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Reviews › A

Artist Release Reviewer Date
...And Oceans A.M.G.O.D Nathan T Birk 03/01/01
..And Oceans As in Gardens, So In Tombs Erik T 01/30/23
... And Oceans Cosmic World Mother Erik T 06/22/20
A Backward Glance on a Travel Road A Backward Glance on a Travel Road Jordan Itkowitz 03/02/10
A Band of Orcs Warchief of the Apocalypse EP Erik T 04/04/11
A Breath Before Surfacing Death is Swallowed in Victory Larry "Staylow" Owens 10/05/08
A Day To Remember For Those Who Have Heart Erik T 07/17/06
A Forest of Stars The Corpse of Rebirth Jordan Itkowitz 11/11/09
A Hill to Die Upon Infinite Titanic Immortal Erik T 09/04/09
A Hill to Die Upon The Black Nativity Erik T 12/18/23
A Hope For Home In Abstraction Erik T 01/25/12
A Hope For Home The Everlasting Man Erik T 02/11/09
A La Carte Born To Entertain Jeremy Beck 12/17/24
A Life Once Lost Iron Gag Erik T 10/07/07
A Life Once Lost The Fourth Plague: Flies EP Chris Dick 08/05/05
A Love Ends Suicide In The Disaster Erik T 09/28/06
A Perfect Murder Unbroken Erik T 07/03/04
A Plea For Purging A Critique of Mind and Thought Erik T 10/11/07
A Plea For Purging Depravity Erik T 03/27/09
A Plea For Purging The Life & Death of A Plea For Purging Erik T 02/08/12
A Plea For Purging The Marriage of Heaven & Hell Benjamin DeBlasi 09/06/10
A Scanner Darkly A Scanner Darkly EP Erik T 03/31/06
A Scar For the Wicked Acolythus Erik T 11/25/24
A Second From The Surface The Streets Have Eyes Erik T 12/10/07
A Storm of Light And We Wept the Black Ocean Within Jordan Itkowitz 06/24/08
A Storm of Light Forgive Us Our Trespasses John Gnesin 10/20/09
A Storm of Light Nations to Flames Mike Sloan 09/26/13
A Thousand Times Repent Virtue Has Few Friends EP Erik T 04/20/08
A Tree of Signs Salt Luke Saunders 01/10/13
A Wake In Providence Eternity Erik T 10/24/22
A Wake In Providence I Write To You, My Darling Decay Erik T 08/12/24
Aara Eiger Erik T 12/09/24
Aara En Ergô Einai Erik T 05/01/20
Aara Triade III: Nyx Frank Rini 05/03/23
Abacinate Genesis Erik T 03/22/11
Abaddonia Dawn of the Serpent EP Erik T 04/07/23
Abbath Abbath Kristofor Allred 01/22/16
Abbath Dread Reaver J Mays 04/07/22
Abduction A l'Heure du Crépuscule Nick K 04/13/18
Abduction Jehanne Erik T 06/10/20
Abeyance Experience Is the Words That Are Written Erik T 09/21/05
Abhomine Larvae Offal Swine Erik T 04/05/16
Abhomine Proselyte Parasite Plague Erik T 02/20/20
Abhoria Abhoria J Mays 02/16/22
Abhoria Depths J Mays 01/31/24
Abhorrence Completely Vulgar Mike Sloan 06/20/12
Abhorrent Deformity Entity of Malevolence Erik T 12/16/15
Abhorrent Deformity Slaughter Monolith Erik T 08/13/18
Abigail Williams Becoming Dane Prokofiev 01/09/12
Abigail Williams In the Shadow of a Thousand Suns Jordan Itkowitz 11/08/08
Abigail Williams Legend EP Erik T 01/19/07
Abigail WIlliams Walk Beyond the Dark Steve K 02/18/20
Abigor Satanized (A Journey Through Cosmic Infinity) Nathan T Birk 03/20/01
Abiotic Causistry Erik T 05/20/15
Abiotic Symbiosis Kevin E 12/11/12
Abiotic Ikigai J Mays 03/03/21
Ablaze In Hatred The Quietude Plains John Gnesin 08/28/09
Ablaze My Sorrow Black Nick K 09/27/16
Ablaze My Sorrow The Loss of All Hope EP Erik T 03/04/23
Abnormality Mechanisms of Omniscience Kevin E 06/09/16
Abnormality Contaminating the Hive Mind Scott Alisoglu 09/24/12
Abnormality Sociopathic Constructs Kevin E 06/19/19
Abnormity Irreversible Disintegration Jesse Wolf 07/21/11
Abolish ...From the Depths Erik T 06/13/23
Abolishing the Ignominious Vociferous Obsolescence Frank Rini 03/13/18
The Abominable Iron Sloth The Abominable Iron Sloth Erik T 09/22/06
Abominable Putridity In the End of Human Existence Benjamin DeBlasi 04/28/08
Abominable Putridity Parasitic Metamorphosis Manifestation Frank Rini 03/25/21
Abominant Conquest Erik T 05/05/04
Abominant Ungodly Shawn Pelata 08/05/00
Abominant Upon Black Horizons Jeff Lamb 01/05/02
Abominant Battlescarred EP Scott Alisoglu 07/09/12
Abominator Nuctemeron Descent Grimulfr 12/05/03
Aborted Engineering the Dead Erik T 07/06/01
Aborted Maniacult Kristofor Allred 09/28/21
Aborted Retrogore Kevin E 05/03/16
Aborted Slaughter & Apparatus: A Methodical Overture Erik T 02/14/07
Aborted Strychnine.213 Kyle Huckins 06/17/08
Aborted Terrorvision Kevin E 10/24/18
Aborted The Archaic Abattoir Erik T 04/17/05
