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Artist Release Reviewer Date
Abcess/Population Reduction Split Justin M Norton 11/18/09
Chur/Oprich/Piarevaracien Triunity Split Mike Sloan 08/20/12
Fhoi Myore/Pestiferum La Forme Créatrice du Chaos / Le Chaos Religieux Split Nick E 07/23/13
Hell:On/Pripjat A Glimpse Beyond (Split) Erik T 02/13/20
Pagan Altar The Room of Shadows Benjamin Cedotal 09/28/17
Pagan's Mind Heavenly Ecstasy Jordan Itkowitz 04/01/11
Paganizer Flesh Requiem Frank Rini 12/24/24
Paganus Paganus Jordan Itkowitz 06/02/08
Pain Tank 97,901,726 Confirmed Kills Jay S 01/03/18
Painful Defloration Antihuman/Antisocial John Gnesin 04/11/11
Painted In Exile Revitalized EP Erik T 01/05/10
Painted In Exile The Ordeal Erik T 12/19/16
Paladin Ascension Nick K 05/28/19
Pale Misery Black Candles and Gutter Scum.  Jay S 06/14/19
Palinopsia Murmurs From the Well Nothing More EP Will 'Bones' Lee 06/24/15
Pallbearer Foundations of Burden Chris S 11/03/14
Pallbearer Heartless Luke Saunders 04/10/17
Pallbearer Sorrow and Extinction Erik T 02/15/12
Pallbearer Forgotten Days J Mays 11/02/20
Panchrysia Massa Damnata Andrew Young 05/02/12
Panchyrsia Deathcult Salvation Jordan Itkowitz 07/09/08
Pandemia At the Gates of Nihilism Jerry Hauppa 02/02/15
Panopticon Autumn Eternal Erik T 12/07/15
Panopticon Roads to the North Erik T 09/29/14
Pantheist Amartia Erik T 04/02/05
Pantheist Journey Through Lands Unknown Erik T 04/14/09
Pantheist O Solitude Erik T 04/10/03
Pantheist Seeking Infinity Erik T 09/20/18
Pantheist The Pains of Sleep Erik T 04/17/06
Pantheon I The Wanderer and His Shadow Erik T 11/25/07
Panzerchrist Last Of A Kind Jeremy Beck 08/18/23
Panzerchrist Maleficium Part 1 Jeremy Beck 01/20/25
Panzerkreuzer Aurora Mars Budziszewski 09/29/15
Paradigm Mind is Key Jordan Itkowitz 03/30/12
Paradise Lost Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us Shane Wolfensberger 11/25/09
Paradise Lost Obsidian Erik T 05/04/20
Paradise Lost Symbol of Life Mikko K. 11/01/02
Paradise Lost The Plague Within Myk R 06/08/15
Paradox Riot Squad Fred Phillips 03/24/10
Paragon Screenslaves Igor Stakh 01/09/09
Paramnesia Paramnesia Erik T 11/20/14
Paranorm Empyrean Luke Saunders 05/21/21
Parasitic Ejaculation Isolation Frank Rini 09/20/17
Parasitic Skies The Descent Erik T 09/08/10
Parasitized Existence Unveiled Erik T 04/05/12
Parkway Drive Horizons Erik T 01/08/08
Paroxsihzem Paroxsihzem Mike Sloan 01/18/13
Paroxysm Revelation is Denied Erik T 02/03/05
Passéisme Alternance Erik T 08/08/23
Passéisme Eminence Erik T 05/17/21
Pathogen Miscreants of Bloodlusting Aberrations Adam Palm 05/06/13
Pathogenic Crown of Corpses Erik T 02/20/25
Pathology Awaken to the Suffering Jordan Itkowitz 09/13/11
Pathology Lords of Rephaim Frank Rini 10/21/13
Pathology Pathology Kristofor Allred 08/11/17
Pathology Reborn to Kill Erik T 09/19/19
Pathology The Everlasting Plague Kristofor Allred 12/07/21
Pathology The Time of Great Purification Noch 10/24/12
Pathology Unholy Descent Erik T 06/10/24
Pathosray Sunless Skies Igor Stakh 09/08/09
Pathways Dies Irae EP Erik T 04/11/16
Pedigree Growing Apart Kyle Huckins 09/27/05
PeelingFlesh PF Radio EP Frank Rini 03/04/23
PeelingFlesh Slamaholics Vol​. ​2 EP Frank Rini 09/29/23
