erik T 12/17/20
Wothrosch Odium Frank Rini 01/25/23
Wound Engrained Frank Rini 05/17/17
Wound Inhale the Void Erik T 08/16/13
Wounds Light Eater EP Nick K 04/26/19
Wounds Ruin Nick K 03/21/24
Wraith Undo the Chains Steve K 09/09/21
Wrath of Logarius Necrotic Assimilation EP Nick K 12/22/23
Wrath of the Weak Alogon Erik T 05/27/08
Wrench in the Works Lost Art of Heaping Coal Erik T 10/29/08
Wretch Because You're Worthless Erik T 03/27/14
Wretched Cannibal J. D. Anderson 06/24/14
Wretched Son of Perdition Erik T 04/11/12
Wretched The Exodus of Autonomy Erik T 04/07/09
Wretched Fate Carnal Heresy Erik T 03/31/23
Wretched Fate Fleshletting Erik T 03/19/19
Wretched Fate Incineration of the Pious EP Erik T 12/06/24
Wristmeetrazor Degeneration Steve K 04/17/24
Writhe The Shrouded Grove Bill Wood 11/21/14
Writhing Of Earth & Flesh Jeremy Beck 11/15/22
Writhing Shadows Writhing Shadows Erik T 06/16/22
Written in Torment Bellum Omnium Contra Omnes Erik T 06/12/13
Wrong Wrong Chris Sessions 05/18/16
Wrong Memories of Sorrow Erik T 02/19/14
Wurdulak Severed Eyes of Possession Grimulfr 04/05/02
Wurm Flesh Excoriation Evisceration Erik T 01/07/19
Wuthering Heights Salt Erik T 06/29/10
Wuthering Heights The Shadow Cabinet Fred Phillips 05/05/07
WyndRider Revival Frank Rini 06/19/24
Wytch Hazel IV: Sacrament Steve K 06/28/23
Wytchcraft I Taste Your Fucking Tears of Sorrow Mikko K. 10/03/05
Wythersake Antiquity Erik T 05/13/21
Wyvern No Defiance of Fate Shawn Pelata 04/19/00