Aborted The Haematobic EP Mikko K. 05/24/04
Aborted The Necrotic Manifesto Kevin E 05/19/14
Aborted Vault of Horrors J Mays 04/04/24
Aborted Fetus Ancient Spirits of Decay Erik T 08/30/18
Aborted Fetus The Art of Violent Torture Kevin E 06/13/17
Abortion Gonna Be Worse Erik T 07/06/04
Aborym Fire Walk With Us Grimulfr 04/06/01
Aborym Generator Erik T 02/21/06
Aborym With No Human Intervention Grimulfr 01/13/03
Above This Fire In Perspective Erik T 04/11/05
Above This World End of Days Nathan T Birk 05/01/01
Abramelin Never Enough Snuff Frank Rini 01/08/21
Abramelin Sins of the Father Frank Rini 11/01/24
Abscess Urine Junkies (Reissue) Mike Sloan 09/27/12
Abcess/Population Reduction Split Justin M Norton 11/18/09
Abscession Grave Offerings Erik T 07/31/15
Abscession Rot Of Ages Erik T 11/15/21
Abschwörzunge Whorl EP Jeremy Beck 01/17/25
Absence Betrayal   Emotions Kristofor Allred 02/20/19
The Absence Coffinized Steve K 06/14/21
The Absence Enemy Unbound Larry "Staylow" Owens 09/15/10
The Absence Riders of the Plague Larry "Staylow" Owens 08/04/07
Absenta Eel Erik T 07/07/16
Absolve Sadistic Crown EP Larry "Staylow" Owens 09/01/10
Absorbed Visions In Bloodred Erik T 04/06/03
Abstract Rapture Democadencia Jordan Itkowitz 11/03/09
Abstracter Cinereous Incarnate Nick K 07/27/18
Abstrakt Uncreation Erik T 01/27/21
Absu Absu Grimulfr 02/23/09
Absu Abzu Larry "Staylow" Owens 10/26/11
Absu Tara Nathan T Birk 05/21/01
Absvrdist Illusory Erik T 08/21/12
Abuse Nothing Is Safe Nick K 05/16/17
Abysmal Dawn Obsolescence Jordan Itkowitz 11/05/14
Abysmal Dawn Phylogenesis J Mays 06/02/20
Abysmal Torment Cultivate the Apostate Erik T 06/25/14
Abysmal Torment The Misanthrope Nick K 09/11/18
Abysme Strange Rites Erik T 02/18/13
Abyssal Denouement (Reissue) Erik T 07/05/13
Abyssal Novit Enim Dominus Qui Sunt Eius Mike Sloan 05/20/13
Abysse Le Vide est Forme Mikko K. 08/04/10
Abyssic Brought Forth in Iniquity Erik T 11/10/22
Abyssus Once Entombed... Erik T 04/15/16
Abythic Eden Of The Doomed EP Kristofor Allred 06/17/22
Acacia Tills döden skiljer oss åt Adam Palm 01/29/14
The Acacia Strain Continent Erik T 08/14/08
The Acacia Strain The Dead Walk Erik T 04/22/06
The Acacia Strain Wormwood Erik T 08/09/10
Acathexis Immense Erik T 03/26/24
Accept Stalingrad Fred Phillips 05/28/12
Accept Blood of the Nations Fred Phillips 09/13/10
Ace Augustine The Absolute Jesse Wolf 02/09/11
Acephala Division By Zero Erik T 06/15/10
Acephalix Deathless Master Erik T 05/21/12
Acephalix Interminable Night Stacy Buchanan 06/03/11
Acephalix Theothanatology Erik T 10/18/22
Acheron Final Conflict: Last Days of God Jodi Van Walleghem 04/29/10
Acheron Rebirth: Metamorphosing into Godhood Erik T 04/06/03
Acid Death Eidolon Noch 06/18/12
Acid King Middle of Nowhere, Center of Everywhere Jay S 04/21/15
Acid Witch Stoned Jodi Van Walleghem 01/25/11
Acrania Totalitarian Dysfunction Erik T 09/22/14
Acranius Reign of Terror Erik T 02/17/17
Acrid Death Abominable Presence of Blight Erik T 02/22/24
Acrimonious Sunyata Adam Palm 01/30/13
Across Five Aprils Life Underwater Erik T 04/06/08
Across the Sun Pestilence & Rapture EP Erik T 12/08/09
Across the Sun Storms Weathered EP Erik T 08/07/08
Across Tundras Western Sky Ride Jordan Itkowitz 06/05/08
Act of Defiance Birth and the Burial Kristofor Allred 11/19/15
Act of Impalement Profane Altar Jeremy Beck 03/12/25
Acumen Nation Anticore Erik T 09/09/06
Ad Infinem Omnia No Peace - No Dawn Jeremy Beck 05/17/22
Ad Nauseam Nihil Quam Vacuitas Ordinatum Frank Rini 12/08/15
Ad Patres A Brief Introduction to Human Experiments Nick K 03/01/19
Ad Patres Unbreathable Nick K 06/20/24
Ad Vitam Infernal Infernal Comedy Nick K 02/25/20
Ad Vitam Infernal Le ballet des anges Frank Rini 12/11/24
Adagio Archangels in Black Igor Stakh 04/11/09
Adagio Sanctus Ignis Shawn Pelata 05/08/01
ADE Carthago Delenda Est Erik T 09/26/16
ADE Rise of the Empire Erik T 11/25/19
ADE Spartacus Erik T 04/15/13
Admire The Grim Resist Erik T 03/05/25
The Advent Equation Limitless Life Reflections Erik T 01/23/13
Adversary Singularity Shane Wolfensberger 03/31/09
Adytum Echoes Of Refuge Erik T 10/01/07
Aeba Rebellion - Edens Asche Grimulfr 04/07/01
AEDRA No End/Open End Mikko K. 11/29/10
Aegrus Invoking the Abysmal Night Jeremy Beck 11/02/23
Aelter Love Eternal LP Jack Taylor 04/17/15
Aenimus Dreamcatcher Erik T 03/04/19