PeelingFlesh The G Code Frank Rini 10/08/24
Pelican Ephemeral EP John Gnesin 07/06/09
Pensées Nocturnes Nom d’une Pipe ! Travis Bolek 05/27/13
Pentacle Spectre of the Eight Ropes Frank Rini 10/23/19
Pentacle Under the Black Cross Shawn Pelata 10/26/07
Pentagram (Chile) Eternal Life of Madness Frank Rini 07/18/24
Perdition Temple Sacraments of Descension Nick K 04/22/20
Perversion Pillars of the Enlightened Erik T 09/16/13
Perversity Ablaze Erik T 11/16/11
Perversity Infamy Aflame EP Erik T 04/25/14
Pessimist Cult of the Initiated/Blood for the Gods/Slaughtering the Faithful (Reissues) Frank Rini 09/07/21
Pestifer Execration Diatribes Erik T 06/28/17
Pestifer Expanding Oblivion Kristofor Allred 06/19/20
Pestilence Exitivm   Frank Rini 06/21/21
Pestilence Hadeon Frank Rini 02/19/18
Pestilence Levels of Perception Frank Rini 04/22/24
Pestilence Malleus Maleficarum/Consuming Impulse (Reissues) Frank Rini 12/12/17
Pestilence Malleus Maleficarum/Consuming Impulse/Testimony of the Ancients/Spheres (Reissues) Frank Rini 07/31/23
Pestilence Obsideo Frank Rini 12/17/13
Pestilence Resurrection Macabre Scott Alisoglu 05/14/09
Pestilent Hex The Ashen Abhorrence Erik T 08/30/22
Pet Slimmers of the Year Fragments of Uniforms J. D. Anderson 08/06/14
Phaëthon Wielder of the Steel Frank Rini 10/18/24
Phalgeron Cosmic Cataclysms Mike Sloan 06/26/13
Phantasmagory Anamorphosis of Dreams Jordan Itkowitz 05/06/03
Pig Destroyer Phantom Limb Jeff Lamb 07/16/07
Pharaoh Be Gone Fred Phillips 07/20/08
Pharaoh Bury the Light Fred Phillips 03/05/12
Pharaoh Ten Years Fred Phillips 09/15/11
Pharmacist Flourishing Extremities on Unspoiled Mental Grounds Frank Rini 11/01/22
Phasm Demo 2013 Cassette Nick E 11/15/13
Phillip H. Anselmo and The Illegals Walk Through Exits Only Jack Taylor 10/07/13
Phlebotomized Pain, Resistance, Suffering EP Erik T 04/30/21
Phobia 22 Random Acts of Violence Chris Ayers 12/10/08
Phobia Remnants of Filth Kevin E 06/29/12
Phobocosm Deprived Erik T 10/07/14
Phoenix and the Turtle Swallow Up The Moon Mikko K. 03/15/10
Phrenelith Desolate Endscape Frank Rini 10/17/17
Phrenelith Chimaera J Mays 12/16/21
Pictured The Strand in Time Erik T 09/19/12
Pig Destroyer Book Burner Kevin E 10/23/12
Pig Destroyer Head Cage Jay S 05/14/19
Pig Destroyer Natasha Ben Hogg 04/17/09
Pig's Blood Pig's Blood Erik T 11/10/17
Pillaging Villagers Pillaging Villagers Erik T 03/08/22
Pillory Evolutionary Miscarriage Erik T 06/23/14
Pin Up Went Down 342 Mikko K. 06/03/10
Pissgrave Suicide Euphoria Ryan Skow 09/18/15
Pitch Black Forecast Absentee Larry "Staylow" Owens 10/23/08
Plague Throat An Exordium To Contagion EP Kevin E 10/10/13
The Plague Within Death Erik T 04/27/21
Plaguemace Reptilian Warlords J Mays 12/19/23
Plaguewielder Chambers of Death Jay S 07/29/15
Planeswalker Tales of Magic Steve K 03/15/22
Planet Rain The Fundamental Principles Erik T 07/02/14
The Plasmarifle While You Were Sleeping, the World Changed in an Instant Erik T 11/19/08
Plebeian Grandstand Lowgazers Joseph Y 01/23/15
Plutonium Born Again Misanthrope Erik T 09/07/16
Pneuma Hagion From Beyond Erik T 09/20/24
Pnuema Hagion Voidgazer LP Erik T 01/12/21
Poema Arcanus Timeline Symmetry Shane Wolfensberger 11/12/09