Aeon Aeon Black Luke Saunders 11/26/12
Aeon Dark Order EP Chris Dick 05/07/01
Aeon Rise To Dominate Erik T 09/10/07
Aeon of Horus Existence Luke Saunders 03/25/14
Aephanemer Memento Mori Erik T 09/23/16
Aephanemer Prokopton Erik T 03/08/19
Aephanemer A Dream of Wilderness Erik T 12/08/21
Aereogramme Seclusion John Gnesin 05/25/06
Aes Dana Formor Erik T 12/28/05
Aeternus HeXaeon Tim Dodd 05/13/06
Aeternus Ascension of Terror Erik T 05/31/01
Aeternus Philosopher Erik T 12/04/23
Aethereus Leiden Erik T 02/15/22
Aetherius Obscuritas Víziók Erik T 12/10/07
Afgrund Corporatocracy EP Frank Rini 08/30/13
Afgrund Vid Helvetets Grindar Erik T 06/23/09
After Forever Invisible Circles Shawn Pelata 03/25/04
After the Burial Dig Deep Erik T 02/26/16
After the Burial Evergreen Erik T 04/22/19
After the Burial In Dreams Derek Taylor 02/01/11
Afterbirth Four Dimensional Flesh Frank Rini 04/17/20
Afterbirth In but Not Of Frank Rini 10/24/23
Afterbirth The Time Traveler’s Dilemma Frank Rini 08/22/17
Aftermath There is Something Wrong Frank Rini 08/23/19
Agalloch Ashes Against the Grain Erik T 07/29/06
Agalloch Of Stone, Wind and Pillor EP Chris Dick 05/28/01
Agalloch The White EP Erik T 04/03/08
Agalloch Marrow of the Spirit Jordan Itkowitz 12/20/10
Agathodaimon Chapter III Grimulfr 11/05/01
Agathodaimon Serpent's Embrace Tim Dodd 06/10/04
Age of Apocalypse Grim Wisdom Steve K 01/28/22
Age of Ruin The Tides of Tragedy Erik T 01/12/05
Age of Silence Acceleration John Gnesin 09/13/04
Age of Silence Complications-Trilogy of Intricacy EP Erik T 01/25/06
Ageless Summoning Corrupting the Entempled Plane Erik T 07/04/23
Agent Steel No Other Godz Before Me Frank Rini 05/10/21
Agents of Man Count Your Blessings Erik T 08/12/05
Aggravator Aggravator Kristofor Allred 10/30/19
Aggravator Unseen Repulsions EP Kristofor Allred 06/25/21
Aggression A. D Forgotten Skeleton Erik T 04/25/05
Aghora Aghora Dan Woolley 10/27/00
Agiel Dark Pantheons EP Erik T 03/07/14
Agnostic Front Another Voice Erik T 01/20/05
Agnostic Front Dead Yuppies Erik T 10/09/01
Agnostic Front The American Dream Died Myk R 06/15/15
Agnostic Front Warriors Erik T 11/27/07
The Agonist Days Before the World Wept EP J Mays 11/05/21
The Agonist Only Once Imagined Erik T 08/18/07
The Agonist Lullabies for the Dormant Mind Erik T 03/31/09
Agonizer Birth/The End Fred Phillips 02/07/08
Agony Apocalyptic Dawning Erik T 08/31/07
The Agony Scene Get Damned Erik T 01/14/08
Agoraphobic Nosebleed Arc EP Jay S 02/08/16
Agoraphobic Nosebleed Frozen Corpse Stuffed With Dope Jeff Lamb 06/10/02
Agrimonia Rites of Separation J. D. Anderson 12/11/13
Ahab The Call Of The Wretched Sea Erin Fox 10/10/06
AHAB The Coral Tombs Steve K 01/23/23
Ahamkara The Embers of the Stars Jordan Itkowitz 09/28/15
Ahtme Mephitic Nick K 09/17/20
Airged L'amh The Silver Arm Erik T 09/30/04
Airway Faded Lights Erik T 11/01/07
Aiumeen Basoa Iraganeko Bide Malkartsutik Erik T 08/26/10
Akani Through My Darkest Funeral Kevin E 10/21/16
Akercocke Antichrist Shawn Pelata 08/06/07
Akercocke Goat of Mendes Chris Dick 04/10/01
Akhlys The Dreaming I Nick K 05/25/15
Akhlys House of the Black Geminus Frank Rini 08/20/24
Aklash Reincarnation Jeremy Beck 07/17/24
Akroma Apocalypse (Requiem) Erik T 06/22/17
Al-Namrood Atba'a Al-Namrood EP Jordan Itkowitz 08/19/08
Alabama Thunderpussy Open Fire Fred Phillips 05/28/07
Alaric/Atriarch Split Stacy Buchanan 08/29/12
Alarum Eventuality Erik T 12/14/04
Alas Absolute Purity Erik T 06/19/01
Albatwitch Only Dead Birds Sing Over the Graves of Fallen Kings Erik T 10/14/13
Alcest Les Voyages de L'ame Noch 04/23/12
Alcest Shelter J. D. Anderson 01/17/14
Alcest Souvenirs d'Un Autre Monde Erik T 08/17/07
Alcest Écailles de Lune Erik T 03/31/10
Alchemy Of Flesh Ageless Abominations Nick K 09/24/21
Alchemy of Flesh By Will Be Done Nick K 11/22/23
Alda A Distant Fire Erik T 12/17/21
Alda Passage Erik T 07/20/15
Aldaaron Arcane Mountain Cult Jeremy Beck 12/02/22
Aldaaron Nous Reviendrons Immortels Erik T 02/22/10
Aleph Null Nocturnal Chris S 05/09/14
Alestorm Voyage of the Dead Marauder EP Erik T 04/05/24
Alestorm Seventh Rum of a Seventh Rum Erik T 06/20/22
Alestorm Back Through Time Fred Phillips 07/11/11
Alestorm Black Sails at Midnight Erik T 06/01/09
Alestorm Captain Morgan's Revenge Erik T 01/26/08
Alestorm Curse of the Crystal Coconut Erik T 05/25/20
Alestorm Leviathan EP Erik T 02/11/09
Alestorm No Grave But the Sea Erik T 05/22/17
Alestorm Sunset On the Golden Age Erik T 08/11/14
Aletheian Dying Vine Erik T 07/29/08
Alex Skolnick Trio Last Day in Paradise Chris Ayers 04/27/07
Algebra Pulse? Frank Rini 01/17/20
Alghazanth Osiris - Typhon Unmasked Grimulfr 09/07/01
Alghazanth Wrealth of Thevetat Grimulfr 10/18/08
Algor Mortis Stages of Death EP Frank Rini 09/06/24
Alice Cooper Along Came a Spider Fred Phillips 08/01/08
Alice Cooper Welcome 2 My Nightmare Fred Phillips 09/26/11
Alice in Chains Black Gives Way to Blue Chris Ayers 02/22/10
Alien Weaponry Erik T 07/10/18
Alioth Channeling Unclean Spirits Grimulfr 02/25/07
Alkaloid Liquid Anatomy Nick K 06/18/18
Alkaloid Numen Nick K 11/09/23
All Else Failed Archetype Drew Juergens 06/19/01
All Else Failed This Never Happened Erik T 05/24/05
All Out War Dying Gods EP Kevin E 09/23/15
All Out War Assassins in the House of God Erik T 05/24/07
All Pigs Must Die God Is War Erik T 08/26/11
All Pigs Must Die Hostage Animal Benjamin Cedotal 10/26/17
All Pigs Must Die Nothing Violates This Nature Stacy Buchanan 07/15/13
All Shall Perish Awaken the Dreamers Erik T 09/12/08
All Shall Perish The Price of Existence Erik T 08/07/06
All Shall Perish This Is Where It Ends Erik T 08/01/11
All That Remains A War You Cannot Win Kevin E 11/06/12
All That Remains Behind Silence and Solitude Re-issue Erik T 11/15/07
All That Remains Overcome Erik T 10/07/08
All That Remains The Fall of Ideals Erik T 07/06/06
All That Remains This Darkened Heart Erik T 07/07/04
All That Remains The Order of Things Kevin E 03/11/15
All Too Human Juggernaut Noch 05/29/12
Allegaeon Damnum J Mays 02/21/22
Allegaeon Formshifter Travis Bolek 06/18/12
Allegaeon Fragments of Form and Function Erik T 08/27/10
Allochiria Omonoia J. D. Anderson 05/16/14
Almah Edu Falashi Fred Phillips 08/10/07
Almah Fragile Equality Shawn Pelata 12/18/08
Alove For Enemies The Harvest Erik T 03/21/05
Alpha Matter Alpha Matter EP Luke Saunders 01/25/13
Altar Youth Against Christ/Ego Art (Reissue) Frank Rini 07/17/18
Altar of Plagues Sol EP Erik T 09/02/08
Altar of Plagues White Tomb Erik T 05/06/09
Altarage Endinghent Erik T 12/15/17
Altarage NIHL Adam Palm 02/12/16
Altars Altars Jordan Itkowitz 12/01/08
Altars Altars (2nd review) Kyle Huckins 12/04/08
Altars Opposition EP Erik T 10/17/11
Altars of Grief Iris Erik T 06/25/18
Alterbeast Feast Nick K 02/23/18
Alterbeast Immortal Erik T 04/07/14
Aluk Tolodo Descension Erik T 12/05/07
Alunah Awakening the Forest Luke Saunders 12/11/14
Amaranthe Manifest Erik T 10/21/20
Ambassador Gun Tomb of Broken Sleep Nick K 08/07/15
Ambassador Gun When In Hell Erik T 10/28/09
Amber Lovesaken LP Erik T 09/24/13
Amber Asylum Sin Eater Jay S 01/28/16
Amber Asylum Still Point Erik T 08/03/07
Amenra Mass V Chuck Kucher 01/07/13
The Amenta nOn Jordan Itkowitz 10/23/08
The Amenta Flesh is Heir Kevin E 05/14/13
American Dog Poison Smile Scott Alisoglu 07/24/12
Amesoeurs Amesoeurs Erik T 06/25/09
Amia Venera Landscape The Long Procession Erik T 01/04/11
Amiensus Reclamation: Part 1 Nick K 05/24/24
Amok Amok Erik T 07/28/05
Amon Amarth Berserker Erik T 05/13/19
Amon Amarth Fate of Norns Tim Dodd 09/06/04
Amon Amarth Once Sent From the Golden Hall/The Avenger (Bonus Editions) Kris Yancey 07/04/09
Amon Amarth The Avenger Chris Dick 09/02/99
Amon Amarth The Crusher Chris Dick 05/08/01
Amon Amarth The Great Heathen Army Erik T 08/15/22
Amon Amarth Twilight of the Thunder God Grimulfr 09/18/08
Amon Amarth With Oden On Our Side Erik T 10/03/06
Amon Amarth Surtur Rising Grimulfr 03/28/11
Among the Mortals Of Ignorance and Dismissal Erik T 10/24/11
Amoral Show Your Colors Jordan Itkowitz 10/14/09
Amorphead Psychotic EP Larry "Staylow" Owens 01/19/10
Amorphis Tales From The Thousand Lakes (Live At Tavastia) Jeremy Beck 07/31/24
Amorphis Skyforger Erik T 06/18/09
Amorphis Eclipse Fred Phillips 03/02/06
Amorphis Far From the Sun Eimai Tebellis 05/26/03
Amorphis Halo Steve K 02/07/22
Amorphis Magic & Mayhem - Tales From the Early Years Erik T 10/18/10
Amorphis Silent Waters Shane Wolfensberger 08/05/07
Amorphis The Beginning of Times Jordan Itkowitz 05/23/11
Amorphis Under the Red Cloud Jordan Itkowitz 09/21/15
Amorphis Ad Universum Shawn Pelata 04/07/01
Amorphis The Queen of Time Erik T 05/07/18