Poets & Pornstars Poets & Pornstars Fred Phillips 01/28/08
Point Blank Rage The Sound of Resistance Erik T 10/23/07
Poison the Well Versions Erik T 10/17/07
Poisonblack Of Rust and Bones Fred Phillips 05/10/10
Pombagira Maleficia Lamiah Chuck Kucher 04/11/13
Porcupine Tree Fear of a Blank Planet Shane Wolfensberger 07/24/07
Porcupine Tree Nil Recurring EP Jordan Itkowitz 06/02/08
Porcupine Tree Octane Twisted Luke Saunders 01/03/13
Porcupine Tree The Incident Jordan Itkowitz 09/24/09
Porkfarm Blood Harvest EP Erik T 08/07/08
Porta Nigra Schöpfungswut Frank Rini 02/19/20
Porta Nigra Weltende Frank Rini 10/03/23
Portal Outre’ Erik T 10/17/07
Portal Vexovoid Nick E 12/13/13
Portal Swarth Erik T 11/23/09
Portrait Crimen Laesae Majestatis Divinae Jodi Van Walleghem 09/19/11
Possessed Revelations of Oblivion Frank Rini 06/17/19
Post Mortal Possession Catacombs of Bedlam J Mays 07/23/20
Post Mortem Message From the Dead Justin M Norton 10/27/09
Posthuman Rise from Ruins Kate Wilcox 07/27/10
Posthuman Abomination Transcending Embodiment Erik T 10/25/18
Power From Hell Profound Evil Presence Erik T 09/06/19
Power Paladin With the Magic of Windfyre Steel Frank Rini 02/24/22
Power Quest Master of Illusion Fred Phillips 04/22/08
Power Theory An Axe to Grind Jacob Brown 08/17/12
Power Trip Nightmare Logic Frank Rini 06/02/17
Praetorius Taste Death Shawn Pelata 02/06/09
Prehistoria Cryptic Halo Frank Rini 03/18/25
Premonition 13 13 Chuck Kucher 11/04/11
Pretty Maids Pandemonium Shawn Pelata 07/28/10
Prezir Contempt EP Erik T 08/04/17
Prezir As Rats Devour Lions Erik T 11/16/18
Prezir Depredation Erik T 01/06/21
Primal Attack Heartless Oppressor Erik T 06/16/17
Primal Fear 16.6 (Before the Devil Knows You're Dead) Igor Stakh 08/28/09
Primalfrost Lost Elegies Erik T 03/16/22
Prime Evil Blood Curse Resurrection Frank Rini 12/17/15
Primitiv Immortal & Vile Erik T 04/18/16
Primitive Man Home Is Where The Hatred Is EP Mars Budziszewski 08/28/15
Primitive Man Scorn Chuck Kucher 03/05/13
Primordial Exile Amongst The Ruins Erik T 04/16/18
Primordial How It Ends Steve K 10/16/23
Primordial Imrama (Deluxe Edition) Erik T 06/24/09
Primordial Redemption at the Puritan's Hand Mikko K. 05/20/11
Primordial The Gathering Wilderness Mikko K. 02/20/05
Primordial To the Nameless Dead Erik T 12/28/07
Primordial Where Greater Men Have Fallen Erik T 12/09/14
Primordium Aeonian Presence EP Jay S 05/07/15
Principality of Hell Fire & Brimstone Luke Saunders 08/20/14
Prion Uncertain Process Kevin E 09/15/15
Pro-Pain The Age of Tyranny-The Tenth Crusade Erik T 05/31/07
Process of Guilt Black Earth Erik T 12/22/17
Process of Guilt FÆMIN Andrew Young 07/20/12
Profanal Supreme Fire Will 'Bones' Lee 12/08/16
Profanatica Disgusting Blasphemies Against God Scott Alisoglu 09/07/10
Profanity Fragments of Solace Frank Rini 12/08/20
Profanity The Art of Sickness Nick K 05/30/17
The Project Hate MCMXCIX Armageddon March Eternal (Symphonies of Slit Wrists) Erik T 10/05/05
The Project Hate MCMXCIX Hate, Dominate, Congregate, Eliminate Erik T 08/25/03
Prong Carved into Stone Fred Phillips 05/23/12
Prong Power of the Damager Fred Phillips 11/17/07
Pronostic Chaotic Upheaval Erik T 05/26/23