An Autumn for Crippled Children Lost Erik T 05/17/10
An Entire Legion An Entire Legion demo Fred Phillips 12/17/09
Ana Kefr The Burial Tree (II) Erik T 05/05/11
Anaal Nathrakh Domine Non Es Dignus Erik T 11/02/04
Anaal Nathrakh Endarkenment Erik T 09/28/20
Anaal Nathrakh Eschaton Erik T 10/18/06
Anaal Nathrakh In the Constellation of the Black Widow Erik T 07/07/09
Anaal Nathrakh Passion Stacy Buchanan 05/13/11
Anaal Nathrakh The Codex Necro Erik T 02/09/02
Anaal Nathrakh The Whole of the Law Frank Rini 01/03/17
Anaal Nathrakh Vanitas Erik T 10/08/12
Anaal Nathrakh Hell Is Empty and All the Devils Are Here Erik T 11/26/07
Anael From Arcane Fires Grimulfr 02/04/09
Anagnorisis Beyond All Light Nick E 08/19/13
Analepsy Quiescence Nick K 06/02/22
Anarkhon Obesidade Morbida Scott Alisoglu 12/19/09
Anasarca Survival Mode Frank Rini 08/03/17
Anata Dreams of Death and Dismay Shawn Pelata 06/26/01
Anathema A Fine Day to Exit Jason Hundley 10/17/01
Anathema Hindsight Belgarath 09/24/08
Anathema Resonance Chris Dick 11/17/01
Anathema Resonance 2 Chris Dick 02/25/02
Anathema Weather Systems Mikko K. 05/08/12
Ancient Night Visit Erik T 07/13/04
Ancient Proxima Centauri Erik T 04/17/01
Ancient Creation Moonlight Monument Jodi Van Walleghem 08/22/11
Ancient Rites Rvbicon Erin Fox 09/30/06
Ancient Sky Ancient Sky Shawn Pelata 10/01/09
Ancient VVisdom Deathlike David E Gehlke 02/25/13
Ancient Wind The Chosen Slain Luke Saunders 04/01/15
Ancst Summits of Despondency J Mays 10/01/20
And Hell Followed With Quietus Erik T 05/23/22
And Hell Followed With Proprioception Erik T 06/29/10
And Now The Owls Are Smiling Dirges Erik T 01/20/21
And Now The Owls Are Smiling Epitaph Erik T 09/23/22
Andras Iron Way Erik T 05/20/09
Andromeda The Immunity Zone Igor Stakh 10/06/08
Anew Revolution Rise Kyle Huckins 09/18/08
Angakok Angakok Will 'Bones' Lee 07/21/15
Angel of Sodom Divine Retribution (Reissue) Frank Rini 04/28/17
Angelcorpse Of Lucifer and Lightning Erik T 07/02/07
The Angelic Process Weighing Souls With Sand Erik T 07/02/07
Angelmaker Angelmaker Frank Rini 08/06/19
Angelmaker Sanctum J Mays 03/24/22
Anger Machine Trail of the Perished Erik T 09/26/19
Angerot The Divine Apostate Frank Rini 11/24/20
Angerot The Profound Recreant Frank Rini 04/03/23
Angerot The Splendid Iniquity Erik T 06/06/18
Angtoria God Has A Plan For US All Erik T 10/06/06
Anhedonist Netherwards Erik T 04/23/12
Anhkrehg Lands of War Grimulfr 01/07/01
Anima The Daily Grind Erik T 08/21/08
Animals As Leaders Animals As Leaders John Gnesin 07/13/09
Animals Killing People/Andromorphus Rexalia Phylum Morph-Apokalupsis Erik T 04/25/12
Anime Torment Void Terror EP Erik T 04/02/21
Animist Demo EP Mike Sloan 04/15/13
Animosity Animal Erik T 10/29/07
Animosity Empires Erik T 09/13/05
Animus Mortis Atrabilis (Residues From Verb & Flesh) Erik T 04/29/08
Annihilator 10 Years In Hell DVD Fred Phillips 02/07/06
Annihilator Annihilator Fred Phillips 07/26/10
Annihilator Ballistic, Sadistic Frank Rini 02/14/20
Annihilator Metal Shawn Pelata 06/27/07
Annotations of An Autopsy Before the Throne of Infection Benjamin DeBlasi 04/20/08
Anomalous OHMnivalent Erik T 04/12/11
Anopheli The Ache of Want LP Chris S 09/21/15
Anorexia Nervosa Redemption Process Erik T 12/17/04
Anorexia Nervosa New Obscurantis Order Grimulfr 10/18/01
Another Messiah Dark Dreams, My Child Erik T 08/03/07
Anoxia Intense Killings Erik T 06/21/06
Antaeus Blood Libels Jeff Lamb 05/05/07
Antagonist An Envy of Innocence Erik T 12/08/06
Antagonist Exist Erik T 10/09/08
Antagony Days of Night Erik T 09/18/09
Antagony Rebirth Erik T 09/05/05
Ante-Inferno Fane Erik T 04/13/20
Anthrax State of Euphoria (Re-Issue) Frank Rini 01/28/19
Anthrax Worship Music Fred Phillips 10/12/11
The Antichrist Imperium The Antichrist Imperium Tom Blackwell 11/09/15
Antigama The Insolent Nick K 06/09/15
Antigama Zeroland John Gnesin 12/06/05
Antimatter Saviour Jeff Lamb 09/24/02
Antithesis Dying For Life Shawn Pelata 04/11/01
Antiverse Under the Regolith Nick K 11/14/18
Antropofago Æra Dementiæ Erik T 10/29/15
Antropofagus Architecture of Lust Erik T 05/22/12
Antropofagus M.O.R.T.E - Methods of Resurrection Through Evisceration Erik T 05/31/17
Aoria The Constant Mike Sloan 01/24/13
Aosoth Ashes of Angels Erik T 04/05/10
Aosoth III Erik T 05/31/11
Aosoth IV: Arrow in Heart Erik T 05/06/13
Aosoth V: The Inside Scriptures Frank Rini 01/01/18
The Apex Underbelly EP Kevin E 01/04/17
Aphelium Aeternum Dark Interstellar Mysteries Erik T 12/08/23
Aphotic Stillness Grows Erik T 04/11/04
Apiary Lost In Focus Erik T 05/02/06
Apocrophex Suspended from the Cosmic Altaar Jerry Hauppa 03/26/15
Apocryphon/Fabricant Split Mike Sloan 05/17/13
Apogean Cyberstrictive Nick K 03/14/24
Apophys Prime Incursion Erik T 05/06/15
Apostle of Solitude Of Woe and Wounds Luke Saunders 01/05/15
Apostolum Anedonia EP Erik T 08/02/07
Apotheosis Farthest From The Sun Grimulfr 06/19/02
Appalling Inverted Realm Nick K 05/17/19
Apparition Fear the Apparition Erik T 02/20/24
April Ethereal Advent Shawn Pelata 09/11/01
Aquila Imperium Erik T 12/21/09
Aquilus Bellum I Erik T 12/20/21
Ara Devourer of Worlds Erik T 03/16/15
Ara Jurisprudence Erik T 04/29/20
Arbitrator Indoctrination of Sacrilege Erik T 03/06/15
Arcana Coelestia Le Mirage de Idéal Jordan Itkowitz 01/20/10
Arcania Sweet Angel Dust Larry "Staylow" Owens 03/11/11
Arch Enemy Burning Angel EP Chris Dick 04/30/02
Arch Enemy Rise of The Tyrant Larry "Staylow" Owens 10/03/07
Arch Enemy Wages of Sin Chris Dick 04/02/01
Archaean Harmony Nihility Mundane Soul Jeff Lamb 06/24/00
Archelon Tribe of Suns Jay S 07/11/18
Archgoat Light Devouring Darkness Grimulfr 07/16/09
Architect All is Not Lost Erik T 01/23/07
Architects Hollow Crown Erik T 04/23/09
Archon Ouroboros Collapsing Chuck Kucher 06/14/13
Archspire Bleed The Future Erik T 11/26/21
Archspire Relentless Mutation Erik T 10/11/17
Archspire The Lucid Collective Erik T 05/19/14
Arctic Plateau The Enemy Inside Noch 04/30/12
Arcturus Arcturian Tom Blackwell 05/22/15
Arcturus Sideshow Symphonies John Gnesin 09/26/05
Arcturus The Sham Mirrors Jason Hundley 04/22/02
Arduous Task/ Gravewurm Spawn of the Sacrilege Split Jeremy Beck 03/21/14
Ares Kingdom Incendiary Erik T 05/10/10
Argesk Realm of Eternal Night Erik T 04/20/20
Arghoslent Hornets of the Pogrom Erik T 05/18/08
Arise The Godly Work of Art Chris Dick 11/01/01
Arise and Ruin Night Storms Hailfire Erik T 03/25/09
Arise and Ruin The Final Dawn Erik T 12/18/07
Ark Burn The Sun Shawn Pelata 03/21/01
Ark of the Covenant Self Harvest Erik T 06/20/13
Ark of the Covenant Separation EP Jesse Wolf 07/26/11
Arkan Hilal Larry "Staylow" Owens 12/13/08
Arka’n Asrafokor Dzikkuh Frank Rini 09/16/24
Arkheth 12 Winter Moons Comes The Witches Brew Erik T 03/08/18
Arkhon Infaustus Perdition Insanabilis Grimulfr 08/28/04
Arkhon Infaustus Hell Injection Grimulfr 10/03/01
Arkona Stella Pandora Jeremy Beck 11/01/24
Arkona Kob' Jeremy Beck 06/19/23
Arkona Ot Serdca K Nebu Erik T 08/25/08
Arma Angelus Where Sleeplessness is Rest from Nightmares Chris Dick 01/24/03
Armageddon Embrace the Mystery Chris Dick 04/16/00
Armed For Apocalypse Defeat Erik T 09/25/09
Armed for Apocalypse Ritual Violence Erik T 01/02/23
Armored Saint A Nod To The Old School Shawn Pelata 07/24/01
Armored Saint La Raza Shawn Pelata 03/08/10
Armour Armour Fred Phillips 02/25/10
Armour Armour Jordan Itkowitz 09/07/10
Armoured Angel Hymns of Hate Adam Palm 01/02/13
ARNA Dragged to a Lunar Grave Erik T 08/10/21
Aronious Perspicacity Nick K 03/27/20
Ars Magna Umbrae Apotheosis J Mays 09/02/20
Arsis A Celebration of Guilt Erik T 03/30/04
Arsis A Diamond For Disease EP Erik T 10/18/05
Arsis Starve For the Devil Larry "Staylow" Owens 03/09/10
Arsis Unwelcome Erik T 06/25/13
Arsis Visitant Erik T 11/26/18
Arsis We Are the Nightmare Larry "Staylow" Owens 04/16/08
Arsonists Get All The Girls The Game of Life Erik T 08/22/07
ART 238 Empire of The Atom Erik T 11/13/07
Art of Attrition ​.​.​And it Will All End Forever EP Erik T 08/30/24
Artefact Ruins Grimulfr 11/12/08
ArthemesiA Devs Iratvs Grimulfr 02/06/01
Artificial Brain Infared Horizon Frank Rini 06/30/17
Artificial Brain Artificial Brain Frank Rini 07/21/22
Artificial Brain Labyrinth Constellation Erik T 02/24/14
Artimus Pyle Civil Dead Jay Paiva 02/20/01
Artimus Pyle Fucked From Birth John Gnesin 04/30/04
Artizan Curse of the Artizan Fred Phillips 07/22/11
Arum Inhuman Echoes From The Shadows Grimulfr 10/19/04
Arð Untouched By Fire Erik T 05/21/24
As Blood Runs Black Allegiance Erik T 08/19/06
As Eden Burns The Great Celestial Delusion Erik T 01/09/09
As Hell Retreats Revival Erik T 06/08/10
As I Lay Dying Beneath The Encasing Of Ashes Drew Juergens 06/12/01