Pronostic Deviated Inner Spectrum EP Erik T 05/17/13
Prophecy Foreseen Scriptures Frank Rini 09/13/19
Prophets of Saturn Retronauts Jay S 08/18/15
Proscription Conduit Frank Rini 12/16/20
Proscrito El Calvario EP Mars Budziszewski 07/28/17
Prostitute Disfigurement Descendants of Depravity Erik T 06/11/08
Prostitute Disfigurement From Crotch to Crown Kevin E 03/07/14
Protean Collective Divided Conor Fynes 05/01/12
Protector Summon the Hordes Erik T 06/18/19
Protest the Hero Fortress Erik T 01/28/08
Protest the Hero Gallop Meets the Earth CD/DVD Erik T 12/07/09
Protest the Hero Scurrilous Erik T 03/23/11
Protestant As Dead As We Look Erik T 07/27/07
Protestant In Thy Name LP Erik T 09/10/14
Protestant Judgements LP Erik T 02/22/11
Protestant Reclamation 12"/Stalemate 10" Erik T 02/20/13
Protestant The Hate, The Hollow Erik T 09/06/08
The Provenance 25th Hour; Bleeding Erik T 04/27/01
The Provenance Still at Arms Length Erik T 01/28/02
The Psalm I EP (Reissue) Frank Rini 05/04/18
Pseudogod Deathwomb Cathechesis Erik T 05/28/12
Psionic Nu-Tech Cyber Sorcery Mikko K. 12/01/03
Psudoku Planetarisk Sudoku Joseph Y 02/20/15
Psychic Possessor Toxin Diffusion Frank Rini 06/12/18
Psycho Pain Addict Pigs Scott Alisoglu 02/14/11
Psychofagist Il Secondo Tragico Erik T 02/19/10
Psychomancer Inject the Worms EP Erik T 09/09/15
Psychomancer Shards of the Hourglass Erik T 01/24/20
Psychon Vex Bleak Remembrance Belgarath 03/04/09
Psychostick Revenge of the Vengeance Erik T 03/20/15
Psychotic Gardening Hymnosis Erik T 07/31/14
Psycroptic As The Kingdom Drowns Erik T 01/15/19
Psycroptic Ob(Servant) Kris Yancey 09/25/08
Psygnosis Human Be[ing] J. D. Anderson 06/09/14
The Psyke Project Apnea Erik T 10/01/08
Psyopus Odd Senses Scott Alisoglu 04/14/09
Pulchra Morte Ex Rosa Ceremonia J Mays 01/05/21
Pulling Teeth Paranoid Delusions/Paradise Illusions Benjamin DeBlasi 05/27/09
Pulling Teeth Martyr Immortal Benjamin DeBlasi 01/08/08
Punchyourface Street Terrorists Frank Rini 06/15/23
Purple Hill Witch Celestial Cemetary Jay S 04/10/18
Purtenance Spread the Flame of the Ancients Frank Rini 01/19/16
Purtenance Buried Incarnation Frank Rini 08/25/20
Purtenance The Rot Within Us Frank Rini 08/30/23
Pussy Sisster Pussy Sisster Fred Phillips 10/25/10
Puteraeon The Crawling Chaos Erik T 06/12/14
Putrid Defecation Tales from the Toilet Frank Rini 02/04/25
Putrid Offal Mature Necropsy Erik T 05/15/15
Putridity Ignominious Atonement Kevin E 11/11/15
Putridity Mental Prolapse Induces Necrophilism Benjamin DeBlasi 01/20/08
Putrified Sacrilegious Purification EP Erik T 09/12/14
Putrified Neurotic Necrotic Scott Alisoglu 04/12/12
Putrisect/Scorched Final State of Existence Kristofor Allred 07/27/16
Pyramaze Immortal Igor Stakh 11/19/08
Pyramido Salt Chuck Kucher 08/10/11
Pyramido Vatten Jay S 07/20/16
Pyre Human Hecatomb Mars Budziszewski 08/07/18
Pyrexia Feast of Iniquity Frank Rini 12/09/13
Pyrexia Gravitas Maximus Frank Rini 01/10/22
Pyrexia System of the Animal 25 Frank Rini 06/27/23
Pyrexia Unholy Requiem Frank Rini 11/28/18
Pyrrhon The Mother of Virtues Erik T 03/31/14
Pyuria Calliphora Vomitoria Introitus Erik T 02/03/05
Vestiges/Panopticon Split LP Nick E 10/01/13
Xael Bloodtide Rising Kristofor Allred 05/20/21