As I Lay Dying Shadows Are Security Erik T 06/19/05
As The Monster Becomes Renascentia EP Kevin E 06/05/13
As the Sun Falls Where the Silence Reigns EP Steve K 10/27/23
As They Burn Will, Life, Love Erik T 03/21/13
As They Sleep Dynasty Jesse Wolf 12/17/10
As You Drown Reflection Erik T 07/08/09
As You Drown The Rat King Erik T 12/21/11
Asbestosdeath Dejection Unclean Chris Ayers 06/18/07
Ascend Ample Fire Within Belgarath 04/09/09
Ascended Temple of Dark Offerings EP Jodi Van Walleghem 02/03/10
Ascension The Dead of This World Dan Wrathburn 02/12/15
Ascète Calamites & les Calamités Erik T 07/28/21
Aseethe Hopes of Failure Jay S 08/02/17
Asenblut Die Wilde Jagd Erik T 05/12/20
Asenblut Von Worteen Und Taten Travis Bolek 04/19/13
Asgaard XIII Voltum Lunae Grimulfr 09/25/02
Asgaroth Red Shift Grimulfr 11/28/02
Ash Borer Cold of Ages Mike Sloan 08/31/12
Ashen Horde Antimony J Mays 02/08/23
Ashen Horde Nine Plagues Erik T 02/11/16
Ashen Tomb Ecstatic Death Reign Frank Rini 11/14/24
Ashent Flaws of Elation Larry "Staylow" Owens 11/12/07
Ashes Of Your Enemy The Undying Erik T 01/08/08
Asinhell Impii Hor J Mays 10/04/23
Ásmegin Arv Grimulfr 01/13/09
The Asound Impalement Arts Jay S 04/23/19
Asphalt Graves The New Primitive Chris Sessions 08/12/16
Asphodelus Dying Beauty & the Silent Sky EP Adam Palm 06/15/16
Asphodelus Stygian Dreams Erik T 04/11/19
Asphyx Necroceros Erik T 02/01/21
Asphyx Death...The Brutal Way Erik T 09/08/09
Asrai Touch in the Dark Erik T 05/24/04
The Assailant Cólera Erik T 07/07/07
Assassin The Upcoming Terror/ Interstellar Experience (Reissues) Frank Rini 06/14/24
Assaulter Salvation Like Destruction Jodi Van Walleghem 08/06/09
Assemble the Chariots Unyielding Light Erik T 07/29/24
Assumption Absconditus Nick K 05/22/18
Astaroth Incarnate Ascendance EP Erik T 01/08/20
Astarte Sirens Grimulfr 04/10/04
Astra From Within Igor Stakh 05/02/09
Astra The Black Chord Jodi Van Walleghem 06/15/12
Astra The Weirding Shawn Pelata 08/04/09
Astral Domine Arcanum Gloriae Frank Rini 07/16/14
Astralborne Across The Aeons Erik T 08/15/23
Astralborne Eternity's End Erik T 07/03/20
Astriaal Renascent Misanthropy Erik T 07/21/03
Astrophobos Remnants of Forgotten Horrors Luke Saunders 03/17/14
Asunder Works Will Come Undone Jeff Lamb 12/12/06
Asva What You Don't Know Is Frontier Belgarath 11/24/08
At Dusk/Idolater Split Erik T 12/16/10
At Our Heels Misanthropy and Godlessness Erik T 09/27/10
At The Gates At War With Reality Jerry Hauppa 11/10/14
At The Gates Suicidal Final Art Chris Dick 07/21/01
At The Gates The Nightmare of Being J Mays 07/12/21
At The Gates To Drink From the Night Itself Erik T 05/21/18
At The Soundawn Red Square: We Come In Waves Erik T 05/29/08
At The Soundawn Shifting Jordan Itkowitz 04/19/10
At The Throne of Judgement The Arcane Order Erik T 08/11/07
At Vance Ride the Sky Fred Phillips 03/26/10
Atakhama Existence Indifferent Erik T 04/20/05
Ataraxy Where All Hope Fades Frank Rini 03/20/18
Atavist II: Ruined Erik T 11/01/07
Atavistia Cosmic Warfare Erik T 05/23/23
Atavistia Inane Ducam EP Erik T 08/09/24
Atavistia The Winter Way Erik T 06/18/20
Atheist Jupiter Jodi Van Walleghem 11/08/10
Athorn Phobia Fred Phillips 11/30/10
Atkins May Project Valley of Shadows Scott Alisoglu 02/08/13
Atlas Pain What the Oak Left Erik T 07/13/17
Atoma Skylight Mikko K. 05/15/12
Atomic Bitchwax Spit Blood EP Jeff Lamb 04/02/02
Atomic Witch Crypt of Sleepless Malice J Mays 11/08/22
Atomwinter Sakrileg Erik T 02/15/23
Atrae Bilis Divinihility EP J Mays 11/13/20
Atrae Bilis Aumicide J Mays 05/03/24
Atreyu The Best of Atreyu Erik T 04/09/07
Atreyu The Curse Erik T 06/28/05
Atriarch Forever the End Erik T 10/10/11
Atrocious Abnormality Formed in Disgust Erik T 02/22/16
The Atrocity Exhibit Extinction Solution Jay S 01/09/19
Atrocity Werk 80 II Shane Wolfensberger 03/06/08
Atrocity Okkult III Frank Rini 01/31/23
Atronos Erwachen Erik T 01/10/24
Atrophied Pendulum of Extremes Frank Rini 07/16/19
Atrophy Asylum Jeremy Beck 04/11/24
Atrox Binocular Kyle Huckins 09/23/08
Atrum Inritus Prognatus In Vorago Erik T 01/11/12
Attack Attack! Someday Came Suddenly Jordan Itkowitz 08/29/09
Atten Ash The Hourglass Erik T 04/06/15
Attomica The Trick Frank Rini 06/20/18
Audiopain The Switch to Turn Off Mankind Erik T 02/29/08
Audrey Horne Youngblood David E Gehlke 03/11/13
Augury Concealed (reissue) Ian Grey 02/19/11
Augury Fragmentary Evidence Erik T 08/18/09
Augury Illusive Golden Age Erik T 05/11/18
August Burns Red Messengers Erik T 07/09/07
Auric Empty Seas Timothy D White 09/10/15
Aurora Devotion Bryan Allen 05/17/01
Aurora Borealis Relinquish Erik T 06/06/06
Aurora Borealis Time, Unveiled Erik T 06/17/03
Aurora Borealis Worldshapers Kunal Choksi 04/11/14
Aussichtslos Schicksalstotschlag Jeremy Beck 08/06/24
Austere To Lay Like Old Ashes Mikko K. 05/19/10
Austrian Death Machine Double Brutal Erik T 10/08/09
Austrian Death Machine Total Brutal Erik T 08/03/08
Author & Punisher Ursus Americanus Stacy Buchanan 06/07/12
Autokrator Autokrator Adam Palm 05/01/15
Autokrator Hammer of Heretics Nick K 05/03/18
Autokrator The Obedience To Authority Adam Palm 04/28/16
Autopsy Ashes, Organs, Blood and Crypts Frank Rini 10/30/23
Autopsy Morbidity Triumphant Erik T 10/28/22
Autopsy The Headless Ritual Erik T 08/05/13
Autopsy Torn From the Grave Jay Paiva 04/24/01
Autopsy Tourniquets, Hacksaws and Graves Erik T 05/12/14
Autopsy Macabre Eternal Erik T 06/14/11
Autumn My New Time Erik T 10/19/07
The Autumn Offering Fear Will Cast No Shadow Erik T 12/18/07
Autumn's Dawn Gone Luke Saunders 10/23/14
Auðn Farvegir Fyrndar Frank Rini 02/15/18
Avalon Eurasia Shawn Pelata 09/04/00
Avantasia The Scarecrow Fred Phillips 03/07/08
Avantasia Angel of Babylon Fred Phillips 05/31/10
Avantasia The Metal Opera Part I Shawn Pelata 07/10/01
Avantasia The Wicked Symphony Fred Phillips 05/31/10
Avdagata The Faceless One Erik T 07/14/23
Ave Maria Chapter I Erik T 01/19/12
Avenger Of Blood Death Brigade Larry "Staylow" Owens 02/25/08
Averse Sefira Advent Parallax Grimulfr 04/14/08
Averse Sefira Battle's Clarion Grimulfr 06/07/01
Averse Sefira Tetragrammatical Astygmata Grimulfr 07/18/05
Aversed Impermanent Erik T 05/17/21
Aversio Humanitatis Longing for The Untold EP Erik T 03/24/17
Aversion's Crown Hell Will Come For Us All Erik T 08/19/20
Aversion's Crown Xenocide Erik T 01/15/17
Avicularia Born to be Vile Erik T 12/07/09
Avmakt Satanic Inversion Of… Jeremy Beck 09/18/24
Avsky Malignant Grimulfr 08/05/08
Avsky Scorn Grimulfr 03/10/10
Avulsed Phoenix Cryptobiosis Frank Rini 03/20/25
Axamenta Ever-Arch-I-Tech-Ture Erik T 07/30/06
Axamenta Spires EP Erik T 08/23/24
Axamenta The Codex Barathri Erik T 07/17/01
Axel Rudi Pell Diamonds Unlocked Fred Phillips 10/25/07
Axel Rudi Pell Mystica Fred Phillips 08/26/06
Axis of Advance The List Grimulfr 09/29/02
Axis of Despair Contempt for Man Kevin E 10/16/18
Axis Powers Marching Towards Destruction Scott Alisoglu 04/24/09
Axxis Utopia Igor Stakh 10/09/09
Ayahuasca Beneath the Mind Erik T 09/17/18
Ayat Six Years of Dormant Hatred Erik T 01/26/09
Ayin Aleph I Shawn Pelata 12/22/08
Aylwin The Arch Holder Erik T 02/24/21
Ayreon 01011001 Shawn Pelata 03/04/08
Ayreon The Universal Migrator Part II: Flight of the Migrator Shawn Pelata 07/09/01
Azaab Summoning the Cataclysm Jeremy Beck 05/10/22
Azaghal Luciferin Valo Grimulfr 09/13/06
Azaghal Nemesis Dane Prokofiev 01/24/12
Azaghal Omega Grimulfr 05/01/08
Azaghal Teraphim Justin M Norton 12/28/09
Azarath In Extremis Nick K 05/12/17
Azarath Saint Desecration Nick K 12/21/20
Azmaveth Strong As Death Erik T 10/03/08
Azrael Into Shadows Act II: Through Horned Shadows Glimpse Grimulfr 10/20/04
Azrael Obdurate/Unto Death Grimulfr 12/16/08
Azure King of Stars-Bearer of Dark Erik T 10/31/05
Azure Emote The Gravity of Impermanence Adam Palm 06/06/13
Azure Emote The Third Perspective Frank Rini 04/20/20
Coldsteel America Idle EP Frank Rini 09/30/13
Despise You/Agoraphobic Nosebleed And On And On...Split Stacy Buchanan 09/30/11
Eisenkult/Atronos Demo Split CD Erik T 08/12/22
Enth/Amarok Enth/Amarok 12" Split Erik T 08/13/12
Katahdin/In Human Form/Aoi The Blackhours Jordan Itkowitz 02/10/12
Morbider/Abyssus From the Abyss Raised the Morbid Erik T 02/04/15
Varathron/Ungod Apocalyptic Mysticism split 7” EP Jeremy Beck 07/15/22
Woorms/A Hanging Split 7" Jay S 07/20/18
Æolian Echoes of the Future Erik T 12/18/23
Æther Realm Redneck Vikings From Hell Luke Saunders 07/14/20
Ævangelist De Masticatione Mortuorum in Tumulis Adam Palm 12/10/12
Ævangelist Enthrall to the Void of Bliss Adam Palm 10/19/15
Ævangelist Omen Ex Simulacra Adam Palm 12/10/13
Ævangelist Writhes in the Murk Adam Palm 09/23